in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Lane of Dawn the arrival of a prince from the Baroque Family. The young prince was so adept at fencing, so he was praised by the entire Lane of Dawn people. So drunk will compliment, make him forget himself. Until one day, when the Magical Tribe came to attack Lane of Dawn, he arrogantly attacked the Magical Tribe by himself. Of course he can be defeated. He who was pressed, ran to the forest and finally fell into the abyss. Who is he?   

Hello Steemians. 

Back with me @achmadkurniawan. Still around the world of gaming. In the previous post (read: https://steemit.com/gaming/@achmadkurniawan/guide-and-skill-argus-mobile-legends-the-black-angel-the-deadly-and-bloodthirsty-or-or-guide-dan-skill-argus-mobile-legends-sang), I have already discussed one of the strongest heroes of Mobile Legends namely Argus. And  this time, we're back to talking about the next powerful Mobile Legends  hero and belonging to the must-have hero if you want to be one of the  "Strongest" in the Mobile Legends game (read: https://steemit.com/indonesia/@achmadkurniawan/check-these-3-hero-mobile-legend-characters-that-you-must-have-if-you-want-to-be-the-strongest-player-or-or-check-ini-3-karakter). The "beautiful" hero is equipped with skill playing a sharp sword that can menghujam opponents - his opponent. Yes, he is LANCELOT !! The "THE PERFURMED KNIGHT" lover of the Prince of Swan.   

Lancelot woke from her unconscious, realizing she was inside a castle. Injuries resulting from a fight against the Magical Tribe have been healed by a princess from the castle. She is Princess Odette Winsor from Swan Castle. Lancelot was so stunned by the princess's beauty. Instantly he fell in love with the princess. And finally guys, being the lover of Princess Odette finally made her aware of her arrogance in the past. After recovering, he returns to Lane of Dawn again to rectify his past mistakes. With  the high ability he has, he is ready to defeat the evil Magical Tribe  and all the evil forces that try to screw up the world!   

Lancelot is one of the hero of Mobile Legends of type Assassin. Having a high level of damage and skill, plus his lively moves, makes him one of the most-loved hero players. The skill in his possession is strong and deadly. In addition he also has the skills to be immune to enemy attacks, although only temporary.   

   Some great skills that are owned by Lancelot are:  

  • Soul Cutter
  • Puncture
  • Thorned Rose
  • Phantom Execution
  • Conclusion 

In addition, there are also some best Set Item that can be used by Lancelot to be able to beat his opponents, including:   

  • Magic Shoes (Movement)
  • Blade of 7 Seas (attack)
  • Ha’as Claw (Attack)
  • Blade of Despair (Attack)
  • Berserker’s Fury (Attack)
  • Immortality (Defense)

As one of the very "obligatory" heroes used, of course Lancelot has advantages and disadvantages. Excess Lancelot hero among others:  

  • Good skill damage at the start of the game
  • Have an amazingly deadly skill

While the weakness:   

  • Do not have a stun or a good slow to fight the enemy
  • Must choose good bulid items to maximize their strength

How? Interested in using the Lancelot hero? Prepare to eradicate evil and be the strongest player with the Lancelot hero !!   

Regards !! 

Interested in gaming articles? Also read:   

  1. https://steemit.com/gaming/@achmadkurniawan/guide-and-skill-argus-mobile-legends-the-black-angel-the-deadly-and-bloodthirsty-or-or-guide-dan-skill-argus-mobile-legends-sang
  2. https://steemit.com/indonesia/@achmadkurniawan/knowing-the-skill-of-hero-zilong-son-of-the-great-dragon-or-or-mengetahui-skill-dari-hero-zilong-putra-sang-naga-besar 
  3. https://steemit.com/indonesia/@achmadkurniawan/check-these-3-hero-mobile-legend-characters-that-you-must-have-if-you-want-to-be-the-strongest-player-or-or-check-ini-3-karakter 
  4. https://steemit.com/gaming/@achmadkurniawan/the-year-end-survey-4-most-popular-android-games-in-2017 

                       REGARDS @achmadkurniawan                              

                              IMAGE SOURCE :  a, b, c       






   Lane of Dawn kedatangan seorang pangeran dari Keluarga Baroque. Pangeran muda ini begitu mahir bermain anggar, sehingga ia dipuji oleh seluruh penduduk Lane of Dawn. Begitu mabuk akan pujian, membuatnya lupa diri. Sampai suatu saat, ketika Magical Tribe datang menyerang Lane of Dawn, ia dengan arogannya menyerang Magical Tribe seoraang diri. Tentu saja dia dapat di kalahkan. Ia yang terdesak, lari lari ke hutan dan akhirnya jatuh ke dalam jurang. Siapakah dia?   

