15 BEST Youtubers that FIGHT FOR FREE SPEACH and better free world - if you like it share :)

in #funny8 years ago

Trigger warning - if you are socialist/SJW/... you can be offended because:



If you are logical thinking person and you know this gigants please spread the truth because
BIG MEDIA - Google - Twitter - Facebook - Microsoft - GLOBALISTS

are using force to stop FREE SPEACH:

YT channels are blocked, Web sites are atacked, Accounts on FB, Twitter, ... closed
Some of this chanels are blocked partlly in Europe

1 Dave Cullen

2 Stefan Molyneux - amount of his grate work is EPIC
if you are for individual freedom you need to know him

3 Styx - one of the best Youtubers that predicted very preciselly Clinton lost
Looks like a rock star but if you will hear him you will know that be belongs to elite and knows more about politic and real situation in US and Europe then most of politicians and journalists in the world

4 Mike Cernovich - MUST KNOW

his profile, must see:

5 The Rubin Report - MUST KNOW

6 Sargon of Akkadlogic wins with socialists and all stupid people
Shows truth about Feminism of 3 wave that = MARXISM:

7 Jordan Peterson
A history lesson for political radicals, Must See for all young people

8 Milo Yiannopoulos - you can't stop Milo

funny (like usuall with Milo that fights for free speach)

9 Blaire White
SJWs Faking Hate Crimes Under Trump

10 Shoe0nHead

11 Larry Elder - Must SEE (interview - Dave Rubin)

12 Ben Shapiro

better is to be more aggressive than to little:

13 Christina Hoff Sommers - true feminist not the third wave

14 Karen Straughan has a lot of material, here says about lies about male privilege

15 Sam Harris

his channel:

If you know other people please write in comments

English is not my first language so sorry for mistakes :)


This is awesome! resteemed!

Thanks, it is really worth to see and lisen all this people - I know it is a lot of material :) But thanks to people like that we can fight for freedom (it is easier)