Star Wars KOTOR #7 Rescuing Bastila (Finally).

in #gaming5 years ago

Yes you've read the title right, in this episode our party of ragtag heroes will finally do what they sought to do since episode one, rescue Bastila.

The anticipation is killing me!

Click here to read the previous episode.

In the last episode the team finally recovered an "Experimental Swoop Accelerator" that belonged to a man by the name of Gadon, leader of the Hidden Beks swoop gang (that's kinda like a biker gang but with space bikes), which was stolen by the Black Vulkars, their rivals.

They did this because Gadon promised to help the party participate in the "Annual Swoop Race" in which Bastila, the Jedi our heroes Avren and Carth are trying to rescue, is put as the prize for winning said race. Gadon fulfills his promise and let Avren enter the race (because he's the protagonist) but the catch is that he must use a speeder with the experimental part, a part that could make the speeder blow up with Avren on it.

What a guy.

Anyway, without any other options Avren decides to ride the swoop bike that's probably going to blow up later on to try and win the race and get Bastila away from her captors.

We're done with the recap, so let's start this episode!


This little guy is an Ithorian, their voices sound like farts. It's not a joke.

"So the Swoop bike is not going to blow up?" Says Avren, his voice filled with relief.

"What? No, it's still going to blow up. I just made it so that it doesn't happen as soon as you turn the thing on." Responds the Mechanic.

He then says "Gadon mentioned that you've never done this before."

"Yeah I'll be honest with you: I seriously have no idea about what i'm doing..."

The Mechanic takes a couple of seconds as he thinks of something to say.
"I see..." He finally says "You want me to run over the basics of handling a swoop bike for you?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Swoop races are really simplistic, they're a mini game in which you control a swoop bike and all you really have to do is keep pressing "accelerate", change gears when needed to and dodge whatever hazards show up in the road. The way swoop racing works is that you race alone in a circuit and try to beat a set time.

The way this particular race works is that you need to beat a specific time in less than four runs (or "heats" as they call them), if you fail to do so in the four runs a little cutscene happens where the bike blows up and you die.

"You got all that?" Asks the Mechanic.

"Yeah... Yeah I think so, thanks man."

"Good to hear. Go talk to the race announcer and he'll get you out on the track. I'll be waiting for you here after the run so I can make any tweaks or repairs to your swoop in case you want to go out for another heat. Good luck."

With that said and done, Avren makes his way to the race announcer. Before we get to that however, have a picture of Bastila, inside a cage:


Why? because you guys haven't seen her yet. I still find myself incapable of taking screenshots of certain cutscenes (for some reason) and some of those have important stuff going on.

Anyway, with that done Avren heads to the announcer and talks to him to enter the race.

"Okay, you're registered now. Good luck, and try not to get yourself killed. We've only lost one rider today and we want to keep it that way. Whenever you're ready you can hit the track."

"...What happened to the guy you lost?"

"Same as usual – he was pushing himself beyond his limits and he hit some debris on the track. The deflectors kept him from crashing, but the force of the impact jarred him from his swoop.Don't worry… they scraped what was left of him off the track already. Just remember to hang on and you should be okay. You can hit the track whenever you're ready."

"When I'm done with this race shtick i'm going to kick Gadon's ass..." Grumbles Avren. "Okay, what's the time to beat?" He asks.

"Well, Redros has the best time so far: 0:38:43. Not bad, but not the best I've seen either."

"I want to race one of my beats "

After saying this, we're taken directly into the minigame:

This feels like Mario Kart.

And as I've said before it's quite simple just keep accelerating, switch gears when needed, and avoid obstacles.

Still feels like Mario Kart.

And as you can see I've completed the "race" with 12 seconds or so less than my opponent.

If WHEN you beat Redro's time with 3 or more heats left a little cutscene plays where he's made a better time than you by the quarter of a second(That's 0:00:25), so you'll have to race again and try to beat that time. However, if you only have 2 or so heats left when you beat Redros's record then you'll skip the second race entirely.

Pictured here is an Ithorian doing what I believe is the most exercise I've ever seen one doing. Again, not a Joke.



It looks like he's bowing but it also looks like the animation doesn't work well while using two weapons...



"Screw you dude!"



The announcer has something to say about this however.


Wow, someone has an ego.

And then...

The first time you guys see her face and it's not a really good picture... I really tried with this one...

Bastila breaks the door to her cage and takes down the guard in front with it.


Bastila then picks up a staff that belonged to the guard and yells "Because the plot demands it!" before charging into battle.

