Bye, bye, World of Warcraft. Cya in August!

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

And welcome back, my life! After two months of quite an intensive World of Warcraft addiction, I'm free. So let's sum up some observations from playing the Legion DLC.

At first, I need to say that I'm not some hardcore fan of WoW. I didn't read the books, and no, I didn't play on WotLK. The first DLC I played was Cataclysm then Warlords of Draenor when the movie Warcraft was released and now Legion. However, I already bought the Battle for Azeroth DLC, so when it is released, I'll get back to WoW. Why? Just to try some DLC right from the start, because nobody will have equip, nobody will know what to do, so it'll be no problem to continue playing even after reaching the max level.


Yeah, it was too late for us to start playing Legion because it is already dead for newcomers. I'll show it to you on an example:

On my Demon Hunter character, I reached 935ilvl, and there was no other way how to get better equip than to do Antorus, the Burning Throne raid on normal or higher difficulty (or maybe some PvP, but I don't like PvP). But when I got into Premade Groups to search for some people who want to go it on normal, I always encounter some "link curve or not inv," "940+ ilvl" and blah, blah, blah... I just reached the dead end. Everybody had some awesome equip and wanted just to go some ultra-fast runs to get transmog, so nobody wanted to accept some active girl who just wanted to get better eq to be able to join something better. 942ilvl was all I got.

And BTW that "curve" thing is some achieve you get when you kill some boss in that raid on heroic difficulty. HEROIC DIFFICULTY! THEY WANTED IT FOR NORMAL, OMG! F****** F****!

OK, I need to cool down...

What I like on Legion

  • It's more user-friendly when you need to do some quest. When you're near your objective yellow dot will appear on the map, so you know its exact location. And if it is in some cave, different floor, etc. the dot is grey, and there is a little arrow to tell you if it is up or down.

  • There is just one equip for all talents. It'll just change its primary stats.

  • All you need to do to change your talent points is to be in some resting place.

  • Each class has its weapons for every spec, so you don't need to farm better ones once you get 'em all. You're just upgrading them with artifact power.

  • You can do dungeons on Mythic+ difficulty. It offers more challenging experience when doing dungeons.

  • When you're fresh 110lvl, all you need to do to get some better starting equip is world quests. Those even help you to get more reputation to get some achievements or to unlock some new stuff.

  • Once you finish the main quest lines on one character, there is no need to do them again on another one.

What I don't like on Legion

  • Farming reputation. You need it to be able to use the flying mount, and even some quests depend on it. I hate that it is not account bounded.

  • Long boss talks you can't skip in some dungeons. The most annoying it is in mythic+ where it is wasting your time limit.

  • Getting some account bound item for a different class than you have/are playing.

  • Opening flight masters on every character again and again.

We'll it's all I recalled...

Demon Hunter

In the first gif, you can see my main. Her name is Mikasasukasa (Yeah, there is a similarity to "Mi casa es su casa" in Spanish, but I had something more anime related in my mind.) and she is a Blood Elf Demon Hunter - a new class in Legion DLC. Demon Hunter is super cool, and I really love to play it.


  • It's like me. It's cheeky, sexy (maybe), deadly (muahahaha) and can't dance (Yeah, I stripped her).

  • It has double jump so you'll get almost everywhere. No hill will stop you.

  • It has a Glide. When falling, you just press the spacebar to spread your wings, so there is no need to walk around to find some way down when standing on some Mt. Everest. Exploring the map is quite annoying when you have no flying ability, and you are not allowed to use a flying mount, but it's not a problem for Demon Hunter.

  • It's melee character. I somehow don't like playing casters. Well, I also have 110lvl shaman, warlock, and paladin, but demon hunter is top.

  • It is just damage or tank, and both are quite strong.

  • It has a lot of AoE spells. Well, it has its pros and cons. Pros prevail, but when there are three melee characters in a Mythic+ dungeon with the Explosive affix (While in combat, enemies periodically summon Explosive Orbs that will detonate if not destroyed.), you're fucked, because AoE doesn't work on these orbs.

  • It has just a few spells. Yeah, I know that every class is not using a lot of spells very often, so it should be no problem, but I hate it when I need to create more binds and stuff just because there is a lot of shits. DH has no shits, so you know all spells pretty well, and it's much easier to remember them.

  • All classes with stealth are fucked when playing against DH. There will be no free surprise attack because DH can see them.

  • I played it that lot that I even obtained the class mount when I was recording gif material for this post! It's such a creepy bat.


And I mustn't forget the Allied Races!

When purchasing the Battle for Azeroth, except 110lvl boost for one character, you'll obtain a quest to recruit new races. For Horde, it is Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren. However, to be able to get these races you must complete an achievement. It consists of getting reputation level to Exalted with Nightfallen (Nightborne) and Highmountain Tribe (Tauren) and complete the main quest line in Suramar and Highmountain. If you haven't play Legion yet and you want to, I recommend getting the Nightborne more because in Suramar the reputation is farmed much easier than in other locations because it has pretty long main quest line.

If I focused on farming reputation much sooner, I'd get them both, but until my subscription ended, I got Nightborne only. When creating a new character, there is one more button to choose Allied Races. The new character will have level 20.

I created female Nightborne Priest, and she's a pretty hot chick. Isn't she? (Yes, I stripped her again.)

