Kirby Super Star [ENG]
This is one of the first Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) video games that I met, and it was not through the console, but by emulator, and my favorite by far. Kirby Super Star is a very entertaining game for people of any age full of many adventures and curiosities, in this publication I will comment on some characteristics of him, like a little game that marked part of my childhood. From this game Kirby became one of my favorite Nintendo characters.
This game is very colorful and gives off a very happy and positive air, almost like a game for children, but with great difficulty, do not be fooled by its harmless appearance, it has parts that can complicate everything.
Kirby Super Star, known in Japanese as Hoshi no Kirby: Super Deluxe, is a platform-type video game, created for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, was released between 1996 and 1997 through different parts of the world, after this there is also a remake called Kirby Super Star Ultra released in 2009 for the Nintendo DS.
This video game is mostly platform type, dynamic full of obstacles and many types of enemies. It is the game in which it is demonstrated how Kirby is able to absorb the abilities of his enemies and his style in terms of appearance or make them his friends, that is, Kirby can have an assistant driven by an AI that helps him in his adventures.
Spring Breeze is the first game that we meet as you can see in the image, where Kirby begins his adventure on the way to the castle of King Dedede with the mission to recover all the food he stole from Dream Land. At this level we face several bosses before we reach the King and defeat him.
Screenshots made by me while playing
Dyna Blade, as the name implies, Kirby aims to defeat a bird called Dyna Blade that has been causing problems in Dream Land, in this game Kirby must make his way to reach the mountain and face it.
Screenshots made by me while playing
I call this game personally as a minigame although it is not considered as that, the only objective in this game is to beat King Dedede in a race, collecting the most food and arriving before him to the finish line.
Screenshots made by me while playing
In this game Kirby must advance through several places his goal is to collect a total of 60 treasures, like the previous games in this mode Kirby is faced with several types of enemies, very specific references are also made in objects from or inspired in other Nintendo video games.
Screenshots made by me while playing
The desire of Meta-Knight is to conquer Dream Land, and our beloved Kirby has the mission to stop him, in his adventures to achieve it he is entangled in various predicaments, back and forth, a great adventure, where he must face several bosses and enemies, Go through several places and return again and again to the ship. This mode the player must complete the game with a time limit, against the clock.
The Sun and Moon of Popstar are in dispute, and this causes that time, day and night are distorted, in this game the mission of Kirby is to collect fragments of crystals in different planets of the galaxy, so he must explore different places in search of these, their purpose is to unite them to invoke NOVA who will grant the desire to stop the fight between the Moon and the Sun of Popstar and thus return everything to normal. This is the only one of the games in which Kirby can not copy the abilities of his enemies.
This is a game that is taken as an extra, its main characteristic is challenge type, for very experienced players, it consists of passing 19 levels with a single life. When starting the player has the ability to choose any skill and any helper you want, and with this resist to the end, in each level is facing the strongest enemies. It's like the level of difficulty ''impossible'' that is given to shooter video games today, where the player must be very experienced and not waste a percentage of life.
In this minigame the reaction is measured at the precise moment, as soon as the player is indicated on the screen he must press a button, in this way he defeats the enemy, whoever does it faster than the two players, is the winner.
Screenshots made by me while playing
In this minigame you measure the accuracy and reaction, you must react as quickly as possible to see that the indicator on the screen goes through the precise mark, the purpose, split a rock and if it is very good, open a crack to the world .
Screenshots made by me while playing
The character of Kirby is characterized by eating a lot, yes, he can eat his enemies, absorb them and spit them out as projectiles, or he can consume them and acquire their skills. It also has the ability to turn his enemies into allies, and activate the Coperative mode (Co-Op!).

Between their types of abilities are the regular ones and the special ones.
The regular skills are those that are obtained by consuming a regular enemy, the other is to create the assistant who looks like the friend consumed, the player can use these skills to their liking.

