Benefits of Red and Purple Dragon Fruits For Body

in #fruit7 years ago

Dear steemian fiends :

In addition to delicious and interesting colors, it turns out many benefits of red dragon fruit to be had. Not just for beauty but also for health. Check out the various goodness through the article below, who knows after reading you start getting addicted to eating dragon fruit. Many are also useful vitamins for the body that can be obtained from the fruit with water content is high enough.


  • Dragon Fruit Able to Prevent Free Radicals.

If we want to look younger longer without a dull face, consume red dragon fruit because the benefits of red dragon fruit for beauty is very good. Of course this is due to the high antioxidant content. Consuming it every day was proven to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Want to be cancer-free for life? Eat red dragon fruit regularly. We can just eat it, put this fruit into gelatin for a more varied taste, or put in fruit ice. Adjust to your taste so there is no sense of lazy to consume them.

  • Dragon Fruit Gives high calcium and phosphorus intake.

Apparently, this dragon fruit also has the benefits of red dragon fruit for pregnant women. Natural phosphorus and calcium content in it can ensure the strength of the fetus's bones and teeth. The teeth of the child will not be easily perforated, porous, and crushed or broken. The child's bones will be very strong. Not only that, pregnant women can also get the same kindness when eating it during pregnancy. Your healthy baby is not just in the fantasy.

  • Dragon Fruit Will Radiate Digestion.

Some of us may not know the benefits of red dragon fruit for the diet. In fact, the fiber content in the fruit that has an outer shape such as scaly is very abundant. Therefore anyone who consume it must have a smooth digestion and a very healthy intestine. This smooth digestion will be able to make weight down faster and toxins in the body will also be easy to get out.

As much as possible avoid unhealthy diet, especially diet with hunger and consume red dragon fruit as a snack. If you do not like it, red dragon fruit can also be a delicious juice. Just add a little honey to add a sweet taste. Undoubtedly, our weight will go down steadily though slowly.

  • Dragon Fruit Can Boost Immune System Body.

The content of vitamin C in red dragon fruit very much, therefore this fruit can keep the immune system well. In one whole red dragon even estimated vitamin C contained up to 1000 to 3000 milligrams. This amount is very fantastic compared to vitamin C supplements on the market. If we or other family members often get sick, are on the flu, and need vitamin C, make the red dragon fruit delicious snacks that are also able to make the body much more immune.

  • Dragon Fruit Can Control Cholesterol Body.
    One more fact about the red dragon fruit is surprising is to maintain the concentration of cholesterol in the body. The reason, vitamin B3 in red dragon fruit is very high and vitamin B3 is known to lower cholesterol levels well. Patients with high cholesterol even high blood can consume red dragon fruit juice or red dragon fruit cut into small pieces to maintain health. Can also be concluded that dragon fruit will make a person's age longer. It's amazing, is not it? Give red dragon fruit to the dear ones around us who may suffer from one of these diseases.




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