Ancient Mystique-----> Monsanto's Round-up/Glyphosate and the Unseen Devastation.......In-Depth

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

Steemit'ers! <3

Before we start, I am currently working on something 'IRL' and it is keeping me at arms length from SteemIt during the process, unfortunately. I hope you all are doing amazing and I am documenting this project I am working on and will unveil when it is time <3




Today I am writing this article about Round-Up or Glyphosate.

For a long time Monsanto claimed that Round-Up was as harmless as water. You could bathe in it and it would be okay.

And to this day, as I found out, ALOT of people still think this.


Time to Rectify this Issue.


A Few 'Quick' Facts

  • Glyphosate is a synthetic herbicide patented in 1974 by Monsanto. It is now widely manufactured and sold, through 100's of products around the world. It is best known as, Monsanto's Round-Up brand.

  • In this 2016 Study called, "Trends in glyphosate herbicide use in United States and globally", it reports, "In the US, no pesticide has come remotely close to such intensive and widespread use".

  • The above study also found that Americans have applied 1.8 MILLION TONNES of glyphosate since its introduction in 1974

  • Worldwide, 9.4 MILLION TONNES of the chemical has been sprayed on fields. This is enough to have sprayed nearly HALF A POUND OF ROUNDUP PER EVERY CULTIVATED ACRE OF LAND, WORLDWIDE. Take that in for a second. HALF A POUND OF ROUNDUP PER EVERY CULTIVATED ACRE OF LAND, WORLDWIDE. (Source)

  • Globally, glyphosate use has risen almost 15 fold since so-called "Round-up Ready', genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant crops were introduced in 1996. (Source)

  • Roundup has been tied to INFERTILITY and CANCER; Yet, still, the "maker's" claim its safety. (Source)

  • In 2015, the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as 'a probable carcinogen to humans." The team of international scientists found there is a particularly strong link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (Source)

  • Until now, most health studies have focused on the safety of glyphosate, rather than the mixture of ingredients found in Roundup. But in this 2014 study, scientists found that Roundup’s inert ingredients amplified the toxic effect on human cells—even at concentrations much more diluted than those used on farms and lawns. (Source)

  • There are over 11,000 conditionally approved chemicals.... This means they were granted approval without being deemed safe first. It’s left up to the chemical company to research, but there is no follow-up done. The EPA hasn’t gone back to check the safety of the chemicals they approved either. It’s a profit before evidence situation, and it’s frightening. (Source)

  • 5-Chloro-2-methyl 3(2H)-isothiazolone, for instance, is a chemical component used in Roundup that has been linked to causing both allergic reactions and genetic damage in laboratory tests. And 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate, a biocide often used in glyphosate formulas, has been shown to cause thyroid damage and growth abnormalities in test subjects. Other harmful glyphosate ingredients include petroleum distillates, polyoxyethylene alkylamine, and methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, which are linked to fertility problems, genetic damage, and other harm.(Source)

  • Application of Glyphosate herbicides has caused, not only the increased severity of plant diseases, but also the development of super weeds. Which calls for stronger and much more toxic (AS IF IT CAN GET ANY WORSE!) poisons. (Source)

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Okay-->So HOW does Glyphosate work?

Glyphosate blocks the activity of an enzyme used by plants to make certain important amino acids. Without these amino acids, the plant cannot make proteins required for various life processes, resulting in the death of the plant.


Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide, so it kills most types of plants.

[(Source)]( crop_chemicals/default.asp)


'Inert' Ingredients

Like most pesticides, commercial glyphosate herbicides (NOT JUST ROUND-UP) contain ingredients other than just Glyphosate which, according to U.S pesticide laws, are called "inert". Publicly available information on the identity of these ingredients in glyphosate is VERY hard to find and often incomplete. _
(Funny that huh? Its interesting how this issue (censorship) consistently rears its ugly head during searches for this type of information, whatever the subject.)_

The 'inert' ingredients in Glyphosate Herbicides with their hazards alongside them....