Regular skill
When Kirby is wounded he can lose the skill acquired from an enemy, leave his body in the form of a star and start to haunt the map, (like the star of Mario Bros) it moves away and can disappear. If Kirby consumes the star he can acquire the ability again.

Regular skill
The special abilities are those that are obtained by special enemies, bosses or special weapons. Of these enemies Kirby can not create helpers and they are skills that are used only once.

Cooking - Special ability
These are some of its transformations:
Sleepy Kirbyby Moonmarbles in Deviantart
Kirby being creative by Edoardomaster in Deviantart
Digital Sketchbook - Kirbyby Youngman Willow in Devianart
Apple Tree by Chixi64 in Devianart
An excellent game with an interesting plot, it is not boring and is able to keep you entertained for a long time, I played it in my childhood and I downloaded the emulator a while ago to remember this classic again, highly recommended to spend some boredom or in other cases, when there is no internet connection available.
It is a long game so it promises to keep playing you a good time, if you are one of the people that likes adventure games, Kirby Super Star will like you, besides being very funny for special abilities, and other curiosities that are discovered while you play.
If you want to immerse yourself in this great game and great story I recommend you download the SNES emulator here. Once you have downloaded it you can search the games on the same website, cheer up :)!
I only play Dragon Ball Z on Snes, and Donkey Kong, Earth Worm Jim, and Super Mario World. Your description make me want to play Kirby a.s.a.p..
Great post!
Thank you!! it's amazing, you should play it!!
Hey there. I was a big fan of your post. It was put together so well and did a great job of showcasing Kirby Super Star, I submitted it for a curie upvote before I went to bed. I am so glad to see it was accepted and upvoted. Keep up the good work!
Oh, it was you, I'm really grateful and was a nice surprise for myself.
Never played Kirby before, but now I know why it's popular... What's better than a pink cute combination between Mario & Megaman?!
hahaha, nothing, only the pokemon Jigglypuff because it sings hahaha
Jigglypuff don't have MEGAMAN powers!! but yeah, he sings so he's much better!!
That same thing but you can hoover badies and spit them out at other badies or just suck a big bit of air and fly too that and the victory dance was my best memorys of playing.
Fantastic there is such an amazing game...
and you are explain well with capture...
and i also played as an emulator . Thanks for sharing with us. @ilhuna
Regard: @mahmoodhassan
OHHHHHHHHHH SO THIS IS WHERE THE GREAT CAVE OFFENSIVE STARTED. I remember playing in that stage in SSB for Wii U but I never actually knew where it came from! I'll definitely trying this game out if I end up downloading that SNES Emulator again! Great post, Ilhuna! Lovely organization and choice of Gifs and images.
Who doesn't love some kirby!!!
Such a great overview of the game! This is one I have seen quite a few times over the years but for some reason never picked up. I am a big fan of platformers so I really should give it a try. I hadn't realized there was so many different game modes in it so my interest is heavily increased now.
Wonderful and descriptive post as always. You really explained and captured what Kirby is about and I played an emulator of this a couple of months ago.
Tuve la oportunidad de jugar su versión remasterizada en el DS y es toda una joya! <3
Oh, yo quisiera probar ese :( y los posteriores creados para consolas mas modernas.
Wow this is a great post well done @ilhuna and thank you i have a load of old skool gems i can wright about from my life long gaming addiction .
Also kirby is the shit. Played it on the gameboy, the original brick one. Kirbys dream land me thinks
Wow, this is better then anything I could ever make myself, Well done.
As a fan of Kirby this is really well made.
One quick Criticism, the "Meta Knight" at the bottom is not Meta Knight, that's Galactia Knight, From Super Star's DS Remake, Super Star Ultra. While Similar, it has been stated that they are not the same character.
As for my own Thoughts on Super Star, Super Star is a good game, but Personally I Prefer the DS Remake because it Fixes the Issues the Original Has, Keeps everything the Original has, and Adds new content.