The XBOX One X Is OK - But This Is What I Would Really Like In A Console (Clue it isn't 4K)

in #gaming7 years ago

One of the promotional screenshots for the XBOX One X on the official website.

Is It All About Resolution? - I Would Say No.

The internet has been going crazy over the final specs and release details for the XBOX One X (XOX).

Screenshot 2017-06-17 16.42.33.png

The XBOX One X

There are certainly a lot of pretty screenshots to see - particularly in the promotional materials but even assuming it can maintain true 4K gaming resolutions in practice the question remains of how important this is for most home users?

4K TVs are still not common and most users will be sitting at quite a distance from the TV - in many cases the difference from the resolution change will not be apparent.

This is something that sites like Ars Technica have covered in articles detailing their initial (hands on) impressions. What matters more to me personally for a smooth gaming experience is high and consistent frame rates.

Most consoles seem to have trouble with this - from what I understand the XOX is aiming to be more consistent in these respects but it still seems pretty poor when compared to PC games.

Most of the video footage I have seen still has that characteristic "jumpiness" and general lack of smoothness that we see on other consoles. Even when we see more consistent frame rates they still look comparatively low.

I don't think this is due to poor video compression because I have seen it in multiple videos.

PC Frame Rates


PC gaming has been tackling frame rate issues for several years.

PC gaming is moving to higher frame rates and new technologies like Freesync and G-Sync mean that uneven frame rates can be accommodated more efficiently.

There isn't really an equivalent with TV technology yet.

For one thing TV technology has not really devised a standard for accepting frame rates above 60, let alone measures to deal with variable frame rates.

Whilst many TVs generate higher refresh rates than 60 Hz to smooth out motion and reduce judder(via interpolation and other smoothing methods), they don't actually accept higher refresh rates (and hence higher frame rates).

There is little push for this right now anyway since the higher refresh rates are not really necessary for movie watching or regular TV - in fact they can make things look worse and less film-like.

I suspect it will happen eventually, but the push will only come from the gaming industry (not Hollywood).

What I Would Like - A Consistent (Preferably Locked) 60 FPS

That said I would be happy to get a solid 60 frames per second on consoles - something that any modern TV can handle with ease.

It would also be attainable for the newer variants of the consoles if they stuck to 1080p resolution.

Screenshot 2017-06-17 16.42.01.png

A locked 60FPS would be very nice.

It would create a much more realistic and responsive experience - particularly in certain types of games (e.g. racing and fighting games).

For the games that I have compared on my PC versus the console equivalents, even a locked 60 frames per second makes a huge difference irrespective of the resolution.

So the question is why don't we have someone who is making a console that sets that as a baseline?

Why don't Microsoft or Sony concentrate on a base frame rate of 60 FPS for all games? I think it is down to marketing.

Obviously they can't force developers to meet this, but my feeling is that by moving to 4K gaming so soon, they are in a sense sabotaging and reducing the likelihood of this ever happening.

Even top end PC gaming rigs have difficulty with smooth 4K gaming rates so it seems a bit premature.

I think the reason for this is numbers. Most people don't understand what 60 FPS gaming is or why it matters. On the other hand 4K is something that is a lot easier to market and is growing in the public consciousness.

It doesn't matter if it is real 4K or if not - it is more of a promotional exercise - much like megapixels on cameras and phones.



Will 8K come before smooth frame rates?

I do hope we get change on this at some point.

I have been waiting for smooth 60 FPS gaming as long as I have been a console gamer!

I remember how amazing it felt when one of the Ridge Racer games on the original Playstation ran at a full 60 FPS. It seemed to be a glimpse of the future.

My fear is that when we get the next batch of consoles they will ignore the frame rates again and aim for 8K gaming! It seems to be one of those things that I will be waiting for forever.

What do you think? Am I the only one who cares about it? Will it ever happen?

Thank you for reading


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All XBOX images are taken from the official XBOX website here. All other uncredited images are taken from my personal Thinkstock Photography account. More information can be provided on request.


Totally agree, frame rate matters much more than resolution. Example: If you had to choose between playing 5 hours of two games: One game in beautiful 4K but at 5 FPS, or another game with 420p at 60FPS which would you choose? I would choose the 60 FPS every time. Lower FPS makes the game unplayable and ruins the experience. FPS matters a lot more than the gaming industry lets on. FPS is almost like a silent spec, no one pays any real attention to it unless it's below 30 FPS.

