
The game is interesting, but I seem to be hard to play it

Yeah I heard about that! A game for programmers! Thanks for the heads up might download it later. Just downloaded Galactic Civilisation 2 last week for free from them.

By the way I like your new banner, especially the Unicorn spewing out fire 😄

If you want more games for programmers you should definitely take a look at TIS-100 and Shenzen I/O both available on steam for a reasonable price.

I have both of them on my wishlist as well.

your great gaming post friend

I don't know about the game, but the description sounds interesting already...

One must be a computer guru to be able to complete a stage... Hahahahhaha

Can't we just hack something for REAL and get an even BIGGER thrill? Gotta be a hacking school out there somewhere!?

just like ignoring bad games (we like Minecraft's new ocean/water additions), ignore this crypto for same reason...

Interesting game I kind of like the effects and the skills employ @themarkymark

This sounds really familiar. Is this the cracking simulator that came out a number of years ago. If so I believe that there was a trial version that I tried. You could upgrade your hardware from money earned from succesful jobs.

Ah, yes - that is exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks for the reminder.

Excellent job very interesting friend post I hope you can support me with a vote

Looks interesting. The name reminds me of Darknet, a totally unrelated VR puzzle game that's kept me busy.

Dang... i payed like 10 Euros when i bought it.