Ladies, These Are 3 Industries To Focus On In Coming Years

in #future7 years ago

We’re living in changing times – a new world where the Internet and digital reality has begun to overshadow real life.

Global culture is changing swiftly and no industry is exempt. Communications, Transportation, Healthcare, Politics, Hospitality, Financial services, Retail, Agriculture and many more – all industries are turning on their heads, and getting better, with the infusion of technology.

By 2026 which is exactly 8 years from now, the jobs dominating the labour market will change drastically. Technology will continue to shake things up and make a lot of old processes and practices obsolete.

In order to catch up and keep our place in this economy, we, women have to step up, pay attention, and join in the world’s progression.

How do we do this? What careers should we focus on?

According to this article in The Atlantic, based on a 10-year forecast by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “The fastest-growing jobs through 2026 belong to what one might call the Three Cs: care, computers, and clean energy.”

The article adds that “No occupation is projected to add more workers than personal-care aides, who perform non-medical duties for older Americans, such as bathing and cooking. Along with home-health aides, these two occupations are projected to create 1.1 million new jobs in the next decade.”

Software developers already own an elite position on the job market as they are some of the most in-demand professionals right now. However, the number of developers is expected to grow by at least 30.5% by 2026.

Clean energy is another industry expected to experience massive growth in the near future. The number of solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine service technicians is expected to grow by 105.3% and 96.1% respectively within the same timeframe.

Why are these three Cs going to dominate the marketplace of the future? What factors are contributing to their rise?

According to the United Nations World Population Prospects, the number of people on Earth over the age of 60 is expected to grow over 100% by 2050 and the number of people aged 80 and above will most likely triple. This means, among other things, that there will be increased need for professionals whose job is to take care of these old people.

Another factor that will contribute to the growth of the care industry is that technology may continue extending our lifespan. This will then give rise to more nurses, health service managers, and physical therapists.

The McKinsey Global Institute posits that “Automation will change the daily work activities of everyone, from miners and landscapers to commercial bankers, fashion designers, welders, and CEOs” in the future. Going by current technologies, 6 out of every 10 professions might have 30% or more of their processes automated.

Automation will touch every part of our lives. And in the background will be computer professionals. This includes software developers, systems analysts, AI programmers, robotics technicians, etc.

Clean Energy
Sustainability is one of the most important elements in business today. Companies and institutions are investing heavily in clean and renewable energy as a way of preserving the planet for present and coming generations. The world’s population is expected to hit 9.5 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100, according to the UN’s World Population Prospects. According to Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, a publication of the US National Intelligence, half of the world’s population may be living in heavily water-stressed regions by 2030.

All of these are pointers to the growing importance of sustainability and the clean energy industry. And that is why it is expected to become one of the most prominent industries by 2026. Career choices in this line include wind and solar energy technicians, weather control engineers, solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine service technicians.

So, what does this mean for you?

For one, it should serve as a guide that helps you determine what skills you should be picking up.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What should you be learning?
  • What online courses should you be taking?
  • What conferences should you be attending?
  • This forecast leads you to answer these questions and prepare better for the workplace of the future.

Want to meet like-minded young professionals and tech enthusiasts preparing for these career changes? The WorkFusion Ascend Summit is one of such global conferences where you will be surrounded by visionary thinkers and fellow professionals who are preparing themselves for the business environment of the future.

Want to book an hour session with me to align your current job/career with the workplace of the future? Get in contact with me via

Photo by from Pexels.