Get to know all the characters of Resident Evil 3 and their roles in this photo album

in #gaming5 years ago


Capcom surprised us yesterday with the launch of a new offer for Resident Evil 3 Remic, this time highlighting the enemy who played for you in the game, he is a Nemesis monster who seems to have got a lot of changes and is carrying a large number of weapons that will make your daily nightmare.

Immediately after the show, Capcom launched a set of new images highlighting the most important characters that will be in the game with some details about it, especially as the developers have confirmed that some of these characters will get a greater expansion of their role and may get story events that complement the main events of the game.

Nemesis against a generation


An image of what happens when a huge Nemesis monster grabs one of its victims, here we see a Jill, the main game heroine Nemesis carries on a rocket launcher, this moment may be a great scene in the game that will undoubtedly end with a bloody end.

Nemesis monster with a rocket launcher


Unlike Tyrant's monster chasing players in Resident Evil 2, Nemesis in Resident Evil 3 can use weapons to try to end his enemies instead of just hitting them. One of these weapons is a rocket launcher that appears to be a huge weapon that fits in size, but how will Jill be if he encounters it with this weapon, we will see that in the other picture below, since Nemesis will possess multiple weapons, it is likely that he will use them strategically at different points in the game.

Whips the Nimesis


Nemesis monster can send these flaming parties to hit targets from a distance or can use them to push or attract anything from Houla - for example, a member of S.T.A.R.S. When trying to escape his deadly grip, we'll see how to hit him with it and pull him to him. "If you decide to approach or escape this merciful creature, you will have to act quickly if you want to survive," Capcom said.

Tyrrell Patrick


Veteran Terrell, on the battlefield has a special skill in disrupting security services and penetrating computer systems, he outperforms enemies from the backlines, works with Carlos as a team and cooperates in the mission to find survivors in the city of Raccoon.

Nikolai Genovev


He's one of the few remaining UBCS members sent to Raccoon City, which Capcom describes as having his skills acquired while joining Spetsnaz's special forces, Nikolai is cold-tempered but puts an accurate account of every step he makes, and is known to place a high priority on preserving Himself and survive before anything else ... regardless of the cost that might be on account of others. He is not among those who think twice about his actions, Nikolai will do anything needed to complete his mission.

Murphy Seeker


As a former Marine Corps member with a mysterious past, Murphy joined U.B.C.S 'forces due to his exceptional skills as a sniper, Capcom said of him, "Unfortunately, at one point he ended up being injured during a confrontation with the zombies, which made him vulnerable and limited in his combat capabilities."

Michael Victor


U.B.C.S. Commander With a long history of Russian military experience, Michael is respected for his leadership capabilities among US mercenaries, and although he was seriously injured in the attack that left a difference in disarray, Michael continues to do everything in his power to help and protect survivors of Raccoon City as well as other members. From his group, hoping to find a way to escape from the city and evacuate those who have survived the nightmare of death so far.

Dario Roseau


A citizen of the raccoon city, Dario is hiding in a warehouse in the city center but unfortunately, Dario saw things that no one should witness when his family came under attack from the zombie which made him not trust anyone - including the game's hero generation, Dario who was traumatized by what Watch him, has no intention of fleeing the city.

Carlos Oliveira


A member of the UBCS Biological Paratroopers Unit, Carlos is a mercenary sent with his own unit to find disaster survivors and save what can be saved from Raccoon City survivors, and although he may seem arrogant when a generation encounters for the first time, Carlos is very impulsive To save the needy, he often dives directly into danger and puts his life constantly on the line to help others.

Brad Vickers


Brad is one of the few pilots to have survived the accident at the castle in the Arklay Mountains. He is a skilled helicopter pilot and a member of STARS where Capcom described him as a coward because he is the first thing he thinks of escaping in the first danger sign that appears to him, though, that instinct is what It has helped him survive the chaos in Raccoon City until now. By the way, Brad was helping Jill investigate her in Umbrella's illegal activities.

Resident Evil 3 will be released on home and personal computers on April / 3 of this year 2020


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