  • 5-Chloro-2-methyl 3(2H)-isothiazolone----> Caused genetic damage and allergic reactions in labo- ratory tests.
  • FD&C Blue No. 1 ------> Caused genetic damage and skin tumors in laboratory tests.
  • Glycerine-----> Caused genetic damage in tests with human cells and laboratory animals. It also reduced fertility in laboratory tests.
  • 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate ----> Caused thyroid damage and decreased growth in laboratory tests.
  • Light aromatic petroleum distillate (Chemical Abstract Services No. 64742-95-6)----> Reduced fertility and growth of newborns in laboratory tests
  • Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate----> caused genetic damage in laboratory tests
  • Polyoxyethylene alkylamine ------> is an eye irritant. It is also toxic to fish.
  • Propylene glycol-------> caused genetic damage, reduced fertility, and anemia in laboratory tests.
  • Sodium sulfite-----> caused genetic damage in tests with both laboratory animals and human cells.
    sodium benzoinate glyphosate ingredient.jpg
  • Sodium benzoate----> caused genetic damage in tests with human cells and laboratory animals. It also caused developmental problems and reduced newborn survival in laboratory tests.
  • Sodium salt of o-phenylphenol----> is a skin irritant. It also caused genetic damage and cancer in laboratory tests.
  • Sorbic acid-----> is a severe skin irritant and caused genetic damage in laboratory tests.


  1. U.S. EPA. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. 2004. Response to Freedom of Information Act request of October 19, 2004. Washington, D.C. Response dated November 17.
  2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: 4-Isothiazolin-3-one, 5- chloro-2-methyl-.
  3. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2000. RTECS: Ammonium, ethyl (4-(p- (ethyl(m-sulfobenzyl)amino)-alpha-(o-sulfophenyl)benzylidene)-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)(m- sulfobenzyl)-, hydroxide, inner salt, disodium salt.
  4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Glycerol. niosh/rtecs/ma7ad550.html.
  5. U.S. EPA. Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. 1997. Reregistration eligibility decision (RED): 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC). p.7.
  6. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1998. RTECS: Solvent naphtha (petro- leum), light aromatic.
  7. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Benzoic acid, p-hydroxy-, methyl ester.
  8. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1997. RTECS: Ethomeen T/15. niosh/rtecs/ko92dda8.html.
  9. W.T. Haller and Stocker R.K. 2003. Toxicity of 19 adjuvants to juvenile Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill sunfish). Environ Toxicol Chem. 22:615-619.
  10. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: 1,2-Propanediol.
  11. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Sodium sulfite. niosh.rtecs/we20ce70.html.
  12. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Benzoic acid, sodium salt.
  13. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: 2-Biphenylol, sodium salt.
  14. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1998. RTECS: Sorbic acid. niosh/rtecs/wg200b20.html.)

Symptoms of Exposure

According to reports made to the California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program, symptoms of exposure to glyphosate herbicides include eye irritation and inflammation, burning eyes, blurred vision, skin rashes, burning or itchy skin, nausea, sore throat, asthma and difficulty breathing, headache, lethargy, nose bleed, and dizziness.

Dietary-exposure-to-glyphosate-unlikely-to-cause-cancer-UN-report-says.jpg (Image Source)

“Irritation” can seem like a less serious symptom than those caused by other pesticides.

However, it can be significant.

For example, Italian dermatologists in 2004 reported treating a patient who knelt on the ground where her son had just sprayed a glyphosate-containing herbicide. She then put on clothing that had been on the ground where he had sprayed and napped. Within hours her skin was burning and she developed a blistering rash on her back, legs, and feet that lasted for a month.



4 laboratory studies published in the late 1990s demonstrated the ability of glyphosate and glyphosate-containing herbicide products to cause genetic damage.
Two of the studies, both done by scientists at Italy’s Instituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro exposed mice to glyphosate and a Roundup herbicide by injection. One study also exposed human blood cells to the same chemicals.
The first study showed that in mice both glyphosate and the Roundup herbicide damaged DNA (the genetic material in cells) in the liver and kidney and caused a different kind of genetic damage in bone marrow cells. Both substances also caused a third type of genetic damage in human blood cells. (See below: Figure 2)

glyphosate mutagenic graphs.png

In general, the Roundup used in these experiments was more potent than glyphosate.


