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RE: Secret of Mana remaster vs SNES original

in #gaming7 years ago

It hasnt releases on the Switch. Only PS4, PS Vita and PC. for now. Im not into Iphone version primarily due to the touch screen controls. Did you play the original? The original trilogy was released on the japanese switch. Maybe we will get a version of that. I recently wrote an article about pros and cons of getting a Switch. Check it out if you're interested.


I did play the original indeed! At that time I had the age and time to play lots of games. Zelda and this one, Mario and on the pc all those beautiful Point and click adventures 😍

But the Iphone version of this game classic isn't nice to play?

Allthough @valderrama has a switch I've never played on one actually. I'll check your article about it!

I’m super glad with the Switch. It’s a really fun and handy console/handheld. Plus Zelda is amazing and Super Mario odyssey is amazing as well.

Zelda and Mario are amazing. I like the smaller games too like Sonic Mania, Golf Story and SteamWorld Dig 2. I also love that you can game anywhere. I mostly use it in portable mode and never on the console.

Zelda, in my opinion, is arguably the best game ever made. Super Mario Odyssey is a gem, it’s well up there as well.

I bought the switch for Zelda and i didn’t picture myself making much use of it in handheld mode... but that actually surprised me a lot, the freedom to play is wonderful.

I think a link between worlds for 3ds is the best game ever with Breath of the Wild being number 2, I did put in over 160 hrs. in that game though :)

Think I'll try Zelda and Mario next time I'll be at your place 😇

The Iphone version is not terrible, it has a new engine and doesn't perform well (the party AI is terrible). Also the touchscreen controls. I can't handle it. lol. It is only 7.99 if you want to give it a try.