Hello Steemian.  

 Kembali dengan saya @achmadkurniawan. Masih seputar dunia gaming. Pada postingan sebelumnya (baca : https://steemit.com/gaming/@achmadkurniawan/guide-and-skill-argus-mobile-legends-the-black-angel-the-deadly-and-bloodthirsty-or-or-guide-dan-skill-argus-mobile-legends-sang), saya sudah membahas tentang salah satu hero terkuat Mobile Legends yaitu Argus. Dan kali ini, kita kembali membahas mengenai hero Mobile Legends berikutnya yang cukup kuat dan termasuk kedalam hero yang wajib kamu miliki jika ingin menjadi salah satu “Yang Terkuat” dalam permainan Mobile Legends (baca : https://steemit.com/indonesia/@achmadkurniawan/check-these-3-hero-mobile-legend-characters-that-you-must-have-if-you-want-to-be-the-strongest-player-or-or-check-ini-3-karakter). Sang hero “cantik” yang dibekali skill memainkan pedang tajam yang mampu menghujam lawan - lawannya. Ya, dia adalah LANCELOT!! Sang “PANGERAN HARUM” kekasih dari Prince of Swan.  

   Lancelot tersadar dari pingsannya, ketika menyadari dia berada di dalam sebuah kastil. Luka – luka akibat pertarungan melawan Magical Tribe telah disembuhkan oleh seorang putri dari kastil tersebut. Dia adalah Putri Odette Winsor dari Kastil Swan. Lancelot begitu terpana dengan kecantikan sang putri. Seketika ia jatuh cinta kepada sang putri. Dan akhirnya guys, menjadi kekasih dari Putri Odette akhirnya membuat ia sadar akan kesombongannya di masa lalu. Setelah sembuh, dia kembali lagi ke Lane of Dawn, untuk kembali memperbaiki kesalahannya di masa lalu. Dengan kemampuan tinggi yang ia miliki,dia siap mengalahkan kejahatan Magical Tribe dan seluruh kekuatan jahat yang mencoba mengacau di seluruh dunia!!!     

  Lancelot merupakan salah satu hero Mobile Legends bertipe Assassin. Memiliki damage dan skill yang tinggi, ditambah gerakannya yang lincah, membuatnya menjadi salah satu hero yang amat disukai player. Skill yang di milikinya kuat dan mematikan. Selain itu ia juga memiliki skill untuk kebal terhadap serangan musuh, walau hanya bersifat sementara.    

  Beberapa skill hebat yang dimiliki oleh Lancelot adalah:    

  • Soul Cutter 
  • Puncture 
  • Thorned Rose 
  • Phantom Execution 
  • Conclusion

Selain itu, juga ada beberapa Set Item terbaik yang dapat digunakan oleh Lancelot untuk dapat mengalahkan lawan - lawannya, diantaranya:    

  • Magic Shoes (Movement)
  • Blade of 7 Seas (attack)
  • Ha’as Claw (Attack)
  • Blade of Despair (Attack)
  • Berserker’s Fury (Attack)
  • Immortality (Defense)

Sebagai salah satu hero yang sangat “wajib” digunakan, tentu Lancelot memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Kelebihan hero Lancelot diantaranya:   

  • Damage skill yang bagus di awal pertandingan 
  • Memiliki skill yang luar biasa mematikan   

Sedangkan Kelemahannya :   

  • Tidak memiliki stun ataupun slow yang bagus untuk melawan musuh 
  • Harus memilih bulid item yang baik agar kekuatannya menjadi maksimal

Bagaimana? Tertarik menggunakan hero Lancelot? Bersiaplah untuk membasmi kejahatan dan jadilah player terkuat bersama hero Lancelot!!    


 Tertarik dengan artikel game? Baca juga :   

  1. https://steemit.com/gaming/@achmadkurniawan/guide-and-skill-argus-mobile-legends-the-black-angel-the-deadly-and-bloodthirsty-or-or-guide-dan-skill-argus-mobile-legends-sang
  2. https://steemit.com/indonesia/@achmadkurniawan/knowing-the-skill-of-hero-zilong-son-of-the-great-dragon-or-or-mengetahui-skill-dari-hero-zilong-putra-sang-naga-besar 
  3. https://steemit.com/indonesia/@achmadkurniawan/check-these-3-hero-mobile-legend-characters-that-you-must-have-if-you-want-to-be-the-strongest-player-or-or-check-ini-3-karakter 
  4. https://steemit.com/gaming/@achmadkurniawan/the-year-end-survey-4-most-popular-android-games-in-2017 

                     REGARDS @achmadkurniawan                              

                              IMAGE SOURCE :  a, b, c