Stinky Beans The Mighty Beans // Hidup Petai!

Stinky Beans, anyone?

What the what now TKF??? Stinky beans? Ewwwww!

Hi friends of #fruitsandveggiesmonday! I wonder if you ever heard of stinky beans? Ever tried them? Like or hate them?

I LOVE them hahaha

I believe the Thai people refer them as sator. In Indonesia we call them as pete and yes, they are very stinky.

They can be consumed raw or in cooking. They will give you strong odor, either for your breath or for your number 2 *grins*

WTH you love them for then, TKF????? They sound soooo horrible!

Love them or hate them, stinky beans have many health benefits known to the Asians. They are good for those who are diabetic and/or anemic, could help you in lowering your cholesterol and high blood pressure, also as mosquito repellent, which you can read further on this page -->, etc

When I was younger, I hated them and would stay away from my mother when she consumed them. But don't knock it til you try it, I guess. Once I learned to like them, I got addicted. They are a tad bitter and somehow I like them bitterness with my warm rice. They are extra special when you served them with super spicy Asian style chili sauce, consist of tomatoes, bird eye chilies, and shallots, turn into paste and fry a little with vegetable oil along with a little sugar and salt.

I also learned, that munching a little raw rice right after consuming the stinky beans help to avoid having bad breath, and not to mention mouth wash is super good in getting rid of the after taste AND the strong odor of breath hahaha

In Canada, they are available either frozen or freshly peeled, and they are bloody expensive of course. They are not always available and usually only at Asian stores, so whenever I spot them, or even when my husband spots them, for sure we would buy the whole supply the store has hahaha. Seriously, it can take like once in 2-3 years before I find them again, so whenever it's possible, I would stock them in the freezer.

If you see them, give them a try. Yes, they are stinky, but hey, life isn't always roses, you know :P Just think the health benefit. Like the Japanese would consume bitter gourd to their health, stinky beans are that good as well, take my words :P

Here is a quick recipe how I like to prepare them!

- 2 Asians eggplant, cubed, deep fried

- Asian chili sauce of your preference, you can just grab sambal oelek which is available at most grocery stores, Dutch brand, not my liking a bit salty, but if it's the easiest you can find, use that, if not, prepare yourself by frying some shallots, bird eye chilies, and 2 tomatoes, puree them with a little salt and sugar to taste

- a box of peeled stinky beans

- 2 tbsp olive oil

- Heat oil and mix everything until stinky beans a little soften

Bon appetit!

Come join us with #fruitsandveggiesmonday, hosted by @lenasveganliving, a gathering for all fruits and veggies lovers, especially for those who are into gardening and veganism, but everyone is welcome to join!

Ayo para penggemar PETE/ PETAI angkat tangan


Suka pete ga teman?

Aku cinta mati deh sama pete. Apalagi kalau dimasak dengan sambal pedas dan terong. Enak tenan. Hanya dengan sepiring nasi hangat, ayam, sapi, kebo, mbek, lele dumbo lewaaaaaatttt, ga peduli deh gua wkwkwkwk

Kalau teman khawatir bau mulut jadi tak sedap sehabis makan pete, aku diajarin sama Mama untuk mengunyah beras mentah. Itu waktu di Indonesia sih, dan hanya membantu sedikit menurutku. Yang ampuh tuh pencuci mulut. Jos banget deh. Tinggal kumur-kumur habis gosok gigi, dijamin bau petai bablas kata orang Jawa :P Tapiiiii yang emang, buat pipis masih aja ada baunya wkwkwkwk Namun, kan juga ada pengharum ruangan, tinggal di semprot, beres ;-)

Di Kanada petai lebih dikenal dengan nama Thailandnya, yaitu SATOR dan tentunya susaaaaaaaah banget nemu pete. Adanya di toko yang berjarak 11 jam naik mobil dari rumahku. Jauh bener yak. Jadiiiii kalau pas kebetulan kesana, dan lihat pete di toko yang biasa kami datangi, tentunya di borooooooonnngggg. Meski kata satu kotak isinya tak banyak dan muahal banget euy, $5-an. Meski seringnya hanya suamiku yang belanja di toko tersebut, karena anak-anak ogah diajak naik mobil 11 jam wkwkwkw, pasti deh suami tercintah pengertian sekali, ambil foto dan kirim SMS, sambil bilang mau gaaaa hahahhaa

Untung pete bisa di bekukan, jadi meski kita hanya 2-3 tahun sekali ke tuh toko, pasti diborong habis sama kami, dan kami bekukan untuk persediaan wkwkwkwk

Edisi pete kali ini merupakan kontribusiku ke #fruitsandveggiesmonday. Teman-teman dah pernah ikutan pakai tagar ini? Dicetuskan oleh @lenasveganliving, tagar ini diperuntukkan untuk penggemar buah dan sayuran, terutama para vegan (tidak mengkonsumsi produk hewani) dan para petani ataupun yang suka bercocok tanam. Semua orang boleh ikutan, boleh cerita tentang kebun kalian, tanaman di pot kalian, atau mau bagi-bagi resep masakan juga boleh, asal menggunakan buah dan sayuran, dan tidak menggunakan produk hewani sama sekali. Yuk ikutan yuk, apalagi ibu-ibu yang hobi masak, kan banyak tuh masakan Indonesia yang kaya sayur mayur ataupun rujak. Di unggah setiap hari Senin. Kalau terpilih, bisa menang SBD loh. Juga buat @fajar.perangin79 kan petani yak, pasti ceritamu akan seru sekali berbagi tentang perkebunan-mu.

