Business Owners Protest Over Trump's DACA Stance

in #funny8 years ago


Friday is the busiest day for Ted Landry's Steakhouse in downtown Los Angeles, California. Some reports are that the restaurant brings in somewhere in the nieghborhood of $9,000 just during their lunch rush. All that will soon change claims owner Mr. Landry, if President Trump begins mass deportations of the so called, "Dreamers."

"These kids wash my dishes and park the cars. I don't know how I would be able to make my bottom line without them." Pleaded Mr. Landry when asked how he would fare if the program was ended.

Other business owners in the Los Angeles area feel the same. Jeffery Humphries of the Beverly Hills Automobile Assosiation said in a press release that, "Without the hard work of young illegal immigrants who are here by no choice and have no idea or no clue how to even begin registering for citizenship, the Beverly Hills Automobile Assosiation wouldn't be able to have as many luxury car shows as we do. It'd be impossible to pay anyone to get these cars cleaned up and ready for display."

Protestors have already began gathering Friday morning in front of the Sacramento Capitol building in hopes to get some questions answered. Fred Bundy, a local car detail shop owner explained what they were planning to get accomplished. "First thing is, we need to know if we can get the President to tone down the language. Second, if we can't get that, we are hoping that our fair state government can ensure us that we can at least keep our cheap labor... I mean keep our employees safe from the prying eye of the Federal Government. These people have many kids to feed. They need to be workin'!"

The White House Press Corps could not be reached for comment.