GUNSHIP BATTLE - Best combat helicopter video game.
[Games review with @zulman]

How are guys? Welcome back again with me for another review of video games that was released for mobile platform especially that was released for Android devices. In today's post, I am going to give you all a review of a best combat aircraft video games called GUNSHIP BATTLE. This video game is a very good video game that I think is worth playing for and should get more credit from user. Off course, there are a lot of good video games out there and I am planning to cover them all in the future probably. Gunship Battle video game that I am going to review to day has one of the best gameplay and graphic for a mobile platform video game.
Alright, without further ado, let's start the review and see what is this video game look like.
Information on Gunship Battle Video Games
Gunship Battle is a video game that was released for Android Platform by JOYCITY Corp. JOYCITY Corp has published a lot of good video game and this game is one of them. I will probably give you review their other video games in the future. Gunship Battle is a very good video game. It is a game that belong to the genre of action. The video game is about war where the player will control an aircraft and go to finish the missions that assigned. In this game, the war involved aircraft, battle ships, and ground armies. Gunship Battle is available to be downloaded for free for Play Store with an in-app purchase system.
Gunship Battle is quite popular video game and also received good reviews from user. In Play Store, the game has been downloaded around 50 - 100 millions times. As common as the other mobile video games, this video game also contains adds. The in-app purchase system in this game is used in order to buy gold (money used in the game) or another items such as aircraft. There are a lot of aircraft that can be bought. What make this game good is that the aircraft in the game is mostly based on a real aircraft.
In order to be able to play Gunship Battle video games, your Android version minimum requirement must be at least on version 4.0.3 and up. This game received the lates update on 26 February, 2018 which add some new feature such as new episodes has been added, new episode dialog, changed custom mission, black market, and off course some of bug has been fixed. The current version of this game is stand at version 2.6.1. This video game might be not so easy to play do to some missions and the control is quite difficult. Despite that, this video game is a very good game to play. Now, let's see the gameplay of Gunship Battle.
Gameplay of Gunship Battle
Talking about the gameplay of the game, this video game has a very good, fun, and realistic gameplay. You as the player well chose an aircraft at the beginning and control them to perform mission. You will pilot the warcraft to missions where you will fight against enemies. The enemies in this game consists of ground armies, ground missiles, battle ship, and also aircraft or helicopter. The objective is different from each mission, there are a lot of them. Some objective of the missions such as destroying enemies base, destroying enemies transport system, sometimes your mission will be to guide the allies to a certain place. I will talk the details about this later on this article.

To play the Gunship Battle video game, there are several control that you can choose from. There are four type of control that you can choose. Before I give you the details about the control. There is one thing you need to know that the aircraft can be controlled the perform these things such as turn left and right, up and down forward, reverse, firing bomb, firing primary gun, and firing missiles. These control might not available for all aircraft. Some aircraft does not have the capabilities to reverse. Alright, now let's talk about the control type.
- Type 1 control will use the device tilt in order to perform left, right, up, and down. While for others, there will be buttons on screen.
- Type 2 control is almost the similar to control type 1. except in order to go left, right, up and down, this type will use a D-pad control. For forward and reverse, it use device tilt.
- Type 3 will use D-pad for forward, reverse, left and right. While for up and down, it use device tilt.
- Type 4 is where the tilting devices does not involved at all. In order to control the aircraft with this type, there will be a D-pad and buttons available. Check out the picture above, that picture is how control type 4 look like.
Alright, now you have learn how to control the aircraft. Let's see some game modes that available in the game. In the game, there will be several game modes. Those game modes are "Special Mission", "Episode", and "Competition Mode". In Episode mode, as the current version of the game, there are 25 Episode available to play. Each episode will contains several game play as well where the there will be objectives from each gameplay will be different. In this mode, in order to progress to the next episode, you need to complete the previous one.
The second game modes that also available is called Special mission. In this mode, there will be four missions available named Raid Mission, World Domination, Mission Impossible, and custom mission. In Raid Mission, you will play against all other player from all over the world. This mission is quite difficult as some players might have better aircraft than yours. Here in order to be able to play this missions, you will need two aircraft where it will be assign into two slots. With this, you will have two chances if your first aircraft is down, you still have another chances with the second aircraft. Custom mission is a mission where you can choose the missions individually, there are several missions available in this mode. to complete it, you need to finish all the objectives.

The third game modes that also available in Gunship Battle is Competition Mode. In this mode, you will play the game that almost similar to Episode game modes. However, in this mode you will play the game to get the highest score. The score will be compare to another player from around the world, But here you do not fight against them as in the World Domination mode. This mode also have time limit. It is a season system where you need to get the highest rank by the end of the seasons in order to get the highest reward. This mode is almost similar to tournament mode in another game.
Now, to check out how is the game's look like, see these screenshots below:

My Personal Opinion about Gunship Battle
Gunship Battle is a very good video game that have good gameplay and good graphic. Another thing that I like about the game is that all the aircraft that is the player use to control are all based on real aircraft. So, that we can learn what kind of aircraft that are available in the world nowadays. The graphic that this game has I think is one of the best for a mobile platform game. Despite being all the good, this game does not perfect either, it does have it flaws, the game use gold beside money as the currency in order to purchase items. I found out that the gold is quite difficult to collect and another thing is that the adds in the game is quite a bit annoying.
Alright, I think that is enough for the overview about Gunship Battle. There might be not much details in this review about the game, but at least you have read the basic information about Gunship Battle. With this article, I really hope that it can bring benefit to those who read it and If you like playing some casual games too, make sure to check out this video game. It is worth your time. Cheers...

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