Star Wars KOTOR #2.5: It's the little things that matter.

in #gaming5 years ago


Whew, it's been a while hasn't it? I've been pretty busy with my studies and playing other games and life so I didn't have a lot of "free" time to play Knights of The Old Republic again...

Today however I could finally go back to KOTOR and play some more. So let's get right into it.

Last time I played Kotor we crash landed in a random planet...

"We're in an abandoned apartment on the planet of Taris."

Avren was introduced once again to Carth Onasi...

"I'm Carth, one of the Republic soldiers from the Endar Spire, I was with you on the escape pod, do you remember?"

->"Yeah it's been like two cutscenes so far, I haven't forgotten about you."

"What are you talking abo-"

We saved an old person from some thugs...

->"I'm just glad I could help."

And we finally entered the Undercity with a flawless disguise.

And the guard doesn't suspect anything, despite the fact Carth doesn't have a disguise and we were here like 2 hours ago. Oh well, if it works it works.

This time however I'll be doing some of the sidequests and other stuff I didn't show last time, so this episode is just filler just me going around the Upper City and talking to random NPCs before going forward with the story.

We begin our little side adventures in the same apartment we're currently using alonside Carth by doing nothing else than just talking to him:

->"Hey, Carth."

"Yes? What's on your mind?"

This is literally the first thing almost every single player will do after getting control of their character, and this initiates a line of quests by the name of Carth. This is done with almost every party member in the game and it lets you hear a little about their backstories.

Depending on Avren's alignment (if he's a good boi or a bad boi) the quests themselves, and by extension your party members, have different endings.

->"Since we're stuck together like this, I'd like to get to know you a bit better"


What are these... "Mandalorian Wars" you speak of? They sound like an important plot point or something...

"But with all that, I've never experienced anything like the slaughter these Sith animals can unleash. Not even the Mandalorians were that senseless."

Well that sounds bad.


Very bad.



"I know. Don't worry about it. I just… must not be making much sense."


What a great conversation!

Jokes aside, Carth has some issues about the war and his questline is all about me asking him questions until he tells me everything I want to know about his past. Right now however there's no more dialog for this quest and it will be unlocked later as we keep going through the story.

I learned later that new dialog becomes avaliable almost every level up, and some after a quest of the main story is completed.

It doesn't take long to "trigger" the next conversation with Carth and shortly after leaving the apartment I get a prompt to speak with him again.


->"Thank you ominous voice, I will do as you ask."

->"Is this a good time to ask you some more questions?"

"I guess I did say you could ask me questions later, didn't I? Is this really necessary?"

->"Come on, I just want to get to know you better."

"Oh. Well, if it's an interrogation you wanted, why didn't you say so?"

I get the impression that maybe he doesn't want to talk about himself...


"No, I was just joking, though you do seem to be full of questions. It's rather refreshing, to be honest."

"Let me ask you something first, though. I've been going through the battle aboard the Endar Spire over and over in my head since we crashed. Some things just don't add up for me. Maybe you could tell me what happened… from your perspective."

I made a friend named Trask Ulgo, maybe you heard of him, we had a very nice adventure about killing Sith and he taught me everything I know. He sacrificed himself so that I could live, he was the bravest man I've ever met.


If you look closely you'll realize that Avren's face is exactly the same as it was in the last picture.

"Neither was I, to tell the truth. I was onboard as an advisor for the most part. The battle began so fast, it's anyone's guess as to what actually happened."

"We lost the ship and a lot of good people… and for what? On the hope that Jedi powers would save us, somehow. Not that Bastila had much opportunity to act."

"We didn't choose that battle, anyway. It got forced on us. Hell, I'm just surprised that any of us are alive to talk about it. Come to think of it, it's more than a little surprising that you happen to be here, isn't it? Just what is your position with the Republic fleet, anyway?"

Uhhh... Trask said something about this I think...



This is starting to sound like a conspiracy theory...

"You were the only one. Not to mention that Bastila's party was the one who requested your transfer."

Bastila's a Jedi, so he's probably referring to the Jedi Council... Why would they request Avren to be transferred of all people?

"The Jedi requested numerous things when they came aboard… hell, they practically took over the ship, as far as I could tell. Considering your connection to Bastila, and the Jedi… whether you know it or not… your presence here seems a little convenient. I'm probably wrong and this is probably nothing, I know. I learned a long time ago not to take things at face value, however. And I hate surprises."

Jesus, someone should get Alex Jones to look into this or something.

->"I'm telling you, Carth, I had nothing to do with the crash."


->"You do know we're on the same side, right?"

