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@surfermarly True and realistic words thank you
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A nice article may change the course of your life 😍 about an experience

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The Philosophy of Immigrant
Review the book the unlikely pilgrimage of harold fry
Review the book friend request
What are you currently reading?
whats so intresting about Chernobyl ?
There is no freedom with hunger: Review the historical series La Catedral Del Mar
Written on one of the ancient tombs: "As you are now I am, and as I am now you will be"
the first book I've read of Stephen Hawking
the subtle art of not giving af * ck
Review the book Hayy ibn Yaqzan
What did you learn from a book the Steven Pinker ?
SPUD2 It will be the first day of June
@surfermarly True and realistic words thank you
The road to the forbidden paradise
Am I right ?
Sea of Peace (Poetry)
life and death
Awesome philosophy
Which we have said of hope
The Blocktrades Contest: Failure creativity
What is the fault of the limited mind ?
Life is the beginning and the end
A nice article may change the course of your life 😍 about an experience