A Mind of Men

in #funny7 years ago

Hello Everyone,
i like to share a story with every steemians, i assure that you gonna laugh and accept it at the end of this story so let me tell you.

Eggsy is a businessman who runs a million dollar company in silicon valley. He is young and very talented guy not only in business but also in riding pussy. when he reached 29, his family approached him for marriage but eggsy was already riding three woman's so he have to choose one from it.

One-day eggsy went to meet his father cause he was a bit confused whom he have to choose as a soulmate for this life then his father gave him a wonderful idea. After that he decided to meet his three girlfriends, first he went to meet Lucy she is a model and eggsy gave 10k $ to lucy and he did the same for remaining two.

After few days Eggsy decided to meet his three girlfriends whom he gave a 10k$ each. The first one Lucy came and said that she spend all that money for Beauty parlor to look more attractive for him and the second one came with a fancy watch and presented it to Eggsy. At last its the time for third one who came with 10k $ and gave it back to Egssy. He was wondering why she returned that money back to him then he questioned her why, what happened.

She said that she invested that money in small scale business and within few days she got many customers and own a huge profit that's why i returned back to it. Eggsy was shocked and went back to meet his dad to convey all the things what happened for that idea.

Now his father said, marry a women who invested and saves your money because the remaining two were wasted the money to impress you. Eggsy accepted that and after few days he got married.

Now everyone thinks that Eggsy got married to Third one who saves and invested money for the future but Eggsy didn't did that he married with Lucy who works as a model.

Now the million dollar question running on everyone mind is why he did that at-least he can choose one who presented a luxurious watch. The answer for that is "Always MEN WILL BE MEN" hahhaaa.

Commercial Photography

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