Colony Survival - Short Playthrough / Game Overview

in #gaming6 years ago

Colony Survival:


What is it?...


Colony Survival at it's core is a new and fresh take on the tower-defense genre. But it's not just a tower-defense game, it's actually an open-world survival game too! It might sound strange a little strange when you first think about it but after you giving the game a try, you'll soon find out that it's actually lots of fun!

The idea of the game is relatively simple. You need to build up a colony whilst trying to survive the constant outside threat of undead enemies. They're constantly trying to take down your colony, constantly growing and constantly innovating new ways to try and destroy your settlement. Your job is to always be one step ahead!

Colony Survival's pace is pretty casual but don't let that fool you, there's a great amount of depth to this game. There's building, managing, exploring, researching and fighting that all needs to be done by you! But you're not alone, I mean you do have your colony after all.




My experience with the game! A short playthrough.

I originally played this game a few months back when it first came out on Steam. I remembered how much fun I had and decided to come back to give the game another go. I mean, there the game's developers had added in a significant amount of content since I last played.

I booted up the game, made a new world, cranked the difficulty all the way up and dove right into it all head first. What I would soon realize was that I had just made a mistake.




I started off by quickly setting down my colony's banner and recruiting two new colonists. I assigned them both the same task of setting up two berry farms whilst I quickly went off towards a nearby forest to gather some resources, mainly logs. After gathering a sufficient amount, I rushed back towards my colonists and began the construction of a small home.

Time was of the essence. With each minute that passed the sun got closer towards the horizon. As soon as night would fall the monsters would come out to play. I had the difficulty all the way up which meant I didn't want to pick a fight with the monsters, not yet at least.



I had a very simple design in mind for the house. I'd have the corners made out of logs with the walls themselves mainly consisting of wooden planks. The flooring would be planks and the roof would be made out of straw. Though there wasn't a lot of space I'd cram as many colonists as I could inside. There wasn't enough time to set up more homes.

After the home, I moved on to building a small and makeshift wall. It would wrap around both the home and berry farms. It wasn't tall or long. It was very simple and was meant to get the job done. At the gate I would setup two sentry turrets where I'd assign slingers (Yes, rock slingers) to stand guard.


The sun was quickly setting and a few zombies could be seen off in the horizon. I had hope in my wall and guards though. I was certain they could protect my colony. The farmers went off to bed and I went down into the mines.


I wasn't mining for long and didn't really find anything that valuable. I was mainly going after stone to upgrade the wall and make more ammunition for my slingers. I went back towards the surface and the colony I had left from was no more.

Zombies had taken over. At the gate I noticed my two slingers both dead on the ground. They were overwhelmed by the zombies. The berry farmers were slaughtered and eaten alive in their sleep while my banner was torn from the ground. The zombies would soon notice me, chase me down into the mines and corner me before making quick work of myself too. The day was lost.

I had set the difficulty too high and let my cockiness get the best of me. At least I knew for next time.

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I have to admit, my love for minecraft makes this game very tempting to me. Fantastic review!