Learning How to Do Shit: How I Research What I Want to Write About

No time for introductions.
Let's just get down to brass tacks, shall we? We shall, you don't have a choice.
Step One
- So you're an asshole who found this place and decided to become a writer because it says you can get paid to do so.
Well, it's not that easy. You can't just wake up one day and be a writer. You must first have a brain and at least some knowledge of the language you choose to write with. For me, that language is English and if you can't figure that out, I don't know what the fuck to tell you, you're practically screwed, and should probably leave this lesson now.
Step Two
- Okay, so you have a brain but you don't know how to use it.
I love Google. That's how I know everything. This is how you use Google as your brain so you can figure out what to write about. Notice the headline up there? "What I want to write about." I'll just throw that mess into this fancy little search bar, like so:
Step Three
- There are nearly one billion hits but you only need the first one. I clicked it so you don't have to.
Once inside the article, this "professional" writer mentioned six things you'll need to do to be able to write, I guess. They were:
- "Relax"
- "Come up with a lot of ideas."
- "Kill the wrong ideas."
- "Ask your muse."
- "Second guess yourself."
- "Once you've chosen..."
So, that doesn't help. How the fuck did these people ever become writers? Then this thing popped up:
Step Four
- Rage quit!
I was trying to read that!
One: I fucking hate it!
Two: I fucking hate it!
Three: I fucking hate it!
You can take those three easy steps and shove it up your ass!
Step Five
- Listen. If you need to research what to write about and how to write it; you're fucked.
Why do I even bother! Fuck this. I'm outta here. Go teach yourselves. They don't pay me enough to deal with this shit everyday. Do you even realize, when I go home, I drink? Yeah! I drink gallon after bloody gallon of the bottom shelf vodka because it's cheap and people tell me I don't stink, even though I can smell it everywhere I go.
You think this is water in my bottle? You're an asshole! It's vodka too! You see that fish over there? It's fake and the bowl is full of vodka!
I can't wait until I can retire!
Class Dismissed! 

Disclaimer: This article was intentionally designed to be humorous, not educational. If you didn't find it funny but thought I was an asshole instead, that still means I did a good job so you should probably vote. Have a nice day!

Upon first glance at your title, I didn't see the "do" and I literally thought this was post was about "learning how to shit". Oh lort!
I capitalized the 'D'. I probably should have done that in the first place. Maybe I should have just done a learning how to shit post. I'm running out of ideas on how to get my work on trending, ya know. Maybe that'll be the ticket.
The important lesson here is that everything in life can be broken down into x easy steps. Heck,
my school and parentshowtowiki.com taught me everything I know with step by step guides.It's kinda like the matrix, you want a skill? Download it in the form of a step-by-step and boom.

If there's one thing that pisses me off about bloggers and just writing in general; it's these goddamn lazy step-by-step guides or just simple top ten lists surrounded by celebrity gossip ads. There's no substance there. Empty fucking words that just sound like what most people would want to hear and then they use their tricks to get it to the top of Google. That's all they really care about. Pushing shit posts to the top of google. Then I see people here on Steemit writing articles that teach people how to do that nonsense. Hundreds of thousands of articles, all the same. What a waste of life... oh look at the time I'm fucking ranting again here for no reason. I better go.
It's sad, getting hits on websites is all about SEO and getting seen on steemit is all about wealth, news is all about power and manipulation; even in professional publishing it's about getting in at the right time, image/reputation and knowing the right people. It's all fucked.
Those damn pop-ups asking you to sign up for websites newsletters or to receive extra junk cause me so much rage. These days every website has them. You can't just go to a page and read. You're allowed to read one sentence then...a pop-up! I just leave if one pops up anymore. I can find the same information on search result #2, 3, 4, and more. Sorry for the rant. I've never had the chance to share my hatred for pop-ups for blogs. :)
That's really all this entire joke was about. Those pain in the ass pop ups. I thought of it and knew I'd be able to find one within seconds, I did, then I built this post around that. I think Mr. Himself will be retiring though. Blah! Enjoy your rant, have fun ranting! I don't think I'll rant about anything anymore. <---- There's my rant!
actually this is what i want todo when i actually start posting..... like a class....but for asshole, you know cause steemit is choke full of them (present company in your comment section all included)
Surrounded by assholes. In all honesty, I'm probably one of the biggest assholes here. I mean, I try to be nice, but sometimes I fucking SNAP!
but that's when thing really get funny......snap it!
Spoken like a sensei ✊🏽
Actually... it looks like I bombed another one!
Fuck my life...
I guess I stick with reading. Since I wasn’t able to complete all these “writer” steps from google. The only steps I was able to complete is yours three steps and I feel good about it. So once again, I’m sticking with reading 📖 only, short only of course, since I’ve never finished reading book longer then twenty pages. I enjoyed today’s class eventough I have not become a writer 😞 Afterall, I’m not surprised at all.
Reading and leaving meaningful comments everyday works too!
Crap! I just got duped by the image... I didn't even read the title. Plankton always gets lured to this kind of "offerings". A valuable lesson learn from here is to drink when one have that dumbass writer's block. Thanks for sharing @nonameslefttouse.
Hey, it's tagged as 'funny', clear as day. LOL. I didn't lure anyone. I typically write chaotic stuff when I feel like doing so. As for the alcohol. I usually avoid it. It actually makes me feel slow in the head.
Thanks for clarifying that but I do enjoy reading its hilarious! Its showed how green I am here. I didn't even noticed the tag. Anyway, I did learn that something we need to poke/inject fun into our writing and that it reveals the hilarious side of you. Its fair to say that Step 1 - Relax proves it...lol
I'm getting used to catching people off guard. I've been here for well over a year, just doing my thing, surrounded by many who do the exact opposite and take everything seriously. Tough crowd sometimes, but it's all good.
Heh @nonameslefttouse
You didn't give time for class to ask questions before you dismissed the class.
I love this man. We need to relax our mind to really know what to write
Hahahahahaha Introduction was quite hazardous for a few of your readers (new readers :D )
Well this is a fact based thing you wrote, i do not know how did you manage to write a quite serious thing in your deep sleep (Laughs)
PS: It was not at all a shit post rather a quite funny with wonderful write up <3
It's not hazardous. It's tagged 'funny', and that word is at the top. Anyone taking it seriously failed their reading comprehension tests. And I know it's not a shit post. It was a performance. Mr. Himself is a character I use to write with and he's an asshole, so I get to be an asshole when I write. It's a fun little way to escape and entertain.
The way you used the slang in your writing no body can touch your level :P :D and yes if one wants to read Mr. Himself's writing then one should open his/her sense of humor to comprehend the story ;)
I love Mr. Himself ;)
I can't drink vodka without redbull.
I don't even drink vodka. I can't stand the smell.