The second study showed that a Roundup herbicide damaged DNA in the liver and kidney of mice.
The other two studies were done at the Universita della Basilicata (Italy). Both used blood cells, one from cows and the other from humans.
Both showed that glyphosate caused a significant increase in the number of abnormal chromosomes.
A more recent (2004) study from the Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences (Germany) showed that DNA damage occurred in human connective tissue cells when they were exposed to glyphosate and hydrogen peroxide, a molecule that is commonly found in living things.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health describes glyphosate as a “mutagen.”



Three recent studies have demonstrated a link between glyphosate exposure and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer:
  • A 2001 study of Canadian men showed that the risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for men exposed to glyphosate more than two days per year was two times greater than the risk for men who were either unexposed or exposed for less than two days per year. The study was conducted at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada).

  • A 2002 study of Swedish men showed that glyphosate exposure was significantly associated with an increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The study was conducted by oncologists at Örebro University (Sweden).

  • A 2003 review of three earlier studies of Midwestern farmers showed that exposure to glyphosate was associated with an increased incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The studies were conducted by the National Cancer Institute.

  • A 2003 review of three earlier studies of Midwestern farmers showed that exposure to glyphosate was associated with an increased incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The studies were conducted by the National Cancer Institute. (See Figure.)

  • A fourth study, an analysis of results from the Agricultural Health Study, did not find an association between non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and glyphosate exposure. However, the incidence of another cancer, multiple myeloma, showed a “suggestive association” with glyphosate exposure. The Agricultural Health Study is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and EPA.

Several mechanisms by which glyphosate herbicide exposure could cause cancer have recently been identified.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota found that both glyphosate and Roundup caused a rapid increase in cell division in human breast cancer cells.
In addition, scientists at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) showed that five glyphosate-containing herbicide products disrupted cell division in sea urchin embryos, which are commonly used as a model system for studying cell division.

The type of disruption found in this study is “a hallmark of tumor cells and human cancers.”



Glyphosate exposure has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage (Spontaneous abortion).

In a study of Ontario, Canada farm families, glyphosate use in the 3 months prior to conception was associated with an increased risk of late (between the 12th and 19th weeks of pregnancy) miscarriages. (See Figure 4 below.)
he study was conducted by researchers from Health Canada and Carleton University (Canada).

Glyphosate and fertility meme.jpg

Glyphosate-containing herbicides have also caused pregnancy problems in laboratory tests.

In a 2003 study conducted by scientists from two Brazilian universities, a Roundup herbicide fed to pregnant rats during the middle part of their pregnancy caused an increase in the number of offspring with abnormal skeletons. The increase in abnormalities was significant at all dose levels tested in this experiment.

glyphosate miscarriage and hormone disrupting graph.png



Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate all biological processes, including the reproductive system.
Scientists at Texas Tech University studied the effect of a glyphosate-containing herbicide on hormone production. ##### They looked at hormone production by Leydig cells, located in the testes, because these cells “play a crucial role in male reproductive function.” The scientists showed that exposure to a Roundup herbicide reduced sex hormone production in these cells by 94 percent. (See Figure 5 above)


ASSOCIATION WITH ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

  • Exposure of parents to glyphosate has been linked with an increased incidence of attention deficit disorder in children.
  • A 2002 study conducted by researchers at the University of Minnesota found “a tentative association between ADD/ADHD [attention deficit disorder] and use of this herbicide” by Minnesota farm families.
  • The results of 2 laboratory studies are consistent with the results of the University of Minnesota study in that they show glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides cause brain and nerve damage.
  • One study, conducted at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina) showed that feeding pregnant rats glyphosate-contaminated water caused changes in the activity of several enzymes in the brains of their fetuses.
  • A second study, from the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) showed that Roundup exposure inhibited the growth and development of nerve cells.