This post received a 37% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thecryptofiend! For more information, click here!

Thanks man, I'm glad you posted this, it's a topic that I wish got more attention in the gaming community. You did us all a service. :)

I just wish the industry would pay more attention. It is like the Megapixels vs true image quality issue in photography!

Oh my god yes. The general population doesn't understand Megapixels don't equal better pictures. I don't know how many times I'd be talking to a client and they just ask me: "So how many megapixels does your camera have?" I had use a lot of willpower to not facepalm right there in front of them. I wish camera bodies would focus a lot more on improving dynamic range until it hits at least 24+ stops.

So true! In fact dynamic range is the thing that I would love to have - I often find myself having to underexpose shots to make up for it! HDR just always looks fake. I have been told that Medium Format cameras give you more but they are so expensive that I doubt I will ever be able to try one - plus I would rather downsize than go up in size.

I agree, HDR usually looks fake, but sometimes it's a necessary evil. :( I usually only HDR if dynamic range in the shot exceeds the dynamic range of the camera, and then I try to tune the output to look more natural if possible. Although, I'll be honest sometimes my HDR doesn't succeed in looking as real as I would like. Here's one HDR I'm proud of though:

That's how it should be done as it doesn't look overdone! I think if an HDR looks like an HDR then it has gone too far.

Well, that's a totally extreme example. I'd choose 4K at 30 fps over 420/100+fps anyday. However, I'd choose 1440p/60 over 4K/30. 4K matters, it makes the image amazingly clear. Going back to 1080p looks like a mess of aliasing and shimmering artifacts.

Of course, there's diminishing returns beyond 4K. That's 12 MP, and that's good enough for most TV and PC viewing from regular viewing distances. So I hope for the next gen the focus is on 4K/60 instead of 8K/30.

It's up to the developer. For example, Forza Motorsport 4 runs at native 4K with a locked 60 fps. Given Turn 10 Studio's history, when they say locked 60 fps, they really mean it. The Halo, Battlefield and Call of Duty games will almost certainly be 60 fps too. There'll also be games which offer the option between High IQ/30 and lower IQ/60. You're right, of course, that a majority of games will target 30 fps. There's good reason for that too - studios have done double blind tests where casual gamers always prefer flashy visuals over higher frame rates. They are so used to 30 fps - or even worse, 24 fps from movies - that it doesn't bother them.

However, with Xbox One X, it's not just 30 fps. It is the first console to support variable refresh, this is massive leap forward for console gaming. We've known this in the PC land as Gsync for Nvidia or Freesync for AMD as you point out but somehow seem to miss that Xbox One X supports this too. Of course, the Xbox supports Freesync, we should see this release in future TVs (Freesync is an open standard adopted by HDMI). This means you are no longer tied to either 30 fps or 60 fps. Most console games actually run between 30 fps and 40 fps, and are capped to the lowest common denominator in the stress points. For the rest of the game, there's a lot of wasted potential. With Xbox One X and a Freesync TV, this potential will no longer be wasted.

Around 45 fps is pretty good - I try to configure around the 50-55 fps mark, and when it dips down to early-40s I really don't notice with Freesync (on my PC). I'm sure you'll remember how The Hobbit movies looked silky smooth at 48 fps. So, a variable refresh synced 45 fps would be a great step forward.

Is FreeSync coming soon to TVs? I'd like to get an AMD card to have at least a console sized PC. It's still terrible that the cheapest G-Sync monitor, new, costs over $300.

Not sure. I don't think there is really enough demand yet in the console world but awareness will likely grow.

Yes, they are coming this fall. Freesync is actually a ratified HDMI standard. Check out Digital Foundry's video about it. (Can't find it off hand...)

G-Sync is a sham, they have exorbitant royalty fees. It's typical Nvidia using their market power to exploit ignorant consumers. Freesync is the future, and ultimately Nvidia will need to adopt it as well. Currently both Intel and AMD support Freesync, as well as the entire industry.

I didn't know about the variable refresh - that should help with games that can't lock on 30 or 60. I would love to see Freesync on TVs as that would help a lot too.

This post received a 13% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thecryptofiend! For more information, click here!

