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RE: Inspirational Books and Videos since 2016... (My journey as a Fruitarian)

in #fruitarian7 years ago

I’d like to start with a few things that are helpful for you to consider:

  1. Remember: cooking your food is also “processing” your food.
  2. Follow fruitarians on YouTube. You will vicariously learn from them at first, and you’ll find fruitarians that live in the cold and the tropical.
  3. Check out my previous posts—many are about nutrition, and no where do I hold back on delivering the unpopular truth :)

Before switching to fruitarian, I was vegan for 6 months. Prior to that I was a fast-food junkie!


Thanks for replying. Of course, I'm aware that cooking is also a form of processing, that's why I went with ‘as unprocessed as possible’. 😉
What I wanted to say was that I personally see that depending on the season different food appeals to me.
Originally (growing up and way into young adulthood) my diet was pretty lamentable. I was never into fast-food, but I ate a lot of ‘whites’, above all highly processed sugar and flour (a sweet tooth at its best, or should I say at its worse). I could eat sweets all year around and all day long. I did notice, however, that once you change your eating habits (for me that meant eliminating any sugars that are not already naturally present in foods, as well as milk and meat) and your body has had the time to cleanse itself, you start to feel your body and its needs, also the nutritional ones. So, I usually just listen to it and eat what ‘it’ wants. And that usually turns out to be quite healthy stuff.
I'll check your previous posts when I get a chance. Will have to pick up the kids from school soon, but first I have to prepare some healthy snacks for them. 😉

Preparing healthy snacks for the kids... how sweet :) ty for the info and comment; you will get so much from the post :)