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RE: Are Consoles/Handhelds On Their Last Leg?

in #gaming8 years ago

The easy access to consoles , low price compared to PC , and the fact that all kids want one , will always give consoles a base to exist. Today most households don't have a desktop pc any-more , the cheap laptop and tablet are the thing to have today. For some years now PC gaming was struggling for a decent player base . 8 out of 10 gamers i meet are console gamers . So , i do not think console gaming is gonna die out some day soon .
Cross-platform games are the latest new thing . witch opens up the discussion again ( CS1.5-1.6 ) , are PC gamers OP against console gamers because of there better hardware ? Rocket league is a game that dos great on cross-platform gaming . The future of consoles will bring them closer to a PC , the Xbox one supports windows 10 already . In a far future consoles and pc's will merge in to 1 . Who needs a desktop when you can have a tablet in your hands .

To me , desktop gaming will end one day . just look at the desktop sales to households the last years . I fear that one day consoles is al we can get ;-)


As i see your point, i quite disagree. A personal example would be how me and all my friends have switched from console to pc. PCs actually do not cost that much, you can get one for the same price as a ps4 that would run better, have better customization, and you would not have to replace it every few years. You could upgrade 2 parts for half the price. From what i have seen of the xbox one, reviews are not looking too good. And even as i am still young, i do not feel as much gravitation towards console as i do pc. While cross platform games like rocket league are great, why pick up a ps4 and be limited to its exclusives; when you can have a pc and have access to all the games.

One more things i might add, is steam has almost all the games as xbox, and ps4 combined... But most of the games cost less, due to the constant sales steam provides.

I might just be biased, but having owned almost every console, i stand behind my opinion.

One more things, yes a pc does have an advantage hardware wise.
Another is a laptop is a pc... That picture above is my laptop.

A Alienware laptop , the same price as a ps4 ? lol . For the price of a ps4 or xbox one i can maybe buy a low end surf laptop or desktop , not a gaming rig .
I never go for console , the last i had was a N64 . You and all your friend's turning to pc gaming could be because you got older earn, some money, and still love to game . PC is the logic choice .
The majority of casual gamers stick to the couch and big screen tv .

b.t.w. very nice laptop , and welcome to PC gaming , the community needs you ;-)

im not referring to my pc. You can build a rig that would out perform both for the same price.
But i guess your right.