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RE: Can I have my time back please?

in #funny7 years ago

LOL. You are preaching to the choir. There is not a single person with any educational experience on any of the school boards in my area. It's insane. The people in charge of millions of dollars have 0 combined minutes of experience in a classroom.

As soon as someone comes up with a better way to ensure all students (regardless of economic status, race, country of origin, and geographic location) can have access to a quality education I will jump on board whole heartedly.

I actually think steemit and steem can be a huge part of this change.

Until then I just have to try and do the best I can for the kids I work with every day.


Berilah mereka cinta dan bila siswa nya sudah 17tahun ke atas ajari mereka bagai mengari seorang sahabat, maaf saya masih baru disini jadi belum begitu mengerti