Tuh aku ada berbagi resep sambal pete pakai terong, ga ribet yang penting kenyang :D

Masaknya hanya terong goreng, sambal bajak, dan pete segar, dioseng sebentar di wajan, jadi deh, top markotob

Di tempat teman, apa nama sebutannya, pete apa petai? Atau mungkin ada nama lainnya?

Kalau teman suka petai juga, bagaimana cara teman memasaknya dan mengkonsumsinya? Juga apakah teman ada cara ampuh untuk mengurangi bau setelah memakan petai? Ayo bagi-bagi trik dong hihihihihi

Oke deh segini dulu. Jangan lupa pakai tagar #nusantara biar aku kunjungi dan juga bagi yang mau ikutan merayakan 17 Agustus berhadiah 10 SBD melalui #lagu-tkf, masih ada waktu, klik disini ---

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Stinky beans? Are the stinky like garlic or stinky like stinky cheese? Ok, and eating raw rice? Do you chew it or suck on it or what?

Loved learning something new. I love beans, but had never heard of stinky beans before.

I love petai too!!! Haha maybe because we are jiran, the Malaysians love them too. I didn't know how to enjoy it when I was young too :) We fry it with rice here sometimes at home, after that our pee will smell like the stinky beans :P I can see it costs quite a bit there for you, but still so worth it, right @thekitchenfairy?

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Sooooo worth it 🤣

I love adding them into fried rice sometimes. My gosh its 11 pm here, I meant to go to bed hours ago, but now drooling with all these pete comments from everyone 🤣

The enemy of jengkol alias musuhya jengkol kaka.. #ngiler 😋

Aku ga suka jengkol 🤣 di kalimantan, kami ada "kue" manis berbahan dasar jengkol, itu aku baru suka. Tapi kalau jengkol sebagai lauk, aku ga doyan euy 🤣

Wah, berarti qta punya custom berbeda. Justru di bekasi jengkol favorit, baik di tumis, dibuat semur bahkan mentah seperti makan petai mentah, terutama di jawa barat..

Kalau saya lagi makan petai di rumah makan atau dirmh tmn di acara makan2 misalnya, untuk mengurangi baunya , makan permen mint untuk sementara setelah di rumah baru sikat gigi dan kumur2 pakai mouthwash 😊

Yes, in thailand they are called sador and as I am sure you know, they are very seasonal and outside of that particular time of year they are quite expensive. I love them, but you are absolutely correct about how they are going to "stick with you" for at least a day. Cooked with meat in a red-curry reduction (not coconut one) i think they are fantastic, especially with prawns :)

Is that how its pronounce? Different from the writing? Sator = sador ? Interesting!

Yes my oldest sis and my mom would cook stinky beans with shrimps/prawns, yum yum for sure 😊

I have never heard of them, but, there are things I eat that others find distasteful! I would give them a try if I see them. I will check our Asian Market. We have a huge one here.

I never heard of these stinky beans, lol. But I would love to try your delicious recipe my Dear 💚🌿💚

Lena! I hope you are well? I could not find initial post for this week's fruitsandveggiesmonday, so I could not share my link on yours. I saw you last blogged 3 days ago so I thought perhaps you were not feeling well so haven't been online

Awwwwwww, you are so sweet my Dear, thank you so much. I am okay, but my computer is not. Although @plantstoplanks has my back and she posted the Monday post for me. You will find it, if you scrool down on #fruitsandveggiesmonday feed. I should get new computer today; in the meantime I am doing what I can on my smartphone 😊

Glad to hear you are well and will be getting new computer soon 💓

wohooo this was very simple, never knew we could have one fine dish this simply. @thekitchenfairy is being helpful as usual. I will try this one sometime :D thank you for posting this

Habis makan pete minum kopi atau kunyah bubuk kopi...insyaAllah baux hilang ataj berkurang

Ga mempan jeng. Mamaku perokok dan peminum kopi, tapi habis makan pete yo tetep mambu pete 🤣 sing top ki emang obat kumur 👍

awalnya saya ga suka pete tapi ahirnya beberapa tahun ke blakang saya jadi sangat suka pete karena coba coba, ternyata bau bau enak..hehe

Hidup pete!! 🤣
