RE: What Walking a Cat is Like (and How You Can do it too)
Yuan will kinda walk on a leash ...we meander in the courtyard of our apartment building in pretty much the same fashion as the rare occassion he bolts out the front door. He sniffs some doormats, looks down on the courtyard, looks out the side grate, and RUNS to go back home if another human or (gasp!) a DOG can be heard in the courtyard. I should post the video I took of the very first time I tried it, which was actually the most "walking" we've ever truly done without copious roll-around-on-concrete breaks. I tried taking him downstairs once thinking he would like the plants. No. He was like NO I CAN'T BE DOWN HERE I CAN ONLY LOOK DOWN ON THIS FLOOR IN REGAL DISDAIN FROM UPSTAIRS TAKE ME HOME. He then tried to drag me home but was completely lost. He took me to the door that would be ours if we were on the correct floor. I had to carry him back up. :)
Thanks for the great comment! It sounds like your kitty is a character too. I'd say we should walk them together sometime, but I envision lots of growling and spitting and running away, with very little walking. :-)
LOL, I agree with your prediction. He is quite a character!