RE: STEAM Games For Crypto/STEEM - Weekly List (2018 Aug 30)
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to focus on real feedback and ignore the toxic ones.
I agree with other comments that top games/deals should be highlighted with a small blurb about the game,
I'll work on that now, just still thinking of the best way to implement it.
Are these games you have downloaded and played on Steam, and are able to sell?
Those steem games I sell are actually key codes (or Humble Bundle links that turn into key codes once activated with HB account)
These key codes can be redeemed on Steam via this method. But once redeemed its permanently linked to your Steam account and can't be sold afterwards.
You can't know which game you're going to get unless you redeem it so you have to trust the seller to not give you the wrong key code or invalid one.
The HB link above is affiliate link, I get compromised if you bought their monthly.

Oh my gosh, the game I bought turns out to be one of the best games I have ever played. It is one of those games you never want to stop playing, and it has beautiful graphics, story, and sound. Everything is running well on my PC. I am sooooo happy I took you up on this deal today. I'm going to have a great Labor Day!
Thanks a lot for your purchase!! %20 of it is already added to the prize poll of my contest! Also added you as entrant!
Great to know that, I played Zesteria (which Berseria is a prequel of,) and it worked well on my weak PC too. Don't know which game is the better of them.
Congrats, you're one of the winners, it might take time for your prize though. Busy and pressed for time now.