Glyphosate’s persistence in soil varies widely.
According to data compiled by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, glyphosate’s half-life varies from 2 to 174 days. (The half- life is the amount of time required for half of the applied glyphosate to break down or move away from the treatment area.)
To make matters EVEN WORSE, Glyphosate is NOT included in studies being conducted by the U.S Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment Program!!!!!! That means there are NO COMPREHENSIVE NATIONAL STATISTICS ABOUT CONTAMINATION OF RIVERS AND STREAMS BY GLYPHOSATE.
A regional study, however, indicates that glyphosate can be a common contaminant.
In a USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program survey of Midwest streams in 2002, glyphosate was found in over a third of the samples collected.

The primary breakdown product of glyphosate was found in over two-thirds of the samples.

The study also showed that glyphosate contaminated water from spring through fall and described glyphosate in samples taken at harvest time as “unexpected” because researchers had “presumed that glyphosate would degrade by this late in the growing season.”
USGS has also found glyphosate contamination in a study of urban streams in King County, Washington. Glyphosate was found in all six streams that were tested in this study.



Fish- Glyphosate-containing herbicides can cause genetic damage in fish, and also disrupt their immune systems.

  • A study conducted at the Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) showed that injection of a Roundup herbicide in Tilapia increased damaged chromosomes in red blood cells.
  • A study conducted at the University of Alexandria (Egypt) showed that exposure to Roundup reduced two measures of immune system function in spleen cells from Tilapia. The reduction occurred at all dose levels tested in this experiment.

    (Image Source)


Insects- Glyphosate can cause genetic damage in insects. In a study of fruit flies, significant increases in mutations occurred when larvae were exposed to glyphosate during development. The experiment was conducted by researchers from Akdeniz University (Turkey) and the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain).



Spiders- Spider populations can be reduced by herbicide treatment when the herbicide kills the vegetation they use for shelter. An experiment conducted by zoologists from Oxford University and the Royal Agricultural College (United Kingdom) looked for this kind of effect in the edges of agricultural fields. These margins “play an important agricultural role in providing a refuge for beneficial invertebrate predators”, which prey on pest insects in the fields. The zoologists found that treatment with a Roundup herbicide reduced spider numbers by over 50 percent.



Frogs- Glyphosate herbicides can harm amphibians in a variety of ways, including causing genetic damage and disrupting their development.

  • A 1997 study showed that a Roundup herbicide caused damage to DNA (genetic material) in bullfrog tadpoles. The University of Windsor (Canada) biologists who conducted the study concluded that its “genotoxicity at relatively low concentrations” was of concern.


  • A 2003 study showed that a glyphosate-containing herbicide caused both mortality and malformations of a common neotropical tadpole. The study was conducted by scientists at three research institutes in Argentina.

  • A 2004 study showed that “environmentally relevant” concentrations of several Roundup herbicides caused a common North American tadpole not to grow to its normal size and to take longer than normal to develop. In addition, between 10 and 25 percent of the Roundup-exposed tadpoles were intersex (having abnormal sex organs). The study was conducted by biologists at Trent University, Carleton University, and the University of Victoria (Canada). (See Below)
    glyphosate effects on frogs graphs.png



Use of glyphosate herbicides has been linked to increased problems with a variety of plant diseases.
For example, glyphosate herbicides increased the severity of fusarium head blight in cereal crops, the severity and frequency of sudden death syndrome in soybeans, the severity of Pythium root rot in sugarcane, and the severity of white mold in soybeans.

Below is an example of the root difference (caused by Pythium root rot) in the same plant


(Image Source)

These studies were conducted by scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Iowa State University, Louisiana State University, and Michigan State University.


ROUND UP RESISTANT FOOD (GMO'S/Genetically Modified Organisms)

In September 2012, French scientists conclude FIRST EVER long-term study of GMO on rats; extensive research PROVING GMO CORN causes horrific tumors in rats. Killing 70% of females early, long before their average two-year life expectancy. The study, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, revealed for the first time that rats fed Monsanto’s NK603 GM corn treated with Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide for longer than 90 days developed deadly tumors at a much higher, and much quicker, rate than rats not exposed to these products.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has warned of “serious health risks” indicated by animal studies measuring the effects of GMO foods. Some medical experts have suggested that Morgellons disease, a mysterious disease that produces sores, rashes, and sharp fibers beneath the skin, may be linked with genetically modified organisms.

