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RE: Moving to hive

in #fulltimefucktard6 years ago

I've been around but admit I never really paid much attention to the saga between @haejin and you. Is this the same account that had a -19 last year? Did you have a change heart / philosophy during this time?


Yes and kinda. @ranchorelaxo uses 100% of his voting power to reward @haejin. I do not use anywhere near 100% of my voting power on myself so I don't think it's a fair comparison.

Should someone be able to use 100% of their VP on themselves? Sure.
Is it in our best interest for someone to do so? No.

@ranchorelaxo uses 100% of his voting power to reward @haejin.

I'd be more than happy to counteract him with you. But, it seems like you've been contaminated by his infectious greed. YOU are the hyprocrite. Also, your flagging and demeanor has been nothing but toxicity lately. Either I flag you, or him. I'm done letting these problems fester.

Haha. I read this whole convo.. And i have to say its a bit entertaining in a dark kind of way.
But what do you guys think is going to happen? Youre whales. One of you is going to scare away the other from STEEM by flagging back and forth? Cmon. It all ends the same way, people get tired and let it go. So why not let it go right now?
Wasting so much time and power insulting and bickering is beyond pointless.

// @berniesanders a dick, @themarkymark a douche, @hemindanger an asshole, @fulltimegeek a fucktard//

You can call each other what ever names you want but the truth of the matter is that the "people"

we need all you fuckers here.


Pretty much, in the end, nothing will change, nothing ever really changes around here.

War... War never change...

This is where "with great power comes great responsibility" comes in...

I have Gina. 😉 I get comments of who commented even if you delete it.
Now, that is just a mistake but the simple fact you control one of the biggest accounts on the blockchain shows your importance to the platform.
A prime minister might have a monthly paycheck of 2000 dollars, i know mine has, but controling something of immense importance offsets his thin wallet. Youre such a guy. So dont sell yourself short.
Youre as big as a fat whale account here.

Who is Gina?

I'm not using DTube's delegation because it's not mine, it belongs to the curation team and community. I don't think they would agree on me downvoting this shit content so even if I deeply want to do it, I won't.

Berny and Marky use their full stake to strike against my 6K SP whenever I say something they don't like, and they just downvote all my 7 days old or less comments, because it's funny to them. They want me to stop telling the truth in comments.

They are just exploiters/abusers/greedy however you want to call it, and as a community leader on steem it's my role to defend the people who get scammed by these people.

You missed my point. Youre as big here as any of them. Your 6k SP doesnt mean anything.
Your influence here is as big as theirs. You control a 2mil account. Your importance to the platform is equal or greater then theirs.

Whos doing what, when and why is unimportant. You cant affect it with bickering and fighting. You can only make it worse.
I dont get you guys, really. Getting ahead is easy for you. You have a position, people respect you and you guys instead of working through the differences and benefiting from it, you fight.
If you told me i was a turd and a abuser id tell you to go to hell. Well i wouldnt but if i had a million SP i would.
All this shit is fake. From the minnow scraping up pennies to the whales up top.
Those in the middle fakest of all.
You guys dont need to be, but you act like this when you can work together ffs. You dont need to agree with all they do nor do they have to agree with what you do but a common ground exists and focusing on that can lead to everyone prospering.
Its not:

make peace not war..

Its about understanding the other guy and finding a common ground to build upon so everyone in question prospers.
"But if they continue like this we will all lose."

Thats bulshit. Thats Jerry talk. Minnows or whatever i am inbetween, are scraping the trash cans for a few half eaten steaks and you guys are here fighting about how is a bigger dick between yourselves.
You guys need to take your egos and shove it in a box and beat it with a shovel when it pops up.
Fulltimegeek supports so many accounts, Bernie as well, you fucking run Dtube of all things,Mark flags spammers and abusers all day long...
And you guys are here flagging each other? What in the fuck!?

Focus on the things you agree on is all im saying. No two people have the exact same values.

Stop being a baby about being flagged, you got flagged by me for calling me a Nazi and posting a picture of Hitler because I blacklist an abuser and someone who had made people lose millions (Trevon James). Otherwise, I let you spew your vile nonsense without flags.

If this one lifetime flag is using my full stake on you, you really need some education but we both know you are just spinning the truth.

I am not aware of what Trevon James have done to be considered an abuser. Could you please tell me what happened?

If anything, from what I've seen, flagging @haejin just polarized the community and made him king of the rep on the platform. Of course I know these numbers don't mean squat, but I'm reluctant to flag anything because of what value I think something is because that's largely subjective and I think it violates voluntarist principles (use of force to impose your values onto others) and creates a negative atmosphere.

