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RE: What is the one single mistake or decision you have made that you wish you could undo? - The Daily Steem Poll [A Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago

Several years ago, I was involved in a serious industrial accident: my head was set on fire when I inadvertently found myself inside a cloud of flaming vapors. Te minutes later, paramedics sedated me and I was unconscious for the next 9 hours. I don't particularly regret the accident itself, but in the 10 minutes between the fireball and my sedation, I had an opportunity to make a phone call and let my family know that I was alive. Because I did not make that phone call, they spent the next 9 hours knowing that I'd been in some sort of explosion, but had essentially no other information. If I could go back, I'd make that phone call in a heartbeat.

Never pass up a chance to tell people that you love them.