How to talk to GIRLS: vol.1

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

HOW TO TALK TO GIRLS: Starting A Conversation

Do you start to stuttering and maybe blank out and forget your own name? Do you start to sweat uncontrollably? Do you start to get red in the face, when you talk to a girl? If you answered yes to any of these questions I just asked you then its time to step up your game so you can answer my questions with a "No." Just follow my guide and ill tell you how you can step up your game!

Meet Paul

Paul is a average male, keeps to himself and fits into society like and other male would. Paul has a well paying job, a car and a house. But Paul is also struggling with talking and interacting with girls. Through out this tutorial we will watch Paul go trough various situations with girls and see what we can do to correct them!

Part 1: Introduce yourself!

Paul often struggles at introducing himself to girls. When Paul approaches a girl he often gets nervous and blurts out a random word or sentence.

To start a conversation with a girl you should catch her attention, but don't make it in a way that it will put yourself in a awkward position. When you start to approach the girl make direct eye contact. As you're approaching make sure to have confident body language. Keep your head up high, focused on her and have good posture. Once you reach the girl all you have to do it say "hey. my name is Paul, what's your name?" Another great way to introduce yourself is by  bringing up a something you both have in common like a class or sport you both enjoy.  When she response tell her your name and ask her, her name. 

Lets see how Paul does with a different girl but these tips in use!

Great work Paul!

Part 2: Be yourself!

This might be one of the most important step of all. Be yourself. Loosen up shake your bones out! You need to let the girl know who you really are. You don't want them to like you for somebody that you aren't! if you're a jokster crack some funny jokes! Make sure to make her laugh! If jokes aren't your thing talk about somethings that are meaningful to yourself. You also have to make sure you are getting to know her as well so ask her lots of questions about herself. you don't want to end up talking all about yourself and end up not knowing a thing about her. While it is good to be yourself it is recommended to hold back on some of the eccentric stuff. Get to know her a little bit more first. nobody needs to know how many oranges you can fit in your mouth at once!

Lets see how Paul does with these new tips he learned!

Outstanding work Paul!

Part 3: Smile!

Smiling can go a long way so turn that frown upside down! When you smile it shows you are enjoying the conversation and that you feel comfortable, which will make the girl continue talking with you. You don't have to smile the whole time, but smiling at key moments at the beginning of the conversation can make  the girl feel appreciated.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I had a lot of fun creating this post! The artistic visuals are created by myself. I have learned a lot about formatting through this blog! I hope to create more blog posts like this one!


Great advice. I think another important thing is to make the other party feel comfortable. And not with a fake compliment. Ask them a question about themselves or catch them at a moment they are doing something they enjoy then ask them about that hobby/interest. Also, for shy guys I noticed librarians are erring younger. As in the librarians we had as kids are retiring and younger women and men are filling their places. At least you know the person would be well-read and probably quirky educated before hand.

Thanks for those extra tips to give the readers. I completely agree with you it is very important to let the other party feel comfortable.

Sorry if I ruined what dan was going to say next. Was never my intention. Just want to help people out given Valentine's Day is coming soon... To a theatre near you. Sorry, I celebrate it but feel the hype is over rated on it being exclusive to lovers, seenit more as a friendship holiday or live based on a friendship. My valentine. My valentine sounds more like saying my sweetest friend.

You certainly never ruined anything! My next post on "how to talk to girls" is going to be about how to keep a conversation going.

Valentine's Day is definitely over rated. Valentine's day to me is a day that show a little more appreciation towards the ones that mean the most in life wither its family, friends or my girlfriend.

Keeping a conversation going. Talking about their interest is always a good idea. Open-ended phrases work well too. In nursing school they taught us to be really inquisitive in conversation because that's how you get the patient to open up and tell you what's really going on or to feel comfortable with you caring for their body.

Well written and interesting for anyone who has trouble talking to women. :D