Retro Gaming - Corporation (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Hello to all Steemiant colleagues today I will present you this magnificent video game called "Cyber-Cop or Corporation" was developed in the year 1990 by the great company Core Design only and exclusively for Atari and friend, years later it was developed for different video consoles like PC , Mega Drive and Sega having a great receptivity from their fans, this great game is an interesting FPS that is a combination of exploration, adventure and action that is usually very nice for your fans.
The technical section of Cyber-Cop is excellent and too bright if it could be said, since it has well designed and varied enemies as if they were taken from a horror movie, Cyber-Cop or Corporation was the first Mega Drive FPS that it caused a furor to its fans, since it offers us a very correct three-dimensional feeling when it comes to playing, it also has a very successful atmosphere that transports us to dark and inhospitable places that are very attractive to the naked eye.
The gameplay of this video game is unique, it was incredible in its time, since the player will have the option to choose between a total of 6 different agents that will be two women, two androids and two men in a first person perspective, each character counts with different abilities and totally different abilities when playing
The adventure begins when the character lands on the roof of the building, in order to cross the entire building to get different evidence to reveal evidence of the different crimes committed in that place, which will result in the authorities of that city are responsible to close the illegal experiments that take place in that place
In the course of the exploration we will find an endless number of enemies that we will have to eliminate to advance to the next level, as we will also encounter endless obstacles that will be from hacking electric locks, avoiding alarms and security cameras that I assure you that they will not be easy to overcome
The conservation of energies and the anticipated purchases of items will be totally key to completing each mission, we will also have to find more batteries that we will find on the floor. Note: all these extra options offered by the video game are perfect and necessary to continue advancing in each level as the difficulty of each vary between very difficult and very easy
In the video game menu the player can heal wounds in his own body, which are caused most of the time by enemies, we can also modify body elements as well as manage electronic devices of the selected player, among many options more than in some occasions we will have to manage well to achieve victory
The whole game is based on a total of 12 different and very spacious floors, and to get some of the lower floors, we will have to get or locate special cards to reach security spaces, in order to reach other levels. Note: it is a great FPS videogame that is totally recommended to play it in family and spend a pleasant moment
In summary Cyber-Cop or Corporation undoubtedly one of the best FPS in history, since it has completely different characters and enemies, very well detailed and with different combat levels, which made this title a unique and special game For its time, we must also highlight the setting of each stage, as they transmit terror and fear, the idea of mixing the mechanics of this genre with that of adventure and exploration in a single title was very successful at that time and It was or was one of the first FPS in the history of Sega and it is also the first game of this style to visit the circuits of the Sega machine. The word that would define this game would be "innovative", if you have not played it below I will leave you a link so you can enjoy this great title and all that it offers us.