in #funny7 years ago (edited)

The information contained here will disturb many people, especially those who use the social network religiously. The truth hurts, but no pain no gain right?


OK OK, so maybe not exactly, but lets take a look at a few things and see if we can make sense of the explosion of Twitter.

Here is Websters Dictionary definition of "twit"

So you are telling me that they created a place for twits to twit, a place where their annoying "thoughts" were justly limited to 140 characters? Wonderful!

"But they are called tweets, not twits"

Oh, so you mean that not only did they ensure that no one can say anything worthwhile or intelligent due to the 140 character limit, but they are referring to their members as birds to distract from the fact that a twitter should mean "one in the act of twitting"?

Makes sense that you are so easily fooled...


Its really not helping the case...

And look at this list of the top followed people on the twit wagon. Obama is only on there because he was the "hip president". You are hard pressed to find 5 intelligent people in the top 100. Britney Spears is number 11 in case you were wondering. I didnt even know she was still a thing.

What kills me the most, is the fact that what we have called the news for the last 10 years, has made twits part of the news experience. They have such respect for We The People, that they feed us twits!

What fucking world am I living in?!

Come on people!

Ask someone 50 years ago who they would follow and they would likely say something like Jesus, Buddha, some great historical figure or philosopher. Today, we fill our heads with junk, and so much so, that those in control of our minds via various media platforms mock us without even hiding it.


Just as what we eat matters, so does what we ingest mentally. We have tons of philosophers to quote and know, but we choose to fill our minds with the people equivalent of Big Macs and cheese-fries. What do you think this does to our minds?

You are what you eat.

With love,


Hahaha... Really enjoyed this "Twit"-ter rant... I think your points are spot on. Best

Yes and most of the world is still reading and believing 1st century books that say holy on them. It is time that humanity wakes up and realizes that these books were created to control people iwith fear.

Wrong. For instance, most people who claim to be Christian will die never even having read that one book all the way through, or even just a good portion of it. Its not the book they believe in. Its an ideology that does in fact change with the times. And I dont know what your argument is here, but if it is against reading and understanding philosophy, appreciating quality examples of human beings over vapid celebrities, it is not a good one.

This is not funny...this must be taken seriously...

Then why am I so happy following Jesus... Im only afraid of sin and it's consequences.... which is control I welcome.

The Greeks believed in reason. The Jews believe in One G-d. Neither denies the need to ask questions, and have independent thoughts. It's not that the books are bad; people have just stopped thinking. People don't like Christianity for the same reason they don't like vigorous exercise--if you do it right it's really tough!

I don't see many lately using Christianity to subjugate people. The tyrants today have found new ideological toys to play with: globalism, socialism...

"Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect" Jesus Christ.... Being perfect is the hardest task known to man and for me it is a life long test of manhood. Who denies the path that Jesus took represents the paramount man?

I absolutely agree with your post media now a days are the one who control humans life. There are many people that are spending there almost 24hr time to browse and follow there liked site in the internet...this post is so helpful to remind all users not to be controlled by high technology...
Upvoted and resteem!

This is reality





And they wonder why it's not making money as a company! :)

Funny... and sadly true. :(

Damn! I always knew there was a reason why I wasn't fond of twitter. This is an awesome breakdown post of what it really means ! Thank you :D @docdelux