
just be grateful you didn't have a blind sex date with your ex wife

Oh Wait Any Sex Is Good Sex - Did She Stay For 'Old Time Sake' Sex?


that's just me and the wife in bed

Every man who has an evil ex should have developed spider sense when she's 100m away. Next time run and get some cover behind the bar the moment you gets the tingles.

Trust your goosebumps, it's your superpower against exes


Haha the ex sense - the instinct that has saved many men from being pre extinct

haha looks like her bralizian just grows out whenever i'm near as a defensive measure

And you got the excuse from her own words :D Just run :D


i'm always being myself, that's the problem

Then you have to date her again lol :D Not a bad idea isn't it :D


Like a floodwave you remember all the times she cracked your nuts

yeah the flood of bad memories is totally a boner killer

let me help

My balls just when from small and shriveled up to big and bouncy - thanks bro !

now thats something you don't want to have your penis caught in

A bear trap is nothing compared to a pussy trap

Also when each of you realize you're totally screwed because you both popped 3 viagra before the date.

At least she's the one violating her restraining order this time.

yeah if you've seen my ex you'll know that you'll need at least 3 viagras every time she shows her face

Wait, she has a dick? And testosterone

Get with it man! Female viagra is really a "thing" now. It's pink for the ladies so it matches their purses. Also a way to overcharge people with placebo pills and give men false hope once again.

lol....nah, too late i already imagined your manly ex wife....bwahaha

Question is how HARD will be to explain why they see you when they see you :D

You didn't specify. I assumed (given your recent comments) you both partook of the same blue pills.

lol seriously stiff

with a total of 6 Viagra, you guys be breeding like rabbits the whole night!

change that to gay rabbits lol

Haha well the blind date could always be worse

haha take advantage when you can

Given how he treated her previously I'm not surprised she wasn't too happy.

secretary 101 training was not his daughter, one of the episodes proved it

he did kinda loved her

upvoted for racist redneck remark

Ok fixed it

not to shabby

@traf - Ouch. That is like going for a wedding and finding a funeral instead. Blind date be damned!


@traf hhh your face after seeing her :

hhh no god please no

i have the solution you should do like if you are blind hhh