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RE: 97 Percent - A Comic

in #funny8 years ago

Me thinks you bought into the propagand too much.

Check this out and read through it.

also the 97% number is widely debunked. simply type into google, something along the lines of 97% scientists say global warming is manmade debunked. Easy!

You can then go and watch videos on youtube of many scientists talking about how they never signed onto anything saying manmade global warming is happening. Diving deeper into their research and reading what the 97% report is about, it says 97%of scientists agree with the assumption that climate change is happening, not that it is man made.

Idon't provide links usually, because everyone just says it is BS. I prefer people do their own research, and if you don't hey, it is all good. we all don't have time to spend on things like this. just know I am telling you your position is flawed and based on propaganda.


THIS^^^^^^^ I believed in global warming for a long long while until I did my own research and came across some shocking results!!!