Hand over the... Doggy treats?

in #funny7 years ago (edited)


I don't want any money
I just want your doggy treats


This jokey post was inspired by my dog Pippen.
He is a 9 month old chocolate lab and he is my WORLD.
He is so well trained and knows so many tricks.


I saw this video online (Link below) of a very cool and hilarious way to make your dog play dead

From there I thought if this was real what would Stella have that the robber wants?
Stella is just a dog after all, no money or anything like that.
So when I was looking for a picture to post I was thinking wouldn't it be just side splitting if the Dog was holding the gun to the human?

This almost alternate reality got me thinking what a dog would want a human for enough to hold them at gunpoint!
While pondering this my dog Pippen came over to me and started to nudge my leg.

"What could you want?" I thought to myself when it hit me. He wants food!

If a dog was to try to gain anything by holding a weapon to a human it would be...

Doggy treats!!


haha I really liked this post . alternate realities are very interesting ! yo should write some more about this :^)