And just for fun. Do you know what racial spell Nightborne has? You'll never guess! It'll cast some grimoire which is a mailbox! Such a useful spell... :D

May the seed be with you! :D


So now that you're no longer addicted to WoW for a few months, you'll be playing something else? Maybe more minesweeper?

Yeah, definitely :D Finally I'll have some time to do something else!

Minesweeper is amazing. I solved expert under 50 seconds. Not a world record, but it's great. They should make a minesweeper MMO. No, wait...

OK, challenge accepted! :D I don't know my record, but it is definitely worse.

Let's make some Steemit tournament at least!

Well for me, the main reason to jump in a new expansion in the beggining is to play the auction house - you can make sooo much gold by farming materials or just playing the auction house (Protip: buy mats in the morning/weekdays and sell them in the evenings/weekends).

You can easily make enough gold for playing for free until you are done with the expansion.

I have played WoW since Vanilla, and stopped a few months after Legion hit. I am not too sure I will buy the next expansion, though. Part of me feels like I am betraying my maxed level characters, but at the same time WoW expansions are getting a little bit stale. :S

I'll wait to see how I feel at launch ;)

Well for me, the main reason to jump in a new expansion in the beggining is to play the auction house

Yeah, I heard about this strategy. I have bank and bags full of different materials, so I hope I'll make them into a nice amount of gold, but to play WoW for free thanks to it. It sounds so unbelievable.

Nightborne surely dance a lot better and sexier than blood elves, who btw really, really... Can't... Dance.

Also are you sure the demanded ilvl was too high to get? Did you look it up? Usually there is something you can do about it. I think they wouldn't demand it for no reason. But I'm only guessing,.

I don't play WoW because of the leveling, I would love to raid, but I need to get to the max level first, which is boring as all hell to me. Not only do I have to pay to begin playing, I also need to spend several hours on each character before actually having fun.

Open world PvP in private servers is what got me so attached to WoW, but it is non-existent in the Blizzard servers, which was a huge turn off to me.

I apologize for some mistakes in advance, because I'm writing on my phone without any grammar helper.

Nightborne surely dance a lot better and sexier than blood elves, who btw really, really... Can't... Dance.

And her underwear is also pretty bad, but I like her badass and cheeky look :D

Also are you sure the demanded ilvl was too high to get?

It's hard when you don't have some good and active guild willing to help new players get eq. It's the end of Legion expansion so everybody already has good eq and everybody is just doing raids for transmog or they want huge amout of golds to help you. Yeah, I found a few groups who invited me but you are just waiting for something all the time (after every boss a lot of people leave and you must find others...) and you get max. three items from whole raid (10 bosses +/-) and after that the instance is locked.

And wanting som heroic achievement for normal is ridiculous. It's a shame I didn't recorded the premade groups to show you the proof.

I don't play WoW because of the leveling, I would love to raid, but I need to get to the max level first, which is boring as all hell to me.

I understand, but if you'll buy the new expansion, you'll get 110lvl instant boost for one character so you only need to exp 10 more levels to get the maximum. It's not that bad and thanks to it you have opportunity to try its campaign.

but it is non-existent in the Blizzard servers

Yeah, there is almost no PvP but I have no problem with it. I want to chill out when playing it and don't smash buttons insanely. However, we kicked a few asses with my bf (he also likes PvP more) in arenas with DH and rogue combo. Even though I had PvE talents :D

Yeah, there is almost no PvP but I have no problem with it. I want to chill out when playing it and don't smash buttons insanely. However, we kicked a few asses with my bf (he also likes PvP more) in arenas with DH and rogue combo. Even though I had PvE talents :D

Awesome! I'm not into arena PvP. I like the open-world PvP, the tension of having too look behind my shoulder all the time, ganking and getting ganked. I'm an adrenaline addict. Other than that, all that's really left for me is raiding. But I can't afford the x-pack atm so nevermind.

My favorite mmo ever is Dungeons & Dragons Online (not neverwinter). It has no PvP, but it's like every quest is a raid.

Try dauntless, maybe u will like it :D
Open beta just started around 1 week ago.

Hmmm, didn't hear about it. I'll check it out! RPG is my favorite genre ^^

Pillars of Eternity Deadfire is far the best recent RPG I have played (recently). Except some flaws including NPCs forcing you to accept quest, which is not essential to the story at all. And if you don't want to parley with pirates, it will just stuck in your journal... But otherwise, it is a perfect game. My favourite genre is strategy, PoED provides both as you manage whole group of 5 heroes and the game stops automatically whenever you need, so you can use skills perfectly.

I got so many recommendations that I don't know what to play first... :D I'll check it out too!

I am addicted to WoW I can not quit and I am still waiting for the new expansion for while I will continue playing with my friends to distract myself. I have a sacred paladin ilvl 967, hunter of demons tank 960 and I am starting with a shaman improves 948 ilvl. If you are from the alliance we could meet. regards

Att. For the alliance.

For the Horde! :D I played the Alliance on Czech free server. On Blizzard I belong to the Horde. So maybe we'll meet in some bg.

I'm envious. Such a high ilvl on three characters. I needed to stop because it was affecting my life (I was nervous, annoying, etc.) and I somehow didn't see the sense in playing the Legion now, but when the BfA is out, I'll be back!