League of Legends - Top lane jewels :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago


ggteixeira here with another short League of Legends post, this time about top lane champions. What I'm about to say is completely based upon personal preference and what I've seen while playing, so it might not be 100% accurate and you might not agree with it, and that's ok. Now the information I've gathered from playing right now is in patch 7.10, so things further along from now can change and vary as time progresses so keep that in mind. With those two things out of the way now, let's get right down to business.

Instead of writing about the ABSOLUTELY best champions top lane, I'm going to be writing about a few good top lane champions that are almost rarely banned, making them good to pick up, main and carry your way through the ranks with a low chance of getting them frequently taken away from you, especially with the new ten champion ban update (Which I despise and might write a post about at a later date).



Wukong is a great champion I feel that I rarely see picked or banned that has great potential to carry a game! If played right he can very easily win his lane uncontested and with his ultimate he can change a team fight in a matter of seconds. Wukong can also with his combo almost obliterate squishy glass cannons if done right. I strongly suggest Wukong as a champion to pick up top lane if any of you haven't already.



This is a no-brainer. Malphite's ultimate alone is the sole reason he's such a good pick and almost always has been. Any team fight can be turned with a simple well landed R from your friendly neighborhood Malphite. I find that he can't carry as hard compared to say Wukong, but he can definitely do great work during the grouping stage of any match.



Cancerous demon. Some of you might be confused with this one but I myself have won some crazy games as Teemo and lost some crazy games because of Teemo. A good Teemo will win almost any match up top lane. A better Teemo left alone by the enemy jungle (Hell, even with the enemy jungle if killed when ganking) will snowball hard. Teemo is a great split pusher, great at picking off unsuspecting targets, great at contesting the map with his mushrooms and great at shutting down auto-attack carries such as say most ADC's in fights simply because of his Q. If you're willing to put with some of the hate :) from playing or maining Teemo, you'll definitely f*** s*** up on the battlefield. Just remember to throw those shrooms down in team fights.



More so in jungle then in top, but he can still be played top and do a great job during lane phase, after lane phase and beyond. Jax is what I like to call a 'raid boss,' a champion that if snow-balled and played correctly afterwards is capable of catastrophic damage to the enemy team easily taking on groups of two or three players by himself without much of a sweat. Doesn't get banned often too even though he can be such a good carry, so he's definitely worth the time needed to pick up and learn. Just imagine if he had a real weapon.


That's about it for now, thanks for reading and I hope some of y'all learned a thing or two from this guide. If you have any comments, suggestions or just about anything to say whether positive, constructive or even bad ( :( ) feel free to reply below. Once again, thanks for the read and the best of luck on the Summoner's rift.


I liked League of Legends but too much people think they are "Faker". It's a team play game but too often 1 or 2 team mates will be poison.

But Wukong is one of my favorite top laner good choice!

These are very interesting characters!

I love league of legends, I've played a solid 500+ hours worth, but I'm hooked on rocket league now

Ecko is secret op right now. If you fight in his w, save your rewind until they're right on top of your shadow, you'll almost always out damage them. It's rare that I lose a 1v1 top lane with Ecko. The trick is to keep split pushing when things get rough and save tp for those easy picks bot lane.

Love it! Great picks there!