How I became what I am now: A Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord story (part 2)

in #games4 years ago

It has been a bit, but back to the life of Ayasa, the future Trade Queen ;)

Following the trails of the slavers who took my family, we stumbled upon several groups of refugees. It seems we were not the only ones suffering. We also met a strange fellow who promised us an unknown treasure if we finished off the bandits.

I don't trust unknown treasures, but somehow I got the feeling that was important. And we wanted to oust the slavers anyway, so we agreed.

The refugees told us to go to Tevea to get help, so we did. The mayor there told us that a group of slavers was roaming the land. He promised us help. With the troops he gave us, we were able to win against the band of bandits roaming this area and took their head captive.
The mayor was happy and we got the promised treasure - an old flag and a rumor - but that was all.

Our family was already far away.

To free them we need more time, people and money. So my brother took it upon himself to go after the slavers, while I was given the duty of raising funds. We would need 2000 denars, my brother said.

2000 denars is a lot of gold, but I know why my brother entrusted me with this. Since I was a child I have always been able to pick up a coin more than the others...

But where to start?

I decided to head to the nearest town, Lycaron.


But on the way, in the village of Sagora where I asked for directions, I chanced upon a villager wanting to sell sheeps at Diathma and who needed an escort. I instantly agreed. It was an easy job. It took some time but gave money without any more risk than it would be anyway traveling the lands.

Speaking of risk, I hired a few recruits to guard me and the herd. That was very smart of me, because we were indeed attacked during our travel.

But the raiders did not thought we would be such a tough deal. The recruits fought well enough, and I was able to kill two of the attackers alone with my bow. All that training did pay off after all.

But the fight also showed me that I really lacked a lot of skill. So after arriving in Diathma and giving the sheeps to our contact, I joined the arena for a few training fights. I got as many bruises than I gave, but I feel at bit more at ease with a weapon now. And it even made me a few denars.

See, I told you I was always one able to found gold lying around!

But after a day of training I decided to get on the road again. The town didn't have a good trade to offer, so I looked intoo the tavern. Maybe people there shared rumors?
It seems the tavern is not the place to talk on trade like in my home town, but I still was lucky. I found a strong looking guy called Isvan, a real devil with weapons. I searched for work, so I hired him as a bodyguard. It cost me half of my money, but I thing he will be worth it.


And I was even luckier when I left the town: I ran right into the local ruler, Lucon. Since I needed to found out more about that strange "treasure" banner, and what "Neretzes Folly" is, I asked him (again lucky that he agreed to talk with this lowly commoner while waiting for hsi party to get ready). He could tell me a lot, but I am still not wiser, just more confused. I need to ask more people.

With that in mind I set off for other towns. The more you travel, the more you can learn. And the more possibilty for trade you have.