The side effects of long term GMO food consumption include kidney cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer (for men too), thyroid tumors, brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease, infertility, birth defects, and autism.


(Image Source)

In over 260 studies worldwide, the diagnosis of cancer has been linked to agrochemicals. Yet GMO foods proponents claim that it poses no harm to humans or the environment, and that we need the technology to feed the world’s growing population. However, take into consideration that the United Nations have not embraced GMOs as a way to feed a hungry world, proposing instead more sustainable agriculture methods.
Most VACCINES AND FLU SHOTS contain GMO ingredients. Chemotherapy (AKA “agent orange”) is pushed on the masses as a viable treatment for people who have been steadily consuming pesticides, fluoride, bleach, aspartame, MSG and GMO's.

Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In nearly 50 countries around the world including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMO foods.

I have included, below, a FANTASTIC documentary that explains and shows the holes in Monsanto's claims of safety and effectiveness. It is called: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMO's.


Lawsuits Continue to be Filed Against Monsanto Roundup Alleging the Weed Killer Causes Cancer

Turns out, during my research for this article, and learning of the coming lawsuit specifically for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma caused death, I have spoken to the lawyers I have quoted here, and have SUCCESSFULLY applied to have both my grandmother and grandfather's cases attached to the class action. Both of whom, passed away from what the doctors called 'rare' cancer. It is expected to be heard for the first time in court July 2018.

Here are a few interesting quotes regarding the case from the firm taking on Monsanto.

Forty plaintiffs recently filed a lawsuit against agribusiness giant Monsanto in California, alleging that exposure to the herbicide Roundup was the cause of their illness – specifically, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a form of blood cancer that attacks the lymphatic system. Furthermore, plaintiffs allege that Monsanto has been falsifying data and attempting to discredit legitimate research into the health effects of Roundup's active ingredient, glyphosate.

At the same time the lawsuit was filed in Alameda County Superior Court, the Honorable Judge Vincent Chhabria unsealed documents revealing that Monsanto had invented “research” that was later attributed to legitimate scientists – while an EPA official was working to suppress studies of glyphosate from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Two years ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published a paper on research linking glyphosate to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, determining the chemical weed killer to be a “probable carcinogen.” According to the court documents, it was an EPA official who secretly advised Monsanto of the IARC's findings several months prior to the paper's publication. This provided Monsanto with ample opportunity to come up with a propaganda campaign to attack those findings.

The plot thickens. Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture made a little-publicized decision to drop plans to test food for the presence of glyphosate. That testing was to have started next week. The USDA has been working with the FDA for over a year in preparation of tests for corn syrup, a common commercial food additive. A spokesperson said the reason for the decision was “a more efficient use of resources.” The current plan is to test samples of honey, which can contain up to 100 different pesticides – but significantly, glyphosate will not be part of the equation.


One of the issues is that today's safety standards for glyphosate are based on studies from the 1980s, when use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) was a fraction of what it is today. A study recently published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health suggests that in light of increased usage of GBHs across the globe, along with the recent unexplained rise in cases of kidney disease among agricultural workers in equatorial regions, that it’s time to reassess glyphosate safety standards. There have studies going back years indicating that glyphosate plays a role in the development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, as well as impaired reproductive development in male offspring.

However the current litigation turns out for plaintiffs, chances are good that glyphosate litigation is just getting started. Carey Gillam, director of the consumer advocacy organization U.S. Right To Know, speculates that glyphosate litigation could reach the same levels as that over asbestos and tobacco. “[Attorneys] see thousands and thousands of potential plaintiffs, not just in the U.S., but around the world.”



At home, pests in the garden can destroy crops and dishearten the gardener who works so hard to get the food to grow in the first place! This page has a MULTITUDE of safe, environmentally friendly options to rid yourself of those pesky critters!


On a larger, commercial scale, a rechargeable steam pack instead of glyphosate.

On another note, a mixture of plain white vinegar and salt is a toxic mix to a major portion of weeds and other plants, but will NOT leave a genetically altered, completely destroyed, toxin-laden Earth behind.

