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RE: Horny Goat

in #funny5 years ago

I think I'll give that experimentation a miss, as I'd rather not get too close to a horny goat, even if its expressions are quite cute.
I just read your first post too - very interesting, especially about the cancer treatment. I think if you were to do a survey of royals and world leaders, the cancer survival rates would be significantly higher than for ordinary folks. I heard that the Queen Mother survived breast cancer in the 1980s, and that part of her treatment involved mistletoe. Mistletoe treatment is available on the NHS, maybe due to the royal seal of approval. I know someone who had breast cancer and had mistletoe treatment. She made a complete recovery, though I can't say whether the mistletoe treatment was the reason for it.


hi @natubat, thanks for your comments, I concur with your suggestion about royals and world leaders. There is multiple reasons for this, most notabily would be the barrage of scans and blood tests done routinely. any anomolies can be picked up and investigated without any delay. Conventional doctrine says that early detection is vital in recovery, unfortunately for most people MRI scans, heat tomography scans, full blood tests are not something offered unless you are suffering some symptoms, by which time Cancer in a lot of cases has progressed, that and the fact that a lot of latest cancer medicines are not covered by insurance, but can be had privately for hefty fees. its not all hopeless though as you pointed out Missletoe is just one of many natural methods which cannot be patented so will not get the limelight they deserve, such methods cannot be used in isolation though, lifestyle changes for the most part are the most difficult for people to observe. its quite a large topic which I will be covering in posts.
The Horny goat will have to live with just eating the local vegetation for now... which isn't that bad :-)

I tend to see it in another way in fact - that most people have cancers, but if we stay healthy, they don't progress. I worry that too much early testing could lead to unnecessary treatment that could be more harmful than the small tumour.
However, this is just a feeling of mine. I am no expert and I am aware that I could be talking nonsense!