Wait. Into Battle?

Avren vs Two guys. Not good odds...

Uhh, hold on.


Lemme save first.




Okay done, here we go!

To my surprise, Avren manages to take down those two guys without much difficulty. He then activates his shield and heals from the damage caused and helps Bastila fight Brejik.

This guy however, seems to be impervious to swords.

How can you miss when he's distracted with another person!? C'mon man, you're better than this...

All the health he's losing is from Bastila's attacks and Avren barely makes any damage (if he manages to hit Brejik that is)


So he decides to use a blaster instead. To my surprise, it actually works better and Avren lands several hits on Brejik even dealing the killing blow himself.

Once all enemies are dead Bastila speaks to Avren:



"Well it's a looooooong story, it all started when this very nice guy by the name of Trask Ulgo-"

"We don't have time for it now." Bastila interrupts Avren.

"We have to get out of here before the Sith show up to sort out this mess. Is there somewhere safe we can go?" She Asks.

"We've got somewhere safe to go. I was planning to take you there after I won the race and saved you from-"

"Save me? Is that what you were trying to accomplish by riding in that swoop race? Well, as far as rescues go this is a pretty poor example. " Avren is interrupted once again by Bastila.

"In case you hadn't noticed, I managed to free myself from that neural restraint collar without your help." She continues "In fact, it's more accurate to say that I saved you! Brejik and his Vulkars would have left you for dead if I hadn't stepped into that fight. You're lucky I was here to get you out of this mess!"


...Well she's not wrong there...

"Look. We don't have time for this. Carth is waiting for us."

"Carth Onasi is still alive?" That seems to get her attention. "Carth wouldn't have sent you if he wasn't confident in your… abilities. Forgive me – despite my Jedi training, I still tend to act a bit rashly sometimes."

"Please, take me to Carth right away. Between the three of us I'm sure we can figure out some way to get off this planet before the Sith realize we're here."

Why is it that most Republic soldier's we've met so far are really mean to us? Is that a thing all of them do?

I mean Bastila's not really a soldier but still, she and Carth kinda asshole-ish. That's not to say I don't like them, it just took me a while longer to get used to their... "personalities"

After this conversation we're teleported to the hideout in Taris, which is the place we're currently squatting illegally staying residing in while we rescue Bastila and make a plan to leave Taris.


"You mean you don't have a plan to get off Taris yet?" She reprimands. "It's been seven episodes, what have you been doing all this time?"

"Can you stop that Bastila? We're trying our hardest and your attitude isn't really helping anything at all" Says Avren

" My attitude?" Bastila looks offended. "It strikes me that you're the one in sore need of an attitude adjustment. I happen to be in charge of this mission, if you'll recall."

"Okay. Listen here Mr Jedi-"

Before Avren can say anything Carth interrupts.

Ignore the blue-ness, that's just Carth's shield not wearing off.

Bastila doesn't seem to like what Carth is trying to say...

" That hardly strikes me as an appropriate way of addressing your commander, Carth. I am a member of the Jedi Order and this is my mission."

Carth has something to say as well:

"Your talents might win us a few battles, but that doesn't make you a good leader! A good leader would at least listen to the advice of those who have seen more combat that she ever will!"

Oh god it's getting worse. Avren do something!

"Both of you settle down! This isn't helping."

"Yes… You're right, of course. I apologize, Carth. This has been a difficult time for me." Bastila says, begrudgingly. "What do you suggest we do?" She adds.

"First off we can't get hung up on who's in charge; we all need to work together if we want to get off this rock. The answer's out there, we just have to find it." Says Carth.


"'Kay, what now?" Asks Avren.

" I think we'll need some help getting off Taris." Says Bastila. "Maybe if we ask around one of the locals can help us out. We should probably start by asking around in the cantinas."


I see she too knows about how cantinas are super relevant to the plot in Star Wars...

Before Avren can do something however, the plot demands he must talk to Bastila he just stares weirdly at Bastila for several minutes.


"Something weird happened when we first met... Like a vision." Avren says.

"A vision?" Bastila's eyes widen in surprise "A vision of what?"

"I dunno, I couldn't take a screenshot of it so I don't know what happened." He admits.

"This is… strange. Such visions are often a sign of Force sensitivity..."

"You're saying I can use the Force?" Avren asks.

"Maybe...? I don't really know... It is possible that in the excitement of the battle's aftermath the Force allowed you to witness one of my more intense memories." Bastila explains.

"So like, I can be a Jedi? With a lightsaber and everything?"

"Look it's complicated" Bastila says " Even with all my training I cannot fully understand the Force yet. It's better to leave this matter to the Masters of the Jedi Council. We can seek their guidance after leaving Taris, if you wish." She explains.

"A lightsaber..." Avren mutters, completely ignoring Bastila

"What was that?" She asks

"Oh, um... yeah whatever you said, let's do that."


That was weird, really weird.

With the conversations done Avren and company can make their way to the local Cantina, in search for whatever semblance of plot they can find.

As soon as they step out of their room however...

Stranger danger. STRANGER DANGER.

"Uh... No?" Avren lies masterfully.

But the Twi'lek is too smart to be fooled.

"I saw the swoop race: you were there. You posted the best time. You are the one I was sent to find." He says. "I have a message from Canderous Ordo. He says to meet him in the cantina."

In the cantina? Do you guys know what this means!? We've found the plot already!

"Take me there right now." Avren says. Deadly serious.

"...Don't you have like, sidequests to report or something?" The Twi'lek responds.

"Crap he's right. I'll do those quests then go into the cantina. Tell Canderous i'll be there."

And so they go their separate ways. Avren heads for the Upper city's clinic and talks to Zelka Forn, the man in charge.

"Hey man, i've got the Rakghoul cure you were asking for." He tells Zelka.

"W-what!? Impossible!" Zelka responds.

"I mean, i think it is? It says Rakghoul serum and everything..."

"Can… can I see it? The serum, I mean? I need to see if there is enough for me to analyze it so I can start producing it in mass quantities."

"Sure, go ahead." Avren hands the serum over.

"Hmmm… let me see… yes, this is it! A cure for the rakghoul disease! With this sample I can make enough serum for everyone!"

"So like... Is there a reward or something...?"

And then the party spends some more time doing random quests or whatever small thing they can in order to level up a little.

Oh and I've also changed the party this time, since last time it was Avren, Carth and Mission this time we're doing Avren, Bastila and Zaalbar. Bastila's cool because she has a lightsaber.

It goes "Vroom" when she moves it!

And she also lets me prove how terrible the Sith soldiers in Taris are.

Pictured here is Bastila, Sith enemy number 1. Standing right next to a freaking Sith soldier and he does nothing.

Pictured here is Bastila, again. Waving her lightsaber in the face of Sith soldiers. Nothing happened.

These guys suck at their jobs.

Okay enough messing around, let's get to the cantina to advance the plot.

This is Canderous. You may remember him from episodes that involved Rakghouls.



Bastila has other ideas though...


Canderous is not amused.

Canderous then talks about his plans:

" I need someone to steal the Sith launch codes from the Sith military base. Without those codes any ship leaving the atmosphere will be disintegrated by the Sith fleet's automated defense guns. You bring me those launch codes and I can provide the vehicle to get off the planet – Davik's flagship, the Ebon Hawk!"

"Why are you doing this?" Avren asks.

"I work for Davik Kang and the Exchange, they promised me a fortune to work for them and I have nothing better to do. But lately Davik hasn't been paying me what he promised. I don't like getting cheated, so I figure it's time for me to break the Sith quarantine and get off this backwater planet." He explains.

"How am I supposed to get inside the military base? I've lost my Sith disguise!" Avren complains.

But Canderous has a solution:

"See, the Sith base is protected by an encrypted security system. It would take a top-of-the-line astromech droid to slice through it. It just so happens however, that Davik was having one custom built by Janice Nall. Tell her Canderous sent you and she'll sell you the droid. Then you can use it to get the launch codes from the Sith base."

"Sounds like you have all of your bases covered" Avren says.

"I'll let you know that Mandalorians didn't simply get their reputation by just breaking things" Canderous retorts.

Bastila has something to say:


"Alright then. You've got a deal Canderous"

"Good." Says Canderous "I'm going to wait in Javyar's cantina. You come find me when you've got those launch codes and I'll make sure we both get off this rock."

With their goal clear, the party makes their way to Nall's droid shop in the hopes of finally being able to leave Taris once and for all.

hope it doesn't take another seven episodes...

I'll be leaving today's episode right here. In the next episode our heroes should be able to enter and complete the next "dungeon" (if you can call it that) and be a little closer to their goal of leaving Taris.

Finally, after seven long episodes, we've managed to rescue Bastila and complete the first story objective of the game (if you don't count meeting Mission and Zaalbar) and the few things we need to do in order to escape Taris are shorter than the journey to Bastila.

I hope I'll be able to leave this world in the next two episodes or so...

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a fantastic day!


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