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RE: there be no posting here

in #full5 years ago

Rats ... answered with the wrong account logged in, how very me ...
First time i notice .... :D you can actually reply with Partiko ? I use it sometimes for daily-life stuff but i dont really use my phone for more than the occasional sms. Before steemit it was basically an expensive wi-fi enabled flashlight , very useful that thing and a camera . What constitutes nice people is highly personal ofcourse, its about finding your nich in the niche or if you're like me , a cat that walks by himself, finding spots on the wall or the roof where they don't chase you away right away

gives me quite the perspective sometimes , don't wanna say vantage point since that makes it sound like i'm sniping from a distance taking jabs at what's been said ... never been to fit in one box
not even Schroedingers but i sure as hell don't know what will come out until my mouth opens most of the time (a repeating expression in my text i think but seriously on spot)
the post will change more lol, i dont see how i can fit myself in a tweetsized profile description, pick one and then leave it there for years while my mood and life is subject to change and external pressure all the time.

I'm not sure who started the whale metafor either but i think it relates to the waves , coming from actual original finance a 'whale' make a big wave when it dumps its stuff into the ocean (as was seen last tuesday on a global scale on more than just the STEEM financial chart ...)

and here they say its a gambling thing :

makes sense too as trading crypto mostly is lol, xept for BTC because there's SO much money involved it is unlikely to go away anymore but not quite yet enough for the market to be beyond manipulation by collusion. Whoever put in 100.000 dollar on the last dip when it went almost down to 2500 now would have had quite some profit if they sold of ... but that's all so far away from my life. If cats have nine lives ive been broke for the last two and im not sure how many i have left after this one but i do know time is ticking lol

so if you know someone with a time machine ... or have family living on mars, let me know, ive been done with these 'humans' for a while ..

see you around @wakeupkitty, thanks for the replies lol, i got more action on this post than most whales get on theirs by now

take care !!!


Yes you can answer with partiko = points too

I don't know I you received my answer underneath. Post it again I had connection trouble.

This is what my life looks like and once it was 10 times more busy and misery. Actually this these posts are hardly read just like most of what I am writing.
The circle is gone for the biggest part.

At times I wonder if I am really that busy. I guess so and it explains me and being tired and having no life.

If I read my diary I also feel as if I have been here whole day, which I was, and those days are getting longer and I still miss the important news LOL.

I use. Partiko to post but also to write and edit and add a photo. Next I can copy it into @actifit or @appics. Appics is a better app if you only like to post a photo.

I like the notifications @partiko gives. Comments, mentioned, transfers separated too but I noticed not all of my replies are posted and in the past weeks there were no notifications at all.

Now I try If it loads it might work faster and saves me time.

I like Cheshire cat mainly because he is nuts and the sentence "can you stay on your head?* and it takes his head off, like the Queen too. Alice is boring and I think there is more credit given to the story as there was meant with as it was written.
It is just a boring story bout a bored girl that falls asleep and has a weird dream (like many people have).

Have a look at the game later (when it loads). Happy Monday, till the next ❤️

the reality is the beauty, thats why its so beautiful, it sounds absolutely real

true emotional vampires will latch onto that

i might alter this reply several times today

probably mostly because i dont want to lose your input

how cold that sounds

LOL it doesn't sound cold. If you start posting you can tag me anytime and I visit you and you jave some other replies to visit.

I hope you have a great day. 💕