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RE: Garden Layout | Offgrid-Online Contest

in #gardening7 years ago

It's really nice to have that much space to work with for your garden! That makes it a lot easier to plant a lot of things without any crowding.
One thing I will mention is that with your popcorn and your sweet corn planted close to each other, if they tassle annywhere close to the same time, they will cross pollinate. It probably won't affect the harvest this year, but if you save the seeds from this year, you'll have a hybrid corn next year that probably won't be as good because of the popcorn mixing with the sweet corn. Corn cross pollinates very easily because the wind carries the pollen.


Wow, thank you so much!!! I’m not sure why that has never even crossed my mind. I know they did tassle a few weeks a part from each other last year but this is definitely something we will have to change up a bit to ensure no cross pollination happens. Thank you soooo much for bringing it to our attention, one of the things I love about steemit, learning from others like yourself. Thanks again!

I broke the rules and planted my squash and pumpkin too close this year ...maybe next year we'll be eating crooked neck pumpkins or something never before seen! :)

Yeah, if you save the seeds from the squash from this year, you'll probably get some weird hybrid next year.

You're welcome! :-)