New free champion rotation: Azir, Nautilus, Vayne and more!
Greetings Summoners!
Here are this week's free champions:
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage Secondary Role Marksman
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Support Secondary Role Mage
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Support Secondary Role Mage
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage Secondary Role Support
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Tank Secondary Role Fighter
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Assassin Secondary Role Fighter
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage Secondary Role Support
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Assassin Secondary Role Fighter
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Marksman Secondary Role Mage
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Marksman Secondary Role Assassin
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank
See you on the Fields of Justice!