Well haejin got his rep more or less completely from rancho and his 1M SP. If you would create 10 posts per day and have 1M SP to upvote this posts you would push your rep veeeery high xD
I may be wrong but I think at least 90% of his rewards were created by ranchos votes.

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I may be wrong to, but my guess would be 98+%, @dera123

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Haha you're right xD

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I think the platform would be better off not focusing on the egos and avoiding the use of the downvote. We shouldn't be trying to drag @haejin down. We should be trying to lift others up.

I feel the same way about flagging people. It's a good way to divert the reward pool to plankton. If the whales flag each other, maybe more can be spread to the rest of us. I dislike the quality of myself of enjoying watching these guys fight online. It's a quality that is as bad as envy.

I clicked though. Here I am reading the drama. Oh well, at least I am not looking at their wallets and feeling envy. Pick your poison.

It's not against voluntarist principles because this is a DAC. Your shares are property ownership. You therefore have the right and duty to express your subjective opinion of a post's value. The goal is to increase the value and profit gained from your property (the blockchain). If you are paying for a service (blogging), you have a right to say someone's wages are higher than the value they provide. Once delegation and professional curation is worked out we'll see a lot less bullshit I'm sure, but flagging is a necessary part of post appraisal.

Using my voting power to fund development for this blockchain is the exact OPPOSITE of "greed" and eventually you're going to regret your decision to prevent it.

I know you don't really pay attention, but I've actually been doing far less flagging lately than ever before. So again, you're wrong.

Steemit is not the endgame for this blockchain, regardless of what you think.

You can go ahead and keep flagging me, or you can use your voting power to support users of this site and blockchain. It's your decision, but let me assure you, you're not going to enjoy flagging me nearly as much as you would upvoting others.

Using my voting power to fund development for this blockchain is the exact OPPOSITE of "greed" and eventually you're going to regret your decision to prevent it.

That's what the witnesses are for. Nobody has elected you Project Manager for the steem blockchain. Instead of finding new ways of directing funds your way, perhaps you should consider educating your followers on which witnesses to vote for and why. Maybe that way we can start getting some apps made by them.

I know you don't really pay attention, but I've actually been doing far less flagging lately than ever before.

Your recent downvotes to @heimindanger is what pushed me over the edge so don't act like you haven't been flagging people willy-nilly ...

That's what the witnesses are for. Nobody has elected you Project Manager for the steem blockchain. Instead of finding new ways of directing funds your way, perhaps you should consider educating your followers on which witnesses to vote for and why.

Development is not and should not be limited to witnesses. The same way it should not be limited to Steemit Inc.

Your recent downvotes to @heimindanger is what pushed me over the edge so don't act like you haven't been flagging people willy-nilly ...

@heimindanger is a pompous douche when presented with information about dtube voting favoritism, he chases someone off the platform by calling them a cunt, bitch, spy, greedy, and harassing her until she left. He called me a nazi and posted pictures of Hitler because I blacklisted Trevon James who has lost people millions and was abusing bots.

He continuously harasses me sending me creepy messages like he will find me in Fortnite and kill me when I streamed Fortnite. @heimindanger pisses off almost everyone who interacts with him if he is your poster boy for this fight... oh boy we are fucked.

Development is not and should not be limited to witnesses. The same way it should not be limited to Steemit Inc.

I agree, but also don't want Bernie, who can't even get his price-feed working on his witness to be in charge of some "development project." Not only does he want to redirect MORE steem his way, he wants to punish those that disagree with it. Just look at this ruckus he's causing for my dissent. He is not an example anyone should follow or promote.

@heimindanger has done much more for steem than narcissistic bernie

@berniesanders has arguably done more for Steem than you have. And the fact that you suggest that witness earnings are the main provider of funding for development makes me think you are fucking delusional.

You have several top 20 witnesses that don't do a fucking thing for development in any sense of the word, and I believe you removed your vote from me, one of the active developers.

Your words don't coorelate with your actions.

Starting a publicly visible account with transparency hardly qualifies as "redirecting MORE steem", quite the opposite in fact. Your ignorance as to what I've done here is starting to show, please, keep it up.

Regarding my price feed, it doesn't matter. My witness produces 1 block/hour. I've run a witness FAR longer than you've even been around. Good try though.

Let me remind you, you are the one who started with the flagging. I'm just following your lead. Now who is acting like a child? I've also suggested multiple times that we chat, you know how to get ahold of me.

I'm not going to stop doing what I am doing, however you want to use your stake is up to you, enjoy wasting it.

Also, you're the one who believes the earth is flat, not me.

Flat earth? I've noticed that younger people tend to be prone to these sorts of ideas. But because I've studied mathematics and physics, flat earth logic is a mental contortion that won't let my software work properly.