Oh yeah. And no cancer. Or damage to your unborn babies. Our future.


All seems pretty simple? Well---->This is where you come in!!! Print this article off, and take to your local councilmen. Vote with your DOLLAR, which is possibly one of the ONLY things these guys respond to.....Loss of profit.

This is also the reason I have included the references in the way that I have. (So it is easy to print and take or send to your local council).

Plus, I want this information spread FAR AND WIDE! And so should you! <3

BeBrave and SteemON <3

Signature Heart.jpeg


  1. Monsanto Co. 2002. Backgrounder: History of Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicides. crop_chemicals/default.asp.
  2. Baylis, A.D. 2000. Why glyphosate is a global herbicide: strengths, weaknesses and prospects. Pest Manag. Sci. 56:299-308.
  3. Williams, G.M., R. Kroes, and I.C. Munro. 2000. Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans. Reg. T oxicol. Pharma- col. 31:117-165.
  4. Washington State Univ. 2004. Pesticide Infor- mation Center OnLine. Query for glyphosate.
  5. Kiely, T., D. Donaldson, and A. Grube. 2004. Pesticides industry sales and usage: 2000 and 2001 market estimates. U.S. EPA. Office of Pre- vention, Pesticides, and T oxic Substances. Of- fice of Pesticide Programs. Biological and Eco- nomic Analysis Division. oppbead1/pestsales/01pestsales/table_of_ contents2001.html. Pp.14-15.
  6. Ware, G. 2000. The pesticide book. Fresno CA: Thomson Publications. Pp. 123, 193.
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  8. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act § 2(a) and 2(m).
  9. Calif. EPA. Dept. of Pesticide Regulation. Worker Health and Safety Branch. 2004. Case reports received by the California Pesticide Illness sur- veillance Program, 2000-2002 in which health effects were definitely, probably, or possibly at- tributed to exposure to glyphosate, alone or in combination. Unpublished database printout, Nov. 15.
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Babe, that is a truly brilliant piece of research.
If anyone had any any doubt in their mind regarding glyphosate and indeed Monsanto I'm sure you've settled the argument. Both the product and the company are pure evil. The damage isn't irreversible however action needs to be taken sooner rather than later.
Upvoted and resteemed you awesome Bugger! 😉❤️

Thank you, kind sir! <3

took me awhile to gather all of it and put it in the one place!!! And the only other thing I have experienced that with is......Vaccine Ingredients......One of the most nefarious practices to date only second to bloodletting in the medical field.

I appreciate you stopping by ya big ol' pommy git <3

You are the best Ever.


Damn, that's some serious time spent right there putting that together.

Another excellent article fully referenced and sourced that I can forward to my friends/colleagues. Sadly, most of them won't read it or if they do they will read it up until the point their brains start to realise that if they start to accept the things they are reading they might have to change thier worldview.

Nevertheless, as more great articles like this come out and the link between glyphosate and so many problems we face on earth become clear, it will become harder and harder to ignore.

Great job !!

thank you for your kind words buddy <3 They mean a lot, as a lot of time DOES go into these < 3

Regardless, even if they only read half? The seed is planted, so to speak, and eventually they will no longer be able to deny the hunger for truth in they're souls......I hope :') <3

Thank you so much again for stopping by <3 < 3 <3

My God we are going to look back on these times as darker than the "dark ages"...WTF are we doing to ourselves and the other beings that live here?!! Just pure evil. Sharing this article in my other networks. Great piece AncientMystique! I hope it wakes up many.

We really will......And Who will we have to tell that we let this place end up the way it is???

Our Children. Who are already paying the price, mind you! :( the babies who are lost in utero.....the babies lost to any number of illnesses that strip them of the life they were meant to live before being poisoned.

And yet the one thing that keeps me keeping on....There is hope that our babies are the genius we need to turn the world around for the better <3

Thank you so very much for stopping by <3

And thank you for your passion, you always bring me good energy, and HOPE!

I bow in the presence of your diligence and research @ancientmystique

"Roundup herbicide fed to pregnant rats during the middle part of their pregnancy caused an increase in the number of offspring with abnormal skeletons."