"Look… it has nothing to do with you, personally. I don't trust anyone, and I have my reasons. And, no, I'm not going to discuss them. So can we just keep our mind on more important things?"

Fine, have it your way.

"Good. Like I said before, I prefer action to talk, anyway."

We'll just talk to him again in 5 minutes

This was after leaving the apartment, inside last episode's Cantina there's some more stuff we can do...

No we're not playing Pazaak.

Entering a little room in a cantina we trigger a cutscene...



"Shh! They're about to start, so quit complaining and just watch the view screen!"

Avren walks over to a terminal.


"Now, I hope all your bets are down, because we're ready to roll! In this corner, I give you... Gerlon Two-Fingers!"


After the announcer is finished. Both combatants stare each other down for a couple of seconds.


Any tension in the air is immediately broken when Deadeye Duncan draws and drops his blaster.


That was quick.

" Well, that was quick, wasn't it? So I give you the winner... Gerlon Two-Fingers!"


After the duel ends so does the cutscene, Avren can interact with the spectators or with the participants of the last duel but not much is gained from those interactions.

Dueling is a little thing we can do in Taris for some credits and experience. Success relies on having a decent level and gear like any RPG out there.

Here's the NPC we need to talk to in order to enter the circle of duelists.

Damn boy, he thicc!

This thing here is a Hutt, the slug-like alien species of Star Wars famous for being... well thicc as one would say.

"I'm sorry, human – the betting window's closed. No more fights right now. People are sick of seeing the same duelists all the time. It's bad for business. Unless... My name's Ajuur. I organize all the duels here. We need a new face in the dueling game, human. Maybe you want to step into the duel ring? It can be a highly profitable venture."

->"I have come with questions, round one."

"Questions? Bah – questions don't make me money! But if you want to fight, it could be very profitable for both of us. You interested?"

->"That was actually the question I wanted to ask you, what's in it for me?"

He's actually uglier from this angle

"Most fighters in the duel ring use vibroblades or stun sticks because the ring's pretty small, but a few of the duelists use blasters. Use whichever you prefer."

Carth has something to say about this.


"The duel ring has energy suppressor fields to make sure nobody dies. Weapons are limited so they hurt, but don't kill. And we've got a medic droid in case of serious injuries. Are you interested?"

->"Sounds nice, I'll do it."


I honestly think you can do better than that...


"The Mysterious Stranger is a perfect name for you. You've got no past, no history... it makes you seem like you have some big, dark secret. People like that. Makes them bet more."


->"But Caaaarth!"

"No buts"

Dangit Carth.

"You ready for a duel now? You want to step into the ring right away? I'll set you up with Deadeye Duncan to start. I'll tell you the rules if you're ready."

->"Let's do it"



Wait why is he looking the other way?

"Avren! You're looking the wrong way!"

->"Carth!? Is that you!?"


->"I can't hear you over the announcer Carth!"

Deadeye Duncan goes down fairly easy.

I'm not kidding, it's as if the developers gave him like 2 points of health or something.



"But really, are any of us surprised? Deadeye losing isn't news. You have to do better than that to impress us, Stranger!"

You can actually lose this match. But you actually have to try.

After the fight is done we're teleported back to the Cantina's dueling area. We can talk to Duncan about our duel...


" What do you want? Oh, let me guess – you beat me in the dueling ring and now you're here to rub it in my face! Yeah well, I'm used to it. So pardon me if I ignore your gloating."

->"Uh... I just want to ask you some questions-"

"Questions? I don't have to answer your questions just because you beat me in the ring!"

" Look, I admit it – you're better than me. Everyone is better than me! A blindfolded, one-legged tach with a rusty knife could probably beat me, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? You satisfied yet? Are you happy now that you've taken the last shred of dignity I have?"

...Okay then?

->"Uh… I'll just be going now."

"Oh. Well… okay. Goodbye, then."

After finishing a duel you always have to talk to Ajuur to receive your share.

" Good fight, good fight. People like you, Mysterious Stranger. They bet a lot when you fight. It makes me happy... and rich."

" I always pay my debts. You won, so you get paid. Ten percent of the purse – that was the deal. Here's your credits. You come see me when you're ready to fight again."

You can always come back and fight in the arena so I'll come back later, once I have better gear.

Moving on from the Cantina there's a shop in the Upper City of Taris by the name of "Equipment Emporium."


As soon as we open the door we can see the owner of the place.


"Hello there. I haven't seen you in my shop before... allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kebla Yurt. Welcome to the Equipment Emporium. You looking to buy some supplies? My shop's the largest one in all of Upper Taris. Best selection on the planet. Whatever you need, I've got. Well, mostly."



