Uninvited Guests

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

My eldest daughter is very talented. She was an excellent athlete and played hockey, tennis, and netball. She won a Debating Cup, she plays the piano and also did well academically. She was the Junior Victrix Ludorom, under 14 athletics. She is any parents' dream child.

When her brother turned three, I asked her to bake a cake for him. It was the most beautiful Mickey Mouse cake that you can imagine. I never expected something like that and she was still in school when she bakes his cake.

She is now married with 2 daughters aged 4 and 7-years-old. She baked and decorated more beautiful cakes for their birthdays and I always admire her for her talent.

Here are some of the cakes she baked and decorated for her daughter's birthdays.

Lady Bird Cake for a previous birthday

Cake last year

This year when the youngest daughter turned four she baked a 'theme' cake (can't remember the story's name!) on request of her daughter. She spends hours making the decorations that had to go on the cake and on Saturday morning, before the party that afternoon, she decorated the cake. When she was done, she decided not to put the cake in the fridge, in case something happens to it, and she put the cake in the middle of the dining room table and took the birthday girl for her afternoon nap before her friends arrive.

Theme Cake (can't remember the name!)

She was putting her to bed when the eldest daughter called her and showed her that half of the cake was gone. My daughter said she was just staring at the cake, wondering what happened to it, it could not melt because it was not that hot.

Half the cake is gone!

This was the moment I arrived. My daughter was sitting outside on the steps and laughed, asking her what is so funny, she told me and said it does not help to get cross, she will just have to fix the cake.
But then they found the culprit!
Their 4-month-old Labrador, Bailey, climbed on a chair and then on the table where the cake was 'safely' left out of any possible danger. She ate half of the cake, the four candles, one of the two dowel sticks that held the different layers in place and she licked some of the icing and the chocolate up that was around the cake. She also walked around the cake and selectively chose which decorations to eat. When my granddaughter saw her, she was just going to start with the house on top of the cake. There was not a trace of the one dowel stick or the candles, it seems as if it disappeared into thin air.

Bailey the Culprit

Luckily the cake could be rescued, there were enough icing and decorations left to fix the cake. We had to promise not to tell anybody.

Rescued cake

Bailey had a wonderful time, although she was not invited to the party, she just joined in and played with the children on the jumping castle, grabbing the balls that came with the jumping castle, and ran away while being chased by all the children. This was great fun for everybody.

Bailey after the birthday party!

Another Cake Thief

My son got married three weeks ago and the wedding cake was also done by my daughter. It was a beautiful three-layered red velvet cake. The cake was left in the care of the staff, on the cake table in the venue. We all went to the Chapel to wait for the bride and wedding ceremony.
While we were in the Chapel, a monkey went into the venue where the cake was and took a bite out of the wedding cake, luckily one of the staff members saw him and chased him away.

This cake could also be miraculously rescued.

There must be something in her recipe that attracts unwanted guests. Only a few of us knew about the monkey. Luckily he didn't steal the whole cake!

I must say the cake was delicious and most wanted a second helping.

please follow me @frieda


Aaaaah how can you be cross at that face? Wow she is really talented

Thank you, Bailey will be full of mischief for the next 18 months at least. I can say in all honesty; "Not inherited from me but from her father"

Wow....they look amazing! My own daughter makes some delicious cakes, but we don't bother much about decorations :))
(I think that was Peppa the Pig story - maybe the poor innocent dog just hated the cartoon!)

You are right, that is the name of the story. Thank you!

Bailey Bailey Bailey.....I love that dog!

He is a character on his own

aghhh....Bailey! i forgive you ...but that monkey needs some spanking with banana! ;) what a wonderful daughter you have...truly blessed @frieda
nice post...upped

Who can ever be cross with Bailey? He looks so innocent! Thank you, I am very proud of her.

welcome as always... sure...cant agree more... keep it coming...