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RE: FRUITS & VEGGIES MONDAY #25: "Beauty-Fruity Green Millet for Infants!"

I wish you're my neighbor
maybe in another country someday?

I actually am eating that instead of rice these days
not because I want to loose weight I've decided to eat more greens and fish just because it's a lot healthier .. of course my short impromptu run away ruin that haha but we're back home and eating millets, too
am starting to chirp these days I often kid my hubby
I also include it in my smoothie
in fact that's what I eat all three impt meals of the day
shall we share recipes? :D


If we were neighbours we could share our meals as we seem to enjoy very similar things! We'd have to live somewhere hot, so we could eat outdoors on a long wooden table overlooking a beautiful scene of mountains and sea, bees buzzing, birds singing their sweet songs, the whole natural world a hum in celebration of our healthy planty meals :-) Glad to hear you're a millet fan too... and greens... I adore everything green these days. Except grass, I don't eat that, haha. Any delicious recipes you have please send my way dear Ivy, I'm always up for new ideas!