[Day 2]Katarina - Testing damage and learning about possible matchups
Hello there,
So it's second day, I learn how to play Katarina and midlane. You need to know that i've never played on lane. Since season 1 i have played in jungle. So my day started from quick warm up in practice tool. I know that nobody do that, but i need to feel the damage. If I just tried this vs bot i will know how much damage I can deal.
After warm up i decided to test damage in practice. Tried to play vs hardest possible bot. I choosed Karthus becouse of his Q. I think it's pretty good to exercise dodging skills.
Sadly on 11lv account i can't choose runes by my own, so i have to play with predefinied one.
Started with long sword to boost my E and passive at early levels. Karthus was playing really agressive againsts me, so i had to wait until 2lv to kill him.
I'm suprised becouse i didn't expect doing that much damage at lv 2. I've done some small mistakes and ended up with around 100hp. Could be better don't you think?
With double long sword and tome it was easy to kill Karthus without ultimate, I just started with E>W>Q>E>E Combo and after this he was dead. I really like the damage!
With small feed and ultimate killing Karthus was waaay to easy. I know this is AI, but champion is the same everywhere. Gunblade is must have in my opinion, It helped me kill him from the distance. I think i will be playing it every matchup in ladder.
As you can see Katarina is pretty god in tower diving. If you can deal enough damage to kill someone without dying you can just recast E to your minion or other possible targets and get out of range from the tower. Funny think u can do it even with around 200hp and get out in one piece.
Karthus was trying to poke me with his Q all the time, so i walked around for a while. Just to learn how to dodge without using skills. I highly recommend this to everyone :).
Ended up with sorcerers, hauting guise, void staff and gunblade. It deals so much damage even to tank enemies, and i really like this build. I would be playing Zhonya's too, but it was just AI 1v1, there wasn't any point to build zhonya in this case.
After all i've watched a bunch of Katlife videos with every possible matchup to see how he deal with Fizz, LeBlanc etc. Tomorrow I'll try to play first game versus players :). Hope they don't rape me lol.
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be tomorrow instead of tommorow.