ADSactly Fun - New Year Resolutions

in #fun7 years ago


This week many of us returned to work after the New Year celebrations. Everywhere I went I heard people talk about their resolutions and what they wanted to change with the advent of a New Year.

This particular day, at the water cooler, a fierce haired lady was telling anyone who would listen that,

I want to be better to myself! That's my resolution.

I snorted at such waffling nonsense and pushed past her as she was actually blocking the way to the water spout.

Well, excuse me!

She brayed like a maddened donkey.


That's ok.

I smiled and tapped my nose.

Whenever I eat too many beans I am exactly the same!

She turned various shades of red as she realised I was implying that she was apologising for passing wind. I whistled a jaunty tune as I finished getting my water and merrily left her and her cackling band behind.

Later I was talking to another couple of chaps. One of them, a tall wild looking sort was solemnly declaring that his resolution was to,

Bag at least 10 more Munros.
Munro is a Scottish word for Mountain. No idea why we don't just say Mountain. We are a bit mad that way.


Your New Year resolution is to climb up some big hills?

I asked a little incredulously.

He looked down his long canoe shaped nose at me.

Yeah man, there is just something about being up there. Knowing you are stepping away from the common herd. Being at one with the sky and the land.

He stretched out his hands like the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio and closed his eyes breathing in through his frankly massive nostrils.


He opened his eyes and looked at me sneeringly.

You've probably never climbed a Munro and had that feeling?

I laughed like a Hyena.

I have actually, but to be honest the hundreds of tourists all milling about at the summit thinking they are at one with the land and the sky tended to put me off a bit.

The Munro climber skipped to the side as if his trousers had caught fire and made a sneeerk noise of disgust.


I leaned in and patted him on the shoulder condescendingly.

Anyway, good luck hanging out with all the tourists up them hills.

I wandered off leaving him screeching indignantly about how it wasn't just tourists that climbed the Munros. I ignored him.

Having listened to self-important, bragging resolutions all day I was a suffering a little from New Year's resolution fatigue.

I got on the train and was happy to have some time to myself when a guy I vaguely knew plumped down in the seat behind me. He was rather a large fellow. In fact he was gigantic and his frame was squishing me up against the window.

Hello Boom! Its awful being back isn't it!

I agreed then turned to look out of the window to discourage further conversation. Alas, it was not to be.

I made a New Year's resolution!

He exclaimed proudly, before continuing.

Six Pack Abs by the end of the year.


He patted his beer belly fondly whilst staring at me as if daring me to tell him it was impossible. I looked at his shining eyes, then dropped my gaze to his large beer belly then back up to his face. He jutted his jaw out as if waiting for the inevitable mockery.

Well done mate that's quite an admirable resolution for your health and your wellbeing.

I said, quite good spiritedly.

He looked puzzled, as if eating a meat-free burger at a BBQ. Then a big grin broke out on his face and he shook his head pityingly at me.

For my health? For my wellbeing? Are you mad mate? I am doing it for the ladies! The chicks man!


He patted his big belly again quite vigorously.

Oh yeah. How you doin?

He said in a strange American accent to a non-existent lady that no-one else could see.

I groaned inwardly and prayed hard for the journey to end.


What about you? Do you make resolutions for the New Year ahead? Do you stick to them?

What is the silliest one you have ever heard of?

Let us know in the comments!

All pictures sourced from pixabay and in most cases subjected to various manipulations.

Authored by: @meesterboom

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Logically, who celebrates a year's loss of his life?
The smart one of us is reviewing his actions and moving forward.

Haha these are great! I certainly need to stick with some resolutions this year. I appreciate you putting in the time on this blog! It's a good one

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is it a referral link mate ?

The complacency of the New Year Resolution, I do not know about you but I have tried this a lot of times but it just does not work for me, I have decided to adopt a more flexible approach and just be ready for whatever situation I find myself in.

My new resolution will be manipulating between my university studings and volunteering in the orphan's house.

In giving we receive......whatever you give the orphan, There is reward for it from God....Dnt get tired of giving

Well, if people really wanna change something on themselves, new year's resolutions are never needed. 90% of the guys who say they have something they want to change on their habits by making some resolutions as an excuse, never endure it until the end of the month. Basically if someone really wants to change something, put on the work. Anyway good read!

You are right and thank you!

I feel that a resoloution is supposed be the thing that starts you down the path to that work you must do. how can one accomplish something if he has not set a goal to do so? Nonetheless many people today miss the point of a creating resolution and end up languishing in their failures. Like you said its about the discipline behind the intents you set that actually generate change

My wish is world peace

Well spoken @michaeljpsalazar... i personally have made some resolutions i couldnt keep, as a matter of fact i started breaking some resolutions that first day i made them, hehe!!! Thank you @meesterboom, you are an awesome writer, and i admire your skill, too bad i cant write as good as that which is one of the reasons why my blog is use for songs, i actually do cover songs on my blog and i will be honoured if you find time to visit my blog @meesterboom, you wont be dis appointed. I promise, i have upvoted although it wont really change anything... thanks again for that story and advice

Great Post!. Interesting Story. I want more of this. Keep it up

Im doing 200 push ups a day! Staring next week maybe..

Oh dear. I had a new year resolution to have a girlfriend and well i did but.... However i think it's a good thing to make plans for a better tomorrow

lol YEs "She brayed like a maddened donkey." I agree with you sir :) Wonderful b, r thank you share. :) @adsactly

Hi @masterboom I'm waiting your support thank you