Battle Roayle .... again...and...again
The Idea of Battle Royale is nothing new
but with everything that's going on lately is kinda insane : new games , anime
but lest start from the begging .
We all probable heard this story , but if not this is small ride in memory lane .
The start of it all its Thanks to Brendan Greene known as Playerunknown ho created a Mod for Arma 2 , still remember the good old time's with running simulator called ''day'z'' xd with max 25fps xd
then hi moved mod to Arma 3 after some time hi joined Sony Online Entertainment (known later us daybreak company) to work on H1Z1 but when the game split in to Battle Royale and Survival , Greene lost control over the project and left .
Just to later join new studio Bluehole when hi created Playerunknown Battleground's which sold over 30 million copy's of the game with peek player's online on steam 2,799,269
Since PUBG got so much popularity , biting CS:GO , Dota 2 , GTA V , another company's started to see real potential in Battle Royal to the point that we started to see a New battle royale game every few day's , just us reminder we we got game The Culling 1,2, soon fallowed by Fortnite 1,2, ho is now main rival of PUBG followed by new just announced version of Palladins-Realm Royale 1,2, then we got a special Mod for RUST and GTA V and even more coming like Death Field: The Battle Royale of Disaster 1,2, followed by Crossout-Royale
and even more coming every week because everyone one whats a pice of cake ''sales'' like pubg
and this trend is starting to leek to anime :
you can see it with New Sword Art Online : Gun Gale Online
for me personally i would prefer something new not the same thing over and over with new textures and the worst part all the titles are Free 2 Play 'except pubg' at least on the surface but to be real they pact with gold premium ultimate cases , premium accounts , skins or another none sens just for $$
#1 first post ;-)