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RE: Haha, I fucked the whole damn lot of you and none of you saw it coming!
With whatever result you get? Didn't you cheeky bastards vote leave once already? How many votes are they taking? :P As many as they need to get a stay?
Basically, yes. But actually I've proved that nobody cares. As long as you all keep dutifully letting HMRC take your earnings, you can have as many petitions and protests as you like. If you happen to say anything we don't like, you'll end up in solitary like little @tommyrobinson
Democracy in action! xD
Don't get me started on that vote. Seems the politicians pick and choose which votes are binding.
People need to be helped to make the right choices, and we in the Labour Party know what's best for you, as you can see in my latest manifesto
Well, the maybot did try to put her deal through parliament 3 times in two weeks so sureley we should have 2 votes in the space of two years?
I'll get a white house petition going for us to accept UK refugees. :P Come on over!
The only thing keeping me here was the free healthcare and it looks like that's going out the window 👀 aye, see you in June!
Don't worry. There will be plenty of freebies for everyone in my government.
You don't get a say commoner. Don't like it? Oh boo hoo....hey why don't you all go and sit in a safe space together? I'll happily fire a Novichok missile at you all.
They won't let it happen! They have already signed up to the EU army. It's all smoke and mirrors with no intention to ever leave. Democracy is an illusion the media pump out 💯🐒