Excellent! this is where I believe it's at! from my understanding yes indeed it certainly has the potential to damage DNA but humans are often resilient so this may not come to fruition in one lifetime but the damaged DNA will continue to be passed down the generations. Much the same as the skeletal damage that's showing up in the rats offspring.

"Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In nearly 50 countries around the world including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMO foods."

Very true, but I believe the EU's mask is beginning to slip on this issue, take a look at this recent development:

I believe they are aware that we are moving towards a time when only GMO will be considered a viable big agriculture food source as everything else will be so depleted and contaminated. But more on that at a later date.

Very sorry to hear about the loss of your grandparents and I respect you for taking the fight to the frontline!! Excellent post as always @ancientmystique

Bud! <3 So happy to see you made it here <3

Firstly, thank you for your amazingly kind words. And Genuinely, for reading the whole article.
I know my research can be tediously long :') <3

So, its very interesting that you note the skeletal malformations, as I think you are absolutely correct in nailing that. DNA damage can be so variant and the net so wide, that the easiest way to restrict us would be our foundation.

Our temples.

As for the bad news on the EU front, in my humble opinion, this is all related to Brexit and another Rothschild puppet getting into office, which is another vote for the worst choice possible....

I truly hope that day doesn't come, my friend.........I suffer already when I cannot get the organic produce I need to feed my family a healthy, non-toxic diet......

I can't imagine a world where my garden does not grow any longer....

Which fires me with a passion to change it. For us.. For our children....>For our grandchildren......Something has to be done...And who else will do it besides us?? <3

Thank you so much for stopping by. Your comments always leave me thinking and make me have to read 3 or 4 times before I construct a reply! I love it <3 <3

Hey @ancientmystique I'm away for the weekend and just out the door. But I wanted to quickly say I don't find your research tediously long in the slightest. I love the way your mind works, it's very different from mine but we share similar perspectives and perceptions. There is a strength to be drawn from that, like there is with our group of friends in it's entirety. Each has their own strength and the combination of each strength has the potential to make an extremely powerful whole! All the work I've done on the nature of reality, time, precessional, energetic cycles and the creation of false and controlled realities is not disjointed it's all leading towards one perspective. A perspective I've been working on my entire life and it ties in with all our work. So steem on my friend I love your work, research and writing :)

The Dirtiest Open Secret In Stem Cell Research Is That Aborted Fetal Embryonic Stem Cells Cause Autism & Cancer.

These two good intelligent people in the video, like most good intelligent people, have no idea about the the depth of pure satanic evil that is slowly devouring the human race.

Embryonic stem cells from abortions is EVIL... it's human sacrifice to demons. Plain and Simple!.
Autism caused by vaccines is also EVIL... a form of demonic possesion called "entitity attachments", in which the Oric Field that offers spiritual protection to a human is lowered by being poisoned by toxins in vaccines, such as mercury, aluminium and aborted baby fetus.
Aluminium is seriously toxic, mercury is seriously toxic.; Mix them together, they become 1000% more toxic. Then for 'good' measure, add aborted baby fetus and inject this devils brew into a perfectly healthy new-born baby, and BINGO.... you have AUTISM!!!

The luciferian satanic agenda of our hidden rulers & political leaders is to make 50% of all children autistic by 2050... to create as much pain and suffering as possible for the demons they worship to feed on.

WAKE-UP PEOPLE!!! They are going to turn humanity into a second class race that is easy to control before they finally exterminate most (99%) of us; Just like they have advertised on the Georgia Guide Stones.

We have to get our heads around the fact that we are dealing with satan worshiping psychopaths, whose only goal in life is the destruction of the human race.
They will ultimately replace humanity with a new race of 3-stranded DNA beings that are not entirely human.

Don't think you are safe bcause you are an adult, or you don't have any children. Mayor Food companies like Pepsico are now adding aborted baby fetus to their ingredients, plus the aluminium in the chemtrails in the air we are breathing, plus the 5g cellphone tower & WiFi radiation we are constantly bathed in, plus the genetiacally modified 'food' we are all eating; It is no exaggeration to say "We are all pretty much screwed!"