This is the first proper shop in the game. Finally i'll be able to sell the +5 blasters me and Trask picked up while killing Sith soldiers.

sniff Trask... I'll never forget you...

"Ah, just so you know, the prices on the items are final – no bargaining here. This isn't a swap meet, ok? I only deal in top-notch stuff."

We can also ask her some questions.



"I heard a couple of pods crashed down in the Undercity. I bet the crash sites have already been stripped clean by the Sith though – unless the swoop gangs or Davik's men got there first."

->"Swoop gangs? What can you tell me about them?"


"Things weren't so bad when the Hidden Beks were running the show, but ever since the rise of the Black Vulkar gang the Lower City has been nothing short of a war zone! The Sith haven't even bothered trying to maintain order down there, and I heard a rumor that Davik's own people are having problems with the Black Vulkars now."

->"What about this Davik person?"



Guess we'll be talking to them after we find Bastila.

->"Does Davik work with the Sith?"

"Davik hates the Sith as much as anybody – the quarantine has put a real dent in his operations too. But he's keeping a low profile as long as the occupation lasts. Davik stays out of the way, and the Sith don't bother him. The swoop gangs could learn a thing or two from this tidy little arrangement, instead of always going after each other."

There's nothing more I want to ask right now so I'll leave for now and continue exploring.


I find a clinic.


And who I believe to be the owner of the place.

"I see from your appearance that you are an off-worlder. Still, you are welcome here. I'll not have it said that Zelka Forn refused to help somebody just because they weren't a citizen of Taris."


Rakghoul disease? That sounds bad.


"Prolonged exposure to the Undercity breeds the disease and those infected will eventually mutate into rakghouls themselves, becoming mindless beasts that feed on the flesh of others."

Oh snap, it sounds like a zombie virus.

->"Is there no cure?"

"There is no antidote for the disease, though I heard the Republic scientists at the military base here on Taris were close to perfecting a cure."


"Then the Sith arrived."

Well, crap.

"They overran the military base and now they refuse to allow anyone access to the laboratories inside. The Sith are keeping the serum for the patrols they send into the Undercity. If I could just get my hands on a sample of that serum the rakghoul disease could be wiped from the face of Taris forever. But I don't see how that's going to happen."

Sidequest time!

->"Maybe I could find a way to get my hands on that serum for you."


"I suppose the Sith patrols in the Undercity might have a sample of the serum on them, if they hadn't already used it because of a rakghoul infection. But I doubt a patrol would just hand the serum over. And nobody's stupid enough to attack one of the Sith patrols, even in the Undercity."

->"Don't worry man, i've killed Sith before it's a piece of cake!"

"Please don't say that! If the Sith hear you they might think I'm suggesting you start stacking their patrols. They could shut me down! I only mentioned the serum because you asked. I don't actually expect anyone to get me the serum. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?"

Nope, nothing at all.

Again, I can ask more questions about Taris but nothing really important so I'll just leav-


Who is this man?

->"Sorry, not interested."


->"Why do you care who gets the cure?"

"Look, Zelka can't afford to pay me much. If you sell the serum to Davik, I can probably get a nice finder's fee for directing you to him."

"...What if I tell Zelka you're helping Davik get the cure?"


->"I think I'd rather give the serum to Zelka, He'll use it to help people."

"Helping people is all well and good, but you have to help yourself first, right? I'm telling you Davik will pay big credits for the cure. More than Zelka could ever afford."

Carth chimes in:


"If you find the rakghoul serum, just take it to Zax in the Lower City bounty office. He works for Davik. He'll pay you what that cure is really worth!"

Not interested man.

If you haven't noticed a pattern yet, with me helping that old man last episode and this thing happening right now, despite being a bioware game the options of being either good or evil are really simple:

You can be a goody two shoes or a saturday morning cartoon villain. Very simple.

Not that it makes my experience any less enjoyable but it would be nice to have a middle ground when it comes to these decisions.

Anyway, with this litte exploration done we can finally go back into the Undercity and... do what we're supposed to do or something.

->"What were we doing again Carth?"

"Searching for Bastila."

->"Oh yeah, that. Whatever, next episode."

Jeez that's a lot of stuff and it's just me going around and talking to people. It's what makes these games really worth it, talking to people, exploring, doing the minigames etc. And by God does KOTOR have a lot of stuff to do, if you really look for it.

I think this is where I'm leaving it today. Hope you guys enjoyed reading this and any criticism is appreciated. See you later!