Happy New Year and a quick look at a alpha game test that gone wrong
Happy new year all, it’s been a great 2018, made a lot of friends, good decisions and joined a lot more platform with one reason or another and all they had in common was the community made up of talented and distinguished set of individuals who am truly grateful to have known them and to that I say a very big thank you for being a part of my 2018 and making it great more than previous years before now.
To that end, I say am truly grateful and glad to have being part of your community, let’s make this year more awesome and more memorable than previous years and let’s make moments we can all look back and say am glad I took part in that community, am glad I knew those particular individuals and truly there were and are one awesome set.
Moving into 2019, I wish you everything good I wish myself and also whatever your dreams are for 2019, it will surely be achieved and whatever you have been aiming for before now, it will soon be open to you and welcome once again to the year 2019.
That been said the latest gaming news,
It seems days back or call it in 2018, one of the popular game that we currently expected to become available in 2019 was forced or not to ban a particular individual for going against a contract that was agreed upon before this particular user could take part in Alpha game test run, one of those features game gives to limited set of individuals to test run a game and locate if any bug or glitch would be seen while gaming.
Now, when such agreement is done, users won't be able to disclose any game content they saw during the Alpha test. Although, the agreement might seem somewhat hatch it is needed to ensure better quality and good deliverance of the game when it is officially distributed to the public, that way any and every bug that most have been collected would be worked on.
Also it saves the game image, say something was found wrong during the alpha stage and testers decides to stream this out or say showcase the media, it would end up blowing up to something that would have been settled in-house to the entire public, in which case it wouldn't take any or much time to fix.
From what I read, it seems the user actually did a live stream on twitch while he was test running the game as a alpha tester which specifically states in the NDA agreement he did sign, meaning he was not to disclose any and every content he got while playing the game but rather did the absolute opposite by not just disclosing but rather live streaming all event, which might be considered the same but then the agreement said he shouldn't.
The alpha tester account was banned and all history as related to origin game collection was deleted including the user account, meaning he no longer has access to the origin store anymore, others consider somewhat harsh and others as well say it was fair.
This user did sign an NDA and ignorance not reading what the contract said shouldn't turn a blind eye upon, that's if the user didn't read it or read but decided to ignore it.
Well, that's for that would love to know your thought as it relates to this discussion and do you think it will create somewhat of a problem to the game yet to be released Anthem?
Do leave a comment or two behind, till some other time, do have fun and stay bless.
Game Trailer
Happy New Year once more and welcome to the year 2019.