Don't Go Bacon My Heart
Last year, Bachelor Australia had a contestant who had a 'bacon' tattoo on her ankle - with the 'o' substituted for a heart and she showed up with bacon roses.
It got me thinking - if I were to ever have a tattoo of a food item on my body, what would it be?
The answer was simple - broccoli.
Not that exact version of a broccoli - but something to represent my love for nature's tastiest flower.
So while I was having a conversation with my children during snack, I randomly said (to a bunch of 4 year olds no less),
"I love broccoli. If I were to get a tattoo somewhere, it would be of a broccoli."
K, my cake-loving 4 year old, replies, "If I had a broccoli tattoo, I'll give it to you."
this is very good blog. thanks for sharing me!!
This one of the longest and beautiful posts I have ever read.
Thanks you for sharing. @mellyfluous
Thanks! You're great (: