MUPPETS are shovelling us a load of shhh.... -- JillYouBeenNaughty--

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Muppets. They've been shovelling us a load of sh!t

See, the thing is, as a society, we've been duped. From an early age they stuck them in our faces behind the facade of cute, fuzzy, and funny puppets. Clever move. Classic divergence. 

Want the real truth? Aliens, aliens, ALIENS. These motherfuckin' muppets are extraterrestrial refugees brought to earth as part of a 1947 trade embargo at Roswell, NM. They would offer Spacecraft for the soon-to-be lunar landing in exchange for allowing terrestrial research of our world - executed by their visiting ALFs (Alien Life Forms) under the guise of these MOTHERFUCKIN' Muppets. 

Conspiracy? You betcha.
In charge? Take a wild guess.

I'll give you a hint - They control everything and their name rhymes with "Jill-you-been-naughty."

Look, I'm not here to babble about details. You've got the internet, do your own research.

Bottom line, these photos speak for themselves and need to be seen. Draw your own conclusions but, as an anonymous nobody once said... "take heed the open mind and the all seeing eye, for 'tis they who beget universal truths."

If you don't know, Nixon and Elvis were buddies, for a day. There's a great movie about it from last summer. Worth checking out EXCEPT for one thing. Scooter. Goddamn Scooter set up the whole shit and the entire 2 hour movie forgets to mention the Motherfuckin' muppet who facilitated the ENTIRE meeting and set in place a series of events that ultimately lead to Watergate and the presidents inevitable impeachment??? C"MON

How can they leave out such a detail? Global geo-political cover up. C'monnnnn people. You're better than that. Be better than that. Let's Go.

You thought Winston Churchill was the mastermind behind Britain's brilliant chess playing wizardry to help win the second World War? C'mon son. Aliens. Muppet motherfuckin' Aliens. 

Not all muppets came to earth to stick their noses in our politics. Some were just down to Get Down.
Animal did it right. 

Beaker. God bless this motherfuckin' alien. You gotta feel for a guy ostracised from not one but two different planets. The universe dealt this guy the 2-7 offsuit of life. Loved him some Mohammed Ali tho!

Probably the most amazing of all the secretly doctored government alien/muppet photos. It's a pretty good photo. Well, it's ok overall. The more you look at it the more you realize it really isn't that good. It's awful, terrible. Worst photo ever!

Shortly after this photo was taken, when Hillary escaped to the ladies room, a clairvoyant Elmo tells Bill "Listen to me carefully, repeat and memorize what i say - 'I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.'"

Not only was Gonzo Obama's closest adviser and confidante, he was also his primary Space Weed and Bubba Kush hook up.

No real political impact here. This is just Kermit being Kermit. Cold, hard pervin' y'all.

The Dames of New York.  Muppets come from a Matriarchal society. You think it's coincidence that Marylin fucked around with precisely the people she did? She learned from a literal Queen about what it means to flip gender inequality.


MotherFuckin' Muppets......

It's all around guys. OPEN YOUR EYES. 
It's STILL happening.

"BigDave"? Please. These guys are hiding in open space, and mocking us in the process.