Been an Xbox gamer since the Duke, one thing that impressed me and swayed my away from the PlayStation route is that PlayStation always seemed pixelated whereas Xbox had found away around this and made really beautiful games, like DOA4, which was a launch title years ahead of its time. I would personally be just as happy at 24-30fps if it meant the end of load times. I can't even play GTA 5, because by the time it loads, I'm out of time to play. I'm not sure that the XOX addresses the load time issue completely sticking to the traditional HD instead of a SSD. Hopefully Xbox 2 will have an SSD cartridge slot with the operating system built into the system. With games like Halo 5 sitting at 98gb, having a 1tb hard drive seems limiting. I've got my xbone hooked to a 5tb seagate, and even that is starting to fill.

This post received a 14% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thecryptofiend! For more information, click here!

Great post, btw

I haven't really noticed any greater pixelation on PS4 but it may be my TV. Yes load times are a killer - I can't wait until NVMe SSDs become standard! I think the size of games means that it will be a while before it becomes practical. I can imagine it is pretty easy to fill up a 5TB drive particularly if you use it for music and movies too.

Nope, just games. I'll hand it to Sony, the PS4 has impressive visuals, but the ps2 and three always seemed a step behind. Brand loyalty is paying off with the backwards compatability. Glad to see a gaming post here, looks like I have another rabbit hole of steemit to explore.

Woah, thanks for the randowhale vote. I've got to figure these things out to share. Cheers.

Been out of the gaming scene for a few years now but been thinking about getting back in. I have a friend though who is addicted and he seemed very excited about 4k but I was under the impression most people wouldn't notice the difference. Who know's I'm sure I read that somewhere though.

I think for many people it would be hard - unless you have one of those humongous 70 inch screens (or you sit very close to a smaller one).

Console vs PC war is what is fueling both parties with money lol. I like PC more because of strategy games I enjoy playing so I don't really care about resolution. X seems pretty nice though.

Yes it does. I also think MS are making it more like a PC in terms of refreshing more frequently.

Still can't leave that PS nostalgia and fanboy behind. :) I mean both the consoles and the PC have their pros and cons. You can't play many or almost every popular competative game on the consoles. On the other side PC lacks that FPS consistence and some hit console exclusives.

I use my PS4 almost exclusively for fighting games and exclusives ; I can't bring myself to play a FPS on a pad.

Great post! I agree that frame rate is important and deserves more attention. My hope is that they are using 4K for marketing while working on high frame rate/refresh rate implementation behind the scenes, not just gaming consoles but TV companies as well.

I hope so too:)

60 FPS!!!



Actually some people might even imagine it even worse then that lol.

I want a console that's backwards compatible with all other consoles ever made

That would be awesome. I think in theory it is also possible but the copyrights needed would mean it could never happen (legally at least).

The only way to achieve this is through emulation, unfortuantely. Unless you mean all other consoles by the same brand/company.

Nice. I didn't know you were a gamer. Do you use a wheel when racing? I was looking into investing into some fanatec gear. E3 is going on right now and project cars 2 is looking pretty cool.

Yes I need to get a new one though. I would like something that works with PC, XBox and PS4 - haven't really found one I like yet. None of the options are cheap!

Your right, the price of these things are so high. You can get one that does PS4/PC or Xbox/PC. I am not sure I have seen one that does a three in one. I like the fanatec gear but it is like $800 to get started with all the pedals and shifter etc... You were talking about 4k gaming. If you haven't yet, VR racing is something to experience. The resolution isn't there yet but it is so darn immersive.

Yes I need to look into it properly. The thing is once you look at the Fanatec stuff with all the pedals it just gets crazy and you need tons of space - there are even custom machined pedals and things now.

Not sure I'd be able to handle the VR racing in terms of motion sickness.

The fanatec stuff is expensive, it does take space, you'll need some sort of rig, but man is that stuff pretty! The funny thing is that the fastest guys in the world only use the most basic setups. Like a Logitech wheel on a desk in their parents bedroom. This video is the reason I really want to get into iracing.

I suspect that they are young kids and have faster reflexes!

What does the cat have to do with gaming? lol cute cat xD .... Well, lets face it, general public does not care about FPS, they just care about image detail, this is valid for average users and not people who is really into gaming... So you have to keep in mind that this companies wants to sell a lot, not please real gamer...

Yes I think it is for marketing purposes.