Games and their hype.

in #gaming6 years ago


There is a pattern I've been noticing in the gaming industry lately. Ever been hyped about the games and later been let down wondering how it originally turned out to be? If yes then you get what I am saying. This has been happening with me since quite a few years and believe me its heartbreaking. Now those mind boggling graphics and heart stopping cinematic moments of the trailers don't make my bloods go rushing inside me like it used to. These huge gaming companies take their games from something they are not to something may be what they wanted to become, I don't know what they actually think.


I remember the last time I was so hyped up about a game was Deus EX- The Fall and we all know about the great fall it had. XD. Do you get it "the fall" hun? ;) With the sluggish gameplay to the bad environment it was a total crap if you ask me. Even if I paid for the game I couldn't continue the game after the 2nd Chapter. Truth be told I was hyped for the game because of its predecessor Deus EX- Human Revolution which had flaws but was pretty engaging, from very cool bionic environments to arm swords, it was cool. May be having a good predecessor increases the pressure on the companies to make that next big thing which clearly adds to the hype.


As for games which I think lived up to their hype or may be raised the bar are very few and deserve an honorable mention. The Witcher 3. Now this game really bedazzled me. This was the game which came out of the blue and became one of the best games we will ever play in this decade. I did not meet a single person who played the game complaint about it as an end product and believe me I meet a lot of people. The best part which I liked was the vast open world filled with random encounters and side quests. Its the type of game in which you can wander around and the game will not push you towards the main quests. Now to mention the graphics, it was and I quote "dope". Though the combat system could have been better if not repetitive but the way it took place was awesome with swords, some magic and the skills exactly the type of game I wanted. I mean who doesn't love a game with some RPG elements, hack & slash, swords and a world with supernatural elements. Yeah I forgot to mention the "ELDER" in the expansion Blood & Wine. He was one heck of a character XD. LOL.




Now truth be told the game hype will continue to exist and will flourish even though we may not like it and may be it is a necessary evil? I'll leave you people to that to post comments and let me know which is the game you are hyped about. Peace OUT.


Mmm Breath of the Wild.

Do you mean Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild?

Yeah. It's like a dream that game. Well, from my point of view. I'm saving money to buy the Switch. Also like The Witcher

That's cool! Truth be told I have never been into nintendo at any point of my life it has always been about pc, xbox and ps.