@stan has an excellent video on rocket science that pretty much proves to anyone willing not to stick their head in the flat earth, that the earth is not much different from Mars, Jupiter, the Moon, etc... We can see that they're round, why should the earth be any different given the universal laws apply the same everywhere?

Of course I have, it's quite obvious. And it's got nothing to do with what I've actually done myself. Marky and Berny are both abusers who did nothing but self-profit from STEEM. They never created anything of value.

Don't get fooled by marky's black list, he only does it to promote his bid bot.

Don't get fooled by marky's black list, he only does it to promote his bid bot.

Bid bots need zero promotion, there is more demand than supply. The blacklist costs me money as I turn down the best repeat customers. But by all means, continue to slander me.

He continuously harasses me sending me creepy messages like he will find me in Fortnite and kill me when I streamed Fortnite.

Oh gawd

Mother's hide your daughters, Hymendanger's coming.

Ah, exposing private messages into public... your specialty :)

You are a creepy troll. But also an ass.

That's what the witnesses are for

No it isn't. The role of witnesses is to sign blocks and keep the blockchain secure, control witness variables (such as price feed and now the budget for subsidized accounts), and vote on hard forks. Anything else that witnesses do, especially if expensive, undermines security by reducing the cost of getting voted out (if you spend much or all of your witness rewards to get votes and/or doing things that witnesses are "supposed" to do then there is no economic reason at all to care about getting voted out).

Development is a community responsibility. Steemit has largely taken that on by virtue of having launched the chain in a manner that gave them a dominant portion of the stake, the most funding, and the largest incentive to develop. Still it is absolutely positive if others contribute to development, not just (or even especially) witnesses.

I do think that people who want to fund development using rewards should show evidence of the value add and get widespread support, not just rely on self-voting. (And conversely, rewards being paid out without evidence of value add are fair game for downvoting, self-votes or otherwise.)

Ehhh, with all due respect,

There are only individuals (private) that have stake. There is no steemit inc. with a stake. Because if that was the case, steem would be a security.


With the new HF20 you can edit your posts as many times as you want.


PS: Good work, keeping that SBD Debt Ratio in check!!!

This is incorrect. The steemit, steem, steemit1, steemit2, accounts (and probably others I'm not thinking of at the moment) are owned by Steemit Inc. Some of the ninja-mined stake also went into individual founder accounts, but not most it. Whether it is a security or not is a question for lawyers and/or courts, I guess.

And that is the plan.

Another Hard Fork? The Bernie Sanders Social Network?

If you are supporting valuable development that is excellent. Please let us know what you are doing so we can vote for it.

I also got downvoted by berniesanders and he upvoted his insults to top comments on my posts. I can see that you downvoted him, thanks.

Anyone who's interacted with @heimindanger knows he works hard for downvotes. I have no trouble believing he deserved it.

Want to know the full story? I made a comment on @berniesanders project XXXXXXXXX content. I didn't even downvote it. I just said nobody cares about project xxxxxxxx (link).

He god mad about it, then ended up flagging all my 7 days old or less comments (many of those completely unrelated from the topic). Then I reciprocated by downvoting all his project xxxxxxxx posts and his own posts and with the trolling.

I don't work hard for downvotes, I work hard for the truth. And sadly, many people are in the way so I collect the downvotes when I speak frankly. If you cannot use your brain to understand the difference, feel free to flag me too.

This shows EXACTLY how naive you are. Our witnesses have not done anything significant for this blockchain in the past 2 years. Yeah, let's keep relying on them...

@heimindanger deserved the flags he received, it's cute you're sticking up for him though.

Everyone can now see the real @fulltimegeek. Nobody is going to care about you flagging me. Enjoy being another nobody...


Id agree with that. Sadkitten and Grumpycat were last seen entering a canning factory in North Korea.....

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Why it is not in our best interest?The same amount of steem is created if I upvote you or myself so why does it matter. For better content steemit will have to change a lot of rules. Until then we are all here for the money if we admit that or not.

Thought I had voted for @fulltimegeek as witness, but apparently my memory is faulty. Are you a witness candidate?

@nextgencrypto is my witness. @fulltimegeek will come to his senses, eventually, so give him a vote too.

hello barniee, greetings from Venezuela, friend how can I do to have more success in steemit invest, in bots to promote my post but I do not see the rate of return on investment. I want to cry hehehehehe
greetings and blessings if you can give me a vote to raise my mood a little

gotta be honest, i still don't know how to even change the VP from 50/50

how the hell does someone get a -19? I find it so difficult to even get a +1 increase in reputation. How does this system work in the end? Who do you have to blow? All the same, starting a flame war on here seems pointless.

fait moi up vote