It's a Monster Hunter Christmas Miracle!

in #games7 years ago (edited)

On a lark I launched the beta, fully expecting it to laugh at me and tell me to go buy the game, but apparently Sony is running another Monster Hunter World Beta "Weekend" (started Friday and ends Tuesday). So while some of you were fighting with the elements, shoveling snow, and dealing with family, I was scouring the tropical jungles looking for clues.


Check out those frickin' dragonflies!

Considering the tremendous difficulty I had with the Anjanath last time, I picked it from the quests menu anyway. Then I set out from my camp in a widening spiral. I picked up quite a few supplies from various plants and made a leisurely path through the jungle.


Ah, poor little Jagras, they just couldn't let me be, so I had to slay them, but I promised to put their hides to good use.

At some point I picked up the trail of a Great Jagras, so like any respectable monster hunter I set about tracking her back to her lair. I made short work of her and added her hides to my collection of Jagras hides. It seems like it was considerably easier to slay in single-player mode than it was with one other hunter helping me.

Giant Jagras

Meowskers McPurfface and I, standing over our Great Jagras kill.

At one point during our venture through the jungle, Meowskers befriended a Jagras and it let him mount it and ride it around. I didn't get a picture of this, but I was quite envious of the bond he was able to forge with this wild and majestic beast. So, not to be outdone, I thought I would similarly try to impress and perhaps form a sort of partnership with the very beast we were supposed to be pursuing.

Mounting an Anjanath

My brief kinship with the Anjaneth. What a noble beast!

While I did manage to mount and ride the noble Anjaneth, it found me to be unworthy and soon cast me aside. No doubt it could sense my trepidation and in order to help me grow it knew that I needed to fail. Shortly after it cast me aside, it viciously mauled me to the point where I actually fainted. Twice.


In the end, I had actually spent so much time exploring and enjoying the jungle that I ran out of time to even make a serious go of completing the quest. But you haven't seen the last of me, noble Anjanath, not by a long shot. I'll be coming back, again, and again. No doubt your claws will rend my flesh from the bone as you destroy my armor and toss me about like a rag doll. But I'll keep coming. Until finally I'm worthy to fall you in battle.

This is an unabashed alt of @not-a-bird. The goal with this account is to keep my video gaming subscriptions separate from my regular account stuff. If you're looking for fiction, poetry, and technical content, consider checking out my main: @not-a-bird.

~~ Thanks for Reading ~~


Ack, if only I had known about the beta! What a great way it would have been to spend the holiday weekend. I guess I'll just have to wait for release, now. Just one month to go~

I'm not going to lie, I probably would have planned the holiday weekend better if I had known about the beta.

And now I wait... forever... for the month to pass.

Another beta, next weekend, FYI.

Thanks! I wont be missing this one...