All the above facts is public information. Instead of calling me a kook, please be intellectually honest and do your own research before it is too late.
The human race is in a lot of trouble. We are all in a lot of trouble!!!

The Dirtiest Open Secret In Stem Cell Research Is That Aborted Fetal Embryonic Stem Cells Cause Autism & Cancer.

These two good intelligent people in the video, like most good intelligent people, have no idea about the the depth of pure satanic evil that is slowly devouring the human race.

Embryonic stem cells from abortions is EVIL... it's human sacrifice to demons. Plain and Simple!.
Autism caused by vaccines is also EVIL... a form of demonic possesion called "entitity attachments", in which the Oric Field that offers spiritual protection to a human is lowered by being poisoned by toxins in vaccines, such as mercury, aluminium and aborted baby fetus.
Aluminium is seriously toxic, mercury is seriously toxic.; Mix them together, they become 1000% more toxic. Then for good measure, add aborted baby fetus, and BINGO.... you have AUTISM!!!

The luciferian satanic agenda of our hidden rulers & political leaders is to make 50% of all children autistic by 2050... to create as much pain and suffering as possible for the demons they worship to feed on.

WAKE-UP PEOPLE!!! They are going to turn humanity into a second class race that is easy to control before they finally exterminate most (99%) of us; Just like they have advertised on the Georgia Guide Stones.

We have to get our heads around the fact that we are dealing with satan worshiping psychopaths, whose only goal in life is the destruction of the human race.
They will ultimately replace humanity with a new race of 3-stranded DNA beings that are not entirely human.

Don't think you are safe bcause you are an adult, or you don't have any children. Mayor Food companies like Pepsico are now adding aborted baby fetus to their ingredients, plus the aluminium in the chemtrails in the air we are breathing, plus the 5g cellphone tower & WiFi radiation we are constantly bathed in, plus the genetiacally modified 'food' we are all eating; It is no exaggeration to say "We are all pretty much screwed!"

All the above facts is public information. Instead of calling me a kook, please be intellectually honest and do your own research before it is too late.
The human race is in a lot of trouble. We are all in a lot of trouble!!!

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This is supercool! @ancientmystique Thanks! Followed...

Thank you for stopping by <3

Hell yes ! Great Work and Great Post ! Thank you. I have always hated Roundup for many years because of the "half life" issues. From what I understood it takes many, many years to break down to the point of not being poisonous to plants and animals, and flows from place to place wherever and whenever it rains. Eventually ending up in our water tables, streams, city water supplies, and even to our bays and oceans.

Thank you for a wonderful piece of "printable" work !

Thank you for stopping by! <3

I am glad to hear that there IS at least a small portion of the populace who didn't happen to fall for the advertising and push of this chemical when it was first released. <3

The half life has always worried me, on anything man-made. Glyphosate, as strange as this is going to sound, isn't my BIGGEST worry in this crap. The 'Inert" ingredients are the scary ones. And when mixed with the glyphosate....Ouch. We seriously need to gather our britches and get our shit together.
And with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, from MIT, coming out and saying that Glyphosate is causing autism and a HUGE amount of other things..........Wow......Thats HUGE.

I'm 56, Certainly a naturalist ... Agreed, this is very much more important than most people know. When I was younger, the birth autism rate was about 1/10,000, now it's around 1/100 ... but no one seems to know or care .. Americans ... (Most of the time I'm ashamed to be one) ... Grrr, lol Personal Resolutions are really all we can do, and to share what we have learned to others that DO listen. This post is a great example of that.

Thank you for your interest and interaction !
New Follower !

btw lol, One of my Alt Handles is Archon Sovereign ...

Amazing in depth analysis.

This nasty stuff has to be exposed!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read <3

You are absolutely correct. At this point if we broke it down, We have sprayed EVERY SQUARE ACRE of industrialised land with on average 1/2-3/4's of a POUND of this toxic crap. I am surprised at how resilient our Earth is.....

Wow.. that's true I don't even know how food still grows here it's truly amazing. The good thing is I believe that once we get rid of all these man made